[Mechanical crawler (two-star ability): Derived from the creation of mechanical ancient emperor arm parts, after unsealing a small part of the power in the long years, a large amount of flesh and blood was devoured through the carrier, thus giving birth to a mechanical crawler that can spread pollution.

These mechanical reptiles can enter the brains of contaminated creatures, mechanize the divine body, and can control the body to hunt flesh and blood creatures.

All slain creatures will be implanted with ancient emperor parts (ancient copper), which will further mechanize the creatures.

If the host chooses to fuse the talent, it can condense a mechanical crawler that belongs to the host, control a unit’s mechanical manufacturing items, and share its perspective. 】

[Note: Mechanical reptiles only have parasitic ability, ancient copper comes from the original power of mechanical ancient emperor parts, not their own ability, so they cannot be fused, forced fusion will only be contaminated by ancient copper, called the carrier of mechanical ancient emperor rebirth. ] 】

“It turns out that these patinas are secreted by a substance called ancient copper, which comes from the power of the mechanical ancient emperor, no wonder it has such a terrifying pollution ability.”

Fang Wen sighed, and then continued to say to himself:

“The ability to manipulate mechanical objects, if used to control computers, wouldn’t it be very powerful to hack into the Internet, quantum life?”

Fang Wen was a little shocked in his heart, but when he asked specifically, he was a little disappointed.

Because the mechanical crawlers created are only parasitic on machinery, not in the network, they cannot invade some confidential files at will like some powerful artificial intelligence.

But even so, after the mechanical crawler invades the mechanical product, the performance of the item will be improved to a certain extent, which seems to be the so-called mechanical affinity.

In this world where cultivation is the main and technology is the auxiliary, this ability is simply a powerful auxiliary ability.

If you can use a crawler to control a drone, through the ability to share perspectives, Fang Wen can even enter and probe some areas of magnetic field disorder and perceive danger in advance.

There is no capacity for waste, only users of waste!

“But this ability alone doesn’t seem to be able to help me blend into the patina field…”

Fang Wen thought for a moment, suddenly thought of something, and set his eyes on those mechanical monsters that were still moving slowly with the spread of ancient copper, and the corners of his mouth suddenly rose, revealing a wanton smile.

The smile was extremely strange, and he also looked at these mechanical monsters eagerly, as if he saw some treasure.

“It’s really embarrassing, I actually fell into a misunderstanding, since a two-star ability is not enough, then directly extract some more talent abilities, and then fuse them, isn’t it?”

“As for the talent module…”

Fang Wen looked at these terrifying mechanical monsters that were still approaching, held the fire blade in his hand and slowly walked over, and said as he walked:

“Don’t be afraid, it doesn’t hurt at all!”

Fang Wen stood outside the realm of ancient copper, looking at these crowded mechanical monsters, and the flesh and blood had been completely devoured by the gears differentiated from those ancient coppers.

Only a mechanical body remained, a human skin was propped up, and a pair of eyes emitted scarlet light, and the previous appearance could be vaguely seen, but now it was unrecognizable.

Originally, they were just ordinary humans with a good life, but because of the pollution of the parts of the mechanical ancient emperor, they became one of the constituent fragments of the altar, and even their thoughts were distorted, and they became fanatical believers of the mechanical ancient emperor.

Thinking of this, Fang Wen’s expression also eased a little, looking at these monsters in front of him who were trying to devour their own flesh and blood, and said softly:

“Let me help you get free!”

“Blade of Rebirth!”

The fire knife in his hand is brandished, as if the scene of all things growing and dying and being reborn evolves, life dies for a better next life, and the mystery of life is fully revealed.

The knife containing the artistic conception of life did not have the slightest edge, but the so-called mechanical body was fragile and paper-like in front of him, the flames spread, the cold light flickered, dozens of mechanical monsters were beheaded, and a large number of mechanical heads flew up.

This knife is not just a killing, but also a relief to welcome a new life!

The power of life spread, as if everything returned to its origin, everything returned to its original state, and even the scarlet light in the eyes of these mechanical heads began to fade.

One of the middle-aged looking mechanical heads fell to the ground, rolled around a few times, and looked at Fang Wen who was holding a knife.

His eyes briefly regained their lucidity, and he said in a hoarse mechanical voice:

“I saw my newborn, afterlife, thank you…”

Before the words were finished, its head began to be covered with patina, and at the moment when it was about to dissolve, the fate of the system descended, directly targeting the mechanical reptile and stealing its talent.


With a wail, the mechanical reptile turned into flying ash and dissipated, and this scene continued.

Many mechanical heads were under this knife, briefly getting rid of mechanical parasitism and ushering in a new life on the edge of death.

“Thank you…”

“I’m human, not mechanical…”

“Finally dead…”

“The Terrans are never defeated…”

“Come on, boy…”

“Kill all these mechanical beasts…”


Although they control, they still have a weak consciousness and can feel what they have done, but they are parasitized by mechanical crawlers and lose their ability to resist, and can only watch themselves being devoured by machinery.

This kind of pain is far more than death!

This is the pathos of the weak.

At the moment when the mechanical reptiles were stolen from their talents and they were on the verge of death, they finally gained control for a short time, and thanked and encouraged Fang Wen who gave them liberation.

Fang Wen listened to their thanks, his eyes fluctuated slightly, and after being silent for a while, he said:

“Take what you need!”

I take the talent module,

Liberation for you!

Equivalent exchange!

is his life principle,

It is also the law of life!

As the mechanical monsters continued to die, their corpses quickly began to decay, turning into a large amount of patina and began to spread, continuing to expand the realm of ancient copper.

However, Fang Wen looked at this expanding ancient copper realm, his expression did not fluctuate in the slightest, and he used the boundaries of the red copper realm to kill all the one hundred and seventeen mechanical monsters crowded on the edge, and all of them used the life artistic conception!

Let them die with human dignity.


Fang Wen exhaled gently, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand, and adjusted his physical strength.

Although it is not difficult to use the artistic conception of life, continuous use will still make the spirit feel great exhaustion.

Fortunately, with the blessing of Nirvana, this consumption can be quickly restored.

With the death of a large number of mechanical monsters, the mechanical monsters in the ancient copper field also found that something was wrong and stopped approaching, after all, although they were a little stupid, they had instincts.

However, the premise is that Fang Wen’s flesh and blood body does not directly step into the ancient copper realm.

Fang Wen looked at the mechanical monsters that were staring at him greedily, raised his middle finger, and laughed:

“I have the ability to come here, miscellaneous repair!”

However, the mechanical monsters did not get angry or approaching, but continued to wander in the ancient copper realm, murmuring strange sacrificial words.

Fang Wen was naturally not interested in cursing with a bunch of insects, but looked at the 118 talent modules in his mind, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Merge it for me!”

More than a hundred talent modules shining with copper light were intertwined, turning into countless points of light and began to fuse together.

This was the first time that Fang Wen had fused so many talents, even if it was a demon race, it would be difficult to find so many transcendent level monster talents if they did not enter their lair to kill.

After all, they are special lives from mechanical ancient emperor parts!


A large number of talent modules were intertwined, and the red light gradually turned into a special silver, flashing with icy light, like an icy mechanical cube.

“Ding, talent fusion complete!”

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