Fang Wen did not hesitate and directly checked the attributes of this new fusion talent.

[Mechanical Instinct (three-star talent): Derived from the fusion of mechanical reptile talent, can have ordinary mechanical talent, can give birth to five mechanical crawlers, control five mechanical products respectively, and form perspective sharing.

After fusing talents, you will have a high mechanical affinity like a mecha, and you can easily use any mechanical product.

And be able to command a small number of mechanical crawlers, provided that there are no higher-privileged superiors nearby. 】

[Note: Fusion of more mechanical type talents, there is a chance of fusion to produce more powerful talent abilities.] 】

“Three-star mechanical instinct, more than a hundred can not be fused to four-star, it seems that the higher the star ability, the more similar talents are needed to fuse, and I don’t know if this time can harvest mechanical monsters for upgrades…”

Fang Wen also had some regrets, but thinking that the power of high-star is indeed far beyond low-star, it is normal to have a high difficulty of fusion, anyway, this time there is still a chance to harvest.

And he is still quite satisfied with this ability.

After all, [Mechanical Instinct] can not only control a larger number of crawlers, but also easily get started with all mechanical products.

As long as it is a mechanical life, it will have a very high affinity for him, which is simply full of mechanical race favorability, and can also order a small number of mechanical crawlers.

It was simply to copy the talent of the mechanical race to him, and directly began to make noise!

If you can extract tens of millions of mechanical monster talent fusions, can you have a talent close to the mechanical ancient emperor?

“The only drawback is that I am still flesh and blood, and if I go in, it is easy to be discovered, even if I have a high degree of favorability, I am easy to be attacked…”

Fang Wen thought for a while, tried to use the artistic conception of life to cover his flesh and blood breath, and was indeed able to succeed.

Under the blessing of the Life-Heavy Business Realm, the living aura on Fang Wen’s body quickly disappeared, as if it were an inanimate object, and the flesh and blood also lost their vitality, turning like stones.

“Sure enough, it can be successful!”

A flash of joy flashed in Fang Wen’s eyes, and he directly chose to fuse his talent, and his mechanical instinct turned into a point of light and merged into the depths of his soul, which was quickly mastered by him.

“The next thing is to try.”

Fang Wen covered his breath, and then tentatively stepped into the ancient copper realm, stepping on the thick patina.

The breath of decay pervaded, and the mechanical monsters were stunned for a moment when they saw Fang Wen’s movements, but they did not attack, and then continued to wander in the rest of the directions, constantly muttering:

“Flesh and blood are weak, machinery is eternal!”

Sure enough, it worked!

Fang Wen was overjoyed in his heart, and then used the [Mimicry] ability stolen from the lizard monster to simulate the mechanical monster on his face and limbs, and a large number of gears turned, looking like a newly born mechanical monster from a distance.

So Fang Wen continued to step on this thick patina and began to walk inside.

And the deeper he went into the ancient copper realm, the more shocked he became!

These patinas, called “ancient copper”, have completely twisted everything into patina, and even high-rise buildings made of cement and steel have cracked, constantly falling patina and falling into the earth.

All substances have been eroded and transformed by ancient copper.


A small house that did not resist the corruption of ancient copper began to collapse, turning into a large amount of red patina and spreading, expanding the field.

And in this, Fang Wen also saw more mechanical monsters, a full thousand, and they are constantly gathering, if everyone in the range is transformed, then at least tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands of monsters.

The more than a hundred he just killed is a drop in the bucket compared to it.

“What a terrifying infection speed!”

Fang Wen was shocked in his heart, and the fluctuation of life mood actually exuded a trace of breath, which suddenly made all mechanical monsters stop.

“The breath of flesh and blood…”

“There is life…”


“Devouring flesh and blood…”

The scarlet light in the eyes of these mechanical monsters became more and more distorted, and they emitted a hoarse low voice, and they looked towards Fang Wen in unison, staring directly at him!


Being stared at by thousands of pairs of monster eyes, even Fang Wen felt a little panicked, after all, once exposed, he might not be able to retreat in this extraordinary mechanical frenzy.

Thousands of extraordinary monsters, piles can kill you!

However, Fang Wen did not lose his cool, looking at these mechanical monsters, his eyes also added red light special effects with [Mimicry], and he said in a hurry:

“Flesh and blood are weak, only machinery is eternal, sacrifice dirty flesh and blood!”

The voice was hoarse, with a twisted frenzy, which made the rest of the mechanical monsters stunned for a moment, and then began to murmur together:

“Flesh and blood are weak, machinery is eternal!”

“Flesh and blood are weak, machinery is eternal!”

They fell into a strange frenzy, even forgetting what had just flashed through the breath of life.

This made Fang Wen couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, secretly sighing that he still had a bit of talent as a movie king.

“But… There seems to be room for manoeuvre. ”

Looking at these mechanical monsters that were controlled by machinery and did not have enough IQ, Fang Wen suddenly had a whim.


He suddenly punched out, directly burst the head of a mechanical monster, and stole the talent of the mechanical crawler in it.


The mechanical monsters fell with a bang, and the rest of the mechanical monsters also looked over.

Fang Wen, on the other hand, ignored these realizations and continued his netherworld operations, shouting:

“Flesh and blood are weak, machinery is eternal, this machine… Big drop broken, no yo west, there is a problem! ”


Although the rest of the mechanical monsters are a little puzzled, they are controlled by mechanical crawlers and do not have enough intelligence, only simple logic.

Therefore, they did not find any abnormalities in Fang Wen, but only felt that it was a relatively strange kind.

Therefore, the rest of the mechanical monsters also continued to walk, muttering as they went:

“The altar… Mechanical angels…”

Fang Wen, on the other hand, determined the feasibility of this operation, so he began to steal the talent of mechanical monsters.

Originally, I wanted to keep a low profile and steal slowly, but not only slowly, but also steal failure.

So simply punch a headshot, the mechanical monster who held back looked over, and directly gave a sentence of “there is a problem” to start harvesting, killing for a long time and even giving no reason.

After all, these are mobile talent modules, which can be used to upgrade the skill of mechanical instinct, and maybe can be integrated into a four-star talent.

If you miss this opportunity, you may not be able to collect similar talent modules in the future.

Mechanical monsters are rare!

Because of his extremely high mechanical affinity and similar authority to the mechanical race, although the rest of the mechanical monsters doubted his killing, they did not doubt too much, but made a pilgrimage and walked towards the deepest place.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With the continuous influx of mechanical monsters, there were even more than a dozen huge mechanical monsters, five meters tall, leaving huge footprints with each step, and the earth trembled.

Their bodies have been completely covered with gears, and even the human skin that is supported has been torn apart, without hiding their terrifying and distorted shape, like a deformed mechanical giant.

“Flesh and blood are weak…”

“Mechanical eternity…”

“Meet the great mechanical angel…”

Their eyes glowed with a strange red light, and they kept muttering strange words, walking towards a deeper place like the rest of the mechanical monsters.

“How about trying this kind of big guy too, can you kill?”

Fang Wen, who was harvesting his talent, looked at these mechanical giants of the Earth Soul Rank, and an idea flashed in his heart.

But at the moment when his killing intent appeared, a mechanical giant actually stopped, and its huge empty eyes looked in his direction.

“I was able to find out!”

Fang Wen was shocked in his heart, and directly converged his killing intent, and even the hand that harvested these ordinary mechanical monsters stopped.


The mechanical giant just looked around, and when he didn’t find the source of danger, he turned his head and continued to walk forward, stepping on a passing mechanical monster during the walk.

And Fang Wen looked at this scene, while shattering the head of a mechanical monster, he sighed at the speed of evolution of these monsters.

Unexpectedly, a mechanical giant of the Earth Soul rank appeared so quickly, and his intelligence seemed to have improved a lot!

If they continue to evolve, there will really be a big problem.

But haven’t the special departments and the military returned yet? Didn’t there move at all?

What exactly is the special department suppressing, and even these monsters don’t have time to deal with it?

However, Fang Wen was not ready to rely on them, and just when he was about to continue harvesting after harvesting more than a hundred mechanical monsters, an icy voice suddenly came from ahead:

“What are you doing?”

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