Gao Wu: Work Hard? Who Would Work Hard After Being Immortal?

Chapter 10 Marrow Cleansing Potion, Guardian's Battle Suit

"Why are you back!"

Gu Yue's face has not changed much from before, with neat short hair and delicate face, wearing a blue special battle suit, like a female warrior.

Putting the black travel bag in her hand on the sofa, Gu Yue frowned, "You don't welcome me before you get married?"

"How could it be! After all, it's good that you come back once a month. Didn't you just come back last week? There must be something when you come back!" Gu Bai smiled apologetically.


Gu Yue nodded and opened the travel bag. Gu Bai leaned over to take a look and found three USB flash drives and three metal boxes inside. He took out one of the metal boxes and entered a series of passwords. The box opened and there was a cup-sized white medicine lying inside.

Gu Yue took out the medicine and handed it to Gu Bai.

"Drink it!"

"Ah?" Gu Bai was puzzled.

"Don't ask, drink it first!"

Gu Bai was a little confused, but he definitely trusted Gu Yue. After taking the potion, he easily opened it and drank it down. There was a bloody taste in the taste, but there was also a very sweet feeling.

"No feeling?" Gu Yue asked.

"Not yet!" Gu Bai shook his head, not even feeling the burning sensation of taking the basic cell potion.

But as soon as Gu Bai finished speaking, a strong energy bloomed from Gu Bai's body. Gu Bai only felt that countless insects were gnawing at his body. A bone-piercing pain made Gu Bai collapse to the ground and curl up.

"Xiao... Yue! Are you... going to... murder me!" Gu Bai said word by word while forcing himself to endure the pain. Although he knew that this must be the pre-effect of the potion, Gu Bai couldn't stand the pain.

"Yes!" Seeing Gu Bai's situation, Gu Yue laughed, and then sat on the sofa next to him.

Then, Gu Bai felt like he was burning on a raging fire, and endless heat was released from his body. This process lasted for about a few minutes. At this moment, Gu Bai clearly felt the feeling of living a year in school!

It was so uncomfortable!

Gu Bai, who was soaked in sweat, lay on the floor with his eyes blank.

At this time, a strange feeling came, and Gu Bai hurried to the toilet.

There were strange noises in the toilet.


Half an hour later, Gu Bai, wrapped in a bath towel, walked out of the toilet refreshed.

"Xiao Yue, what kind of potion is this? I feel much more relaxed!" Gu Bai twisted his body and asked.

"This is a marrow cleansing potion! A potion made from the blood of a special ascension-level beast!"

"Marrow cleansing potion? Is it expensive?" Gu Bai asked weakly.

"Not expensive." Gu Yue shook her head,

"That's good!" Gu Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's only tens of millions."

"What is this medicine? A few thousand yuan is not cheap..."

"Thousands... Tens of thousands!" Gu Bai jumped up with a start, and the towel wrapped around his body almost fell off.

He held the towel and said weakly: "Can I return it within seven days without any reason?"

"I knew you wouldn't drink it, so I asked you to drink it first!" Gu Yue said as she took out another metal box from the black travel bag. This box was much larger than the previous one. After opening it, it was full of medicine, the same size as the basic cell medicine.

"What is this again? I won't drink it this time!" Gu Bai took a step back.

Gu Yue explained: "You should have reached the level of Transcendent! This is a one-star cell potion, but it is an enhanced version. One bottle can provide you with a month's worth of energy for cultivation! The effect is actually not much different from the ordinary one, but it is more convenient to use!"

"The three USB flash drives contain a one-star cultivation method suitable for you and two one-star combat skills!"

"Inside the last metal box is a set of combat clothing that can resist some attacks from sky-stepping beasts!"

"Ah?" Gu Bai was confused. He didn't expect Gu Yue to suddenly give him so many things.

Gu Yue continued: "The marrow cleansing potion works better for people with poor talent. You used to increase your cell strength by 0.3 per year. After using it, you should be able to increase it by about 0.6 per year! Now that Transcendent uses a higher level of cultivation, it will also increase synchronously!"

"This potion is in short supply in those rich circles! After all, there are many rich people with poor talent!"

After speaking, Gu Yue asked: "If you are the one with the better talent among the two of us, will you help me cultivate?"

"Yes!" Gu Yue asked and answered himself.

Gu Bai lowered his head, not knowing what to say.

But it seems to be true. No matter who has better talent, they will help the other party practice to the best of their ability.

"That's it! Why are you being polite? I am your only relative!" Gu Yue said as she put all the things in front of Gu Bai.

Gu Yue stood up and touched the faint wrinkles on Gu Bai's face.

Gu Bai, who is in his forties, no longer has the vigor and vitality of his youth. His face now looks a little vicissitudes.

"Look at you like this, how can I feel at ease! Without these things, you may be dead in a hundred years!"

As he grew older, Gu Bai also used the god-level disguise technique to change his face.

Gu Bai wanted to tell Gu Yue about his immortality, but he opened his mouth but didn't say it.

He thought he could live a stable and peaceful life without causing trouble to Gu Yue, but he didn't think that his talent and strength itself would cause trouble to Gu Yue.

He was very selfish, thinking that after a hundred years, he could use the god-level disguise and the god-level turtle breathing technique to go to other base cities to change his identity and live forever! But he never thought that he was Gu Yue's only relative. He could watch Gu Yue secretly, but Gu Yue couldn't!

"I know, Xiaoyue, I will practice well!" Gu Bai touched Gu Yue's head like he did when he was a child.

Gu Yue smiled when he heard this, "The practice method for you is "Changchun Jue", which fits your healing technique and has the effect of slightly increasing your lifespan!"

"In addition to giving you the practice resources, there is one more thing to say!"

Gu Yue cleared his throat.

"Decades ago, a weak space area appeared 100 kilometers away from our Lincheng Base City. According to the detection and exploration over the years, there is a high probability that a medium-sized crack will appear here, and the internal energy has reached the order of 6915, which means that the alien beasts that appear here are unlikely to exceed the Ascension Level!"

"The sharp blades of Lincheng Base City and the city defense high-level discussed with the families in the joint base and decided not to use the space stabilization device to slowly clear the weak space area, but to use the alien beast resources inside to make Lincheng Base City a large base city of Longxia!"

"It is expected that the space crack will open in 30 to 50 years, and Lincheng Base City will usher in a wave of alien beasts!"

"I tell you this to prepare you, but don't rush to cut the alien beasts. You are a member of the medical team, just do your medical work in the back!"

Gu Bai smiled embarrassedly and nodded, "I know!"

"Brother, you work hard, I'll go back first!" Gu Yue said as he walked towards the door.


"By the way, this key is for you!" Gu Yue seemed to remember something, took out a black round remote control from the pocket on his waist and threw it on the sofa.

"This car is for you to use. It's parked in the parking lot! You can find out which one it is by pressing the button!"

"Ah..." Gu Bai was about to refuse, but after thinking about it, he had already obtained these resources, so he didn't need this car.

Accepting it calmly seemed to be the greatest help to Gu Yue, and it could also make Gu Yue feel at ease.

After Gu Yue left, Gu Bai packed up the travel bag on the sofa and took it to his bedroom.

Gu Bai opened the metal box containing the battle suit, and a folded black battle suit was lying inside. It felt cold to the touch. Gu Bai put it on himself and found that the battle suit was very thick, but it didn't seem nervous at all, and it wouldn't affect any of his movements.

After putting on this battle suit, Gu Bai felt that he had endless power all over his body!

Just like putting on new basketball shoes when playing basketball, his body was itchy.

Gu Bai pressed a touch button on his waist, and after waiting for about five seconds, the back of the suit began to wriggle, like flowing metal, completely wrapping Gu Bai's head. Inside the suit, Gu Bai's eyes appeared with pale blue screens, but there was no information displayed on them.

The chip inside the suit has automatically connected to Longxia's artificial intelligence Tianlong, and will automatically analyze the weaknesses and intelligence of the target facing the host.

As for how Gu Bai knew all this, of course it was the instruction manual of the Guardian Suit 3.0 in Gu Bai's hand.

Gu Bai came to the mirror and looked at the dark figure in front of him. It was true that people rely on clothes and dogs rely on their masters. Putting on this suit completely blocked Gu Bai's ordinary figure and face.

Like a space warrior in a science fiction movie, Gu Bai narcissistically posed a few poses, took off his clothes, and put them in a metal box.

"It should be a long time before I wear this clothes!" Gu Bai muttered, hid the metal box, and then took out the three USB drives and transferred the combat skills in the cultivation method to the computer.

The training method is the one-star technique "Eternal Spring Secret", and the two combat skills are the one-star combat skill "Iron Wall" and the one-star combat skill "Turtle Breathing Technique".

Combat skills and training methods are copyrighted. Except for those that have been published, the internal files of the USB flash drive will be self-destructed after being used once. It is also illegal to teach others combat skills and training methods without authorization.

"Xiao Yue is really worried that I will fail!" Gu Bai said with a wry smile.

The breathing method that I practiced for several months before was wasted...

Gu Bai opened the USB file of the Eternal Spring Secret and began to practice according to the above steps.

He secretly thought in his heart: "Master the Eternal Spring Secret within a month!"


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