Spring goes and autumn comes, and it has been ten years since Gu Bai became a member of the medical team!

Some members left the medical team, and some new people joined their team. Gu Bai also became a senior in the medical team!

Every day, watching those strong people coming and going, Gu Bai was full of yearning for the world of strange beasts and top strong people. He would ask those who came for treatment about their circle when he had the chance.

"Brother, you are so strong! How strong a strange beast can cause this wound to you!"

Gu Bai applied the hemostatic and disinfectant medicine on a wound of more than ten centimeters on the arm of a young man, and then wrapped the wound with his right hand emitting green light.

Not long after, the wound on the arm scabs, and it should disappear completely after a short period of time.

The young man posed in what he thought was a handsome pose and said, "At that time, our hunting team was hunting a beast close to the Sky-stepping Realm. Unexpectedly, it attracted several Sky-stepping Realm creatures. In order to let my teammates go first, I had to join the game and seek a glimmer of hope!"

"Later, I released the supreme secret method to repel these Sky-stepping Realm creatures, but at the critical moment, there was actually a Sky-stepping Realm beast in the dark. It had no martial ethics and attacked me, a genius who would definitely be a supreme power in the future..."

"In the end, I didn't even kill a Sky-stepping Realm beast!" He touched the wound on his hand and looked regretful.

"No matter what the result is, Brother Fang, I hope you are safe! Otherwise, it would be a huge loss for the entire human race!" Gu Bai comforted him with a serious face.

"You still understand me! Brother Xiaobai!"

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing a special red battle suit pulled open the curtain of the tent and walked in, looking at Brother Fang in front of Gu Bai and said: "Are you done? I told you to run first, but you still fell down. I really admire you!"

"Okay, okay! Stop rushing!" Brother Fang waved to Gu Bai and stood up and walked towards the middle-aged man.

The two left the tent together. Gu Bai could vaguely hear Brother Fang's complaints: "I'm over 40 years old. Can you give me some face outside?"

"Brother Bai, how come you can always get along with those hunting teams! When we talk to those people, they don't want to pay attention to us!" A young man came to Gu Bai and asked curiously.

Gu Bai explained like a master: "From the condition of the injured, his appearance, age, and tone, you have to see his current mood and whether he is in a hurry. Combined with various situations... and you can't ask directly, you have to get close to him first..."

The man nodded, "Oh! Brother Bai, I understand, I'll come next time too!"

[Ding! Get 0.1 free attribute points! 】

At this time, an electronic sound came from Gu Bai's mind.

"It's been 25 years!" Gu Bai sighed in his heart. It has been 25 years since he got the golden finger, and he has reached 47 years old.

"That sister Hua, I have something to do, so I'll leave first! I'll treat you to dinner when I'm free!" Gu Bai stood up and took off his white coat, and said to the woman with a few wrinkles on her face.

"Okay! Six hours a day, it's good to see you sitting here for five hours!" Sister Hua said happily.

"Why doesn't Brother Bai treat me!" The young man next to Gu Bai laughed.

"Shouldn't you think you should treat me? Why do you want me to treat you!"

"That's fine! You treat Sister Hua, and I treat Brother Bai!"

Gu Bai left the tent, rode the newly bought suspended electromagnetic electric donkey placed under the wall, showed his identity information, and entered the base city.

Galloping all the way.

Gu Bai looked at the panel on the lower right corner of his eye.

【Gu Bai

【Cell Strength: 9.9

【Superpower: Healing (F)

【Free Attribute Points: 0.4

10 years ago, Gu Bai's cell strength was 7.2, and 10 years later, Gu Bai's cell strength only increased by 2.7.

On average, it only increased by a little more than 0.2 per year, close to the Transcendental Level. The energy of the basic cell potion cannot fully support the energy required for Gu Bai's cell strength improvement. Without high-quality energy, the strength of the improvement is reduced.

In addition, Gu Bai's healing skills have been improved again in the past ten years, and the effect has been improved again.

Lincheng Social Welfare Building.

Gu Bai parked his car in the small car parking lot outside and entered it.

At the front desk, Gu Bai showed his identity information and said:

"Hello! I'm here to apply for personal social welfare!"

"Okay!" The front desk staff continued: "Mr. Gu Bai, take your license plate to 201 to check your body cell strength and other detailed information!"

"Thank you!"

After taking the license plate, Gu Bai went to the lobby on the second floor to wait.

After the strength of body cells reaches the Transcendent Level, you can receive official social welfare every month, which is about 1,500 Longxia coins.

However, you need to come to the Welfare Building for identification. After the identification is completed, the money will be transferred to the bound account every month.

This can also be regarded as reducing some of the burden on those civilians who have entered the Transcendental Age.

"Please ask No. 0653 Gu Bai to go to the No. 03 Testing Room for testing!" An electronic sound resounded throughout the hall.

Gu Bai entered the room, and several blue lights scanned Gu Bai.

"Retina, facial confirmation is successful!"

"Please sit down in front and put your right arm on the table in front!" said the staff in the room.

Gu Bai nodded. Gu Bai had already had this kind of test before the college entrance examination. He sat in his seat skillfully and put his right arm on the table in front.

The staff pressed the button of the instrument next to him, and then a huge mechanical arm slowly fell down, and a small needle stretched out from the middle to take a drop of blood from Gu Bai's arm and put it in the instrument next to it.

"Please wait a minute or two!" the staff continued.

Not long after, the drop of blood was cleaned by the instrument, and an electronic sound came from the instrument at the same time.

"Test completed, cell strength is 10.03, cells have sequence 3 ranking 9888 superpowers: healing!" The staff said: "Please go outside to confirm the test results!" "Okay, thank you!" After leaving the room, Gu Bai came to a window next to him, entered his number plate, and his test results appeared on it. He signed on it and clicked to confirm. Gu Bai came to a window on the first floor again. "Apply for personal social welfare!" Gu Bai handed the number plate to the staff. "Okay, please wait!" The staff took the number plate and nodded. "Look up and look at the camera to see if you have a criminal record!" The staff controlled the camera on the projection and said. After a while, "The application is successful, 1500 Longxia coins social welfare for the mortal level plus 1000 Longxia coins social welfare for the sequence 3 superpowers, please go to the information on the communicator to confirm the binding!" Sequence 4 is 200, Sequence 3 is 1000, Sequence 2 is 10000, and Sequence 1 is 200,000. However, the prerequisite for having superpowers to receive social welfare is to reach the mortal level. "Okay!"

After leaving the welfare building, Gu Bai found a restaurant on the roadside to have lunch, and then went to the official pharmacy to buy 100 bottles of one-star cell medicine, which cost 10,000 Longxia coins.

Then Gu Bai rushed towards the direction of Linming Community.

"Today is such a good day..."

It's great to work for only a few hours!

After working for ten years, Gu Bai is also very familiar with his work. Being late and leaving early is what Gu Bai often does.

But Gu Bai, who has the healing ability, is now one of the main forces in the group. He is kind and has a good relationship with others in the group, so everyone turns a blind eye.

"I have broken through to the Transcendent Realm, and I have to learn new cultivation methods! My own Transcendent Realm cultivation speed should be much faster than before!" Gu Bai parked the car in the parking lot of the community and rushed home.

Each different stage of cell strength requires different cell medicines and different cultivation methods to match.

The cell realm division announced by Longxia is the result of research by a large number of scientists, and it is not a random division.

The cultivation speed of ordinary people with cell strength below 10 is 0.1~0.5 per year, but after the Transcendent Level, using higher-intensity cell medicines and cultivation methods, the cultivation speed may increase by 0.5~1 per year!

Gu Bai came to the room, turned on the computer and entered the official website of Longxia, found the official cultivation method, and found a one-star cultivation method called "Practice Breathing Method".

Click on the video and detailed explanation of the cultivation method.

Gu Bai had been looking for a suitable one-star cultivation method on the official website of Longxia a few months ago. This practice breathing method is one of the easier ones to practice among the one-star methods announced by Longxia.

Use the adjustment of breathing rhythm to temper cells.

After practicing for half an hour every day for several months, Gu Bai is now getting started!

Gu Bai projected his computer screen on the wall and practiced the breathing method on it.

At this time, Gu Bai heard the sound of the door opening.

"Xiaoyue is back?" Gu Bai muttered and paused the video.

Gu Bai immediately opened the door of his bedroom.

"Brother, you are here! I just happened to be looking for you for something!"


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