Gao Wu: Work Hard? Who Would Work Hard After Being Immortal?

Chapter 27 Pension, The Idea Of ​​Becoming A Spiritual Chef

Gu Bai explained some matters and left the office building.

"Nothing to do makes me feel light!" Gu Bai opened his arms, looked up at the sky, and had a smile on his face.


Now is the retirement life I have been looking forward to for a long time!

Gu Bai went to the parking lot to get his car and then came to the Lincheng Social Welfare Building where he had handled personal social welfare before.

"Hello! Apply for pension!" Came to the front desk on the first floor.

"Okay! Please show your ID!"

After a while, the staff handed Gu Bai a list with Gu Bai's work experience after leaving society.

Longxia's pension does not require social security payment, and there is no fixed retirement age. If you want, you can retire at the age of 25.

There is no exact amount of pension. The calculation method is one-tenth to one-half of your average monthly salary in your previous job.

What affects the calculation method is the contribution of work to society.

The number of years you can receive pension is your working years.

For example, Gu Bai has worked for 61 years from graduating from high school at the age of 18 to now when he is 79 years old. In theory, Gu Bai can receive pension for 61 years.

Of course, there are some bonus points, such as Gu Bai is an official staff member and participated in the war against the alien beast tide during work.

"31,000 Longxia coins per month, the period of receipt: 90 years!" Looking at the information on the list, Gu Bai's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

I didn't expect that the official staff would have such a high bonus for the alien beast tide.

Gu Bai's pension was directly raised by several levels.

"If you have any doubts or dissatisfaction, you can appeal on the official website of the Social Welfare Building, and there will generally be a result within one day!" The staff reminded.

"No! Thank you!" Holding the list, Gu Bai entered the pension information in another window. After confirming that it was correct, Gu Bai returned home.

After returning home, Gu Bai entered his bedroom, packed up his work clothes and put them aside.

Then he lay on the bed, looked at the white ceiling, and began to think about life.

Just now, Gu Bai looked at the balance of his account, and there were more than three million Longxia coins.

This money is the accumulation of wages over the years and the profits of the grocery store minus daily consumption and cultivation consumption.

"There is a house in the city center, the monthly rent is about 50,000. With the pension plus the social welfare of the air-breaking level and the supernatural power and the profit of the grocery store, the monthly income is about 100,000." Gu Bai muttered.

The house in the city center was allocated before he became the captain of the medical team. He has been in the medical team for more than 20 years, and the house has become his asset.

"100,000 a month, not bad! Next, let's play badly and enjoy life!" Gu Bai smiled and went to nap time.

The black curtain opened the prelude to the night.

"It's only been a short time since the alien beast tide, and you're retiring! You really can't wait!"

"You retire but I can't?"

"Hahahaha, I think everyone has their own retribution. What's wrong with wanting you to work for a few more years! Also, you're retired, can you find a wife now?"

In a box of the Fugui Hotel, Gu Bai and Zheng Pinggui sat on the sofa and chatted.

"What wife? My pension can only support me!" Gu Bai shook his head.

"Oh, you are definitely not poorer than me! What's more, you have your sister, how can you be poor!" Zheng Pinggui looked unconvinced.

"Then what are the benefits of marriage you told me?"

Zheng Pinggui paused, holding his chin and thinking for a while.

"Well... of course there are many benefits! For example... for example... having a child!"

"And more!" Gu Bai stared at Zheng Pinggui with a smile on his face.

"Hahahaha, there are many benefits, look how happy I am now!" Zheng Ping smiled, "Okay, let's not talk about this, do you want to go fishing with me when you retire and have nothing to do!"

Zheng Pinggui changed the subject.


"Yes! Just over your Qiuluo Lake!"

"Why do you suddenly want to fish?" Gu Bai's eyes were full of smiles, as if he guessed something, "You don't want to stay at home, do you?"

"Bullshit, how can that be!" Zheng Pinggui snorted coldly.

"The mistress is broken!"

"I don't care about Brother Bai. You should find someone to marry right away. We agreed to share happiness and hardship. I have already received my own retribution, why haven't you!"

A man in his seventies or eighties was throwing a tantrum in front of Gu Bai.

Gu Bai kicked him aside.

"Go away!"

At this time, the door of the box opened and the waiter came in with a food cart.

He placed the snacks and drinks of the exotic beast meat ordered by the two people on the table in front of them and left the box.

After eating, Gu Bai and Zheng Pinggui went back to their homes.

Time flies, and it has been two years since the exotic beast tide.

The traces of the exotic beast tide to the base city have almost disappeared, leaving only the devastation on the wilderness reflecting that period of history.

The north and south walls have also been restored to their original state, and the number of exotic beasts around has increased a lot. The increase in exotic beast resources has attracted hunting teams from other base cities.

The hunting team came to Lincheng Base City to promote the local GDP. For a time, Lincheng Base City has developed steadily.

The government also adjusts policies from time to time, and the base is changing with each passing day.

East of Lincheng Base City, Qiuluo Lake

"Brother Yun! How do you manage to never go home empty-handed!"

"Don't you see what bait I use? Red shrimp, one pound costs 100,000! If I can't catch it, I'll lose money!"

"It turns out it's money!" Gu Bai showed an expression of "I see."

"What money! Bait is important, but more importantly, my perseverance and fishing skills!" A middle-aged man who was fishing smiled.

"Yes, yes, yes! Brother Yun's skills are the best in the whole Qiuluo Lake!" Gu Bai responded and left the area where the man was.

After crossing about a kilometer, they came to a shade of a tree.

A man was sitting there fishing, and the white plastic bucket next to him was empty.

After Gu Bai came back, he explained to Zheng Pinggui, who said he had no money after listening.

"Brother Bai, I'll leave the fish I catch at your house. We can't eat so much at home! My wife nagged me yesterday!"


After retirement, Gu Bai had nothing to do except daily practice and reading, so he went out to fish with Zheng Pinggui.

You don't know until you fish, you'll get addicted.

The time he spends fishing every day is longer than the time he spends practicing and reading.

Gu Bai is quite satisfied with such a leisurely and carefree life, although sometimes he feels very bored and purposeless, and feels a bit confused like in his twenties.

It was getting late, and the two packed up and left the Qiuyue Lake area.

When he returned home, Gu Bai took out a piece of exotic meat from the refrigerator and some other ingredients.

He cooked dinner skillfully.

After chopping the exotic meat, put it in a special pressure cooker, put in clean water and some auxiliary materials, and start the automatic mode of the pressure cooker.

While waiting for dinner, Gu Bai suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"Now that I have so much time, I can go to those spiritual chef training institutions. Maybe I will be a junior spiritual chef in a few years!" After Gu Bai made the decision, he did it. After finishing dinner, Gu Bai turned on the computer to check the spiritual chef training institutions in Lincheng Base City. After searching, Gu Bai found that the training fees of spiritual chef training institutions are very expensive, generally more than 100,000 Longxia coins, and they do not guarantee that they will learn. Training for half a year, two hours a week, not guaranteed to learn, it depends on the understanding! Finally, Gu Bai found a luxury package on the official website of a spiritual chef training. Guaranteed to learn, 1-on-1 training, spiritual chefs and students can go to the institution for training when they are free. The price is 2 million Longxia coins. "Guaranteed to learn, let's go and see tomorrow!" In addition to practicing, Gu Bai has rarely practiced combat skills recently, and rarely touched new things. Gu Bai thinks it is better to find a guaranteed one, after all, his talent has been obvious to all over the years. Special professions such as pharmacists, blacksmiths, and spiritual chefs require more than just a lot of resources and efforts. Talent is particularly important for these professions! …

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