Gao Wu: Work Hard? Who Would Work Hard After Being Immortal?

Chapter 28 Wang Baolin And The Wang Baojia Brothers

The next morning.

Gu Bai followed the navigation and came to a restaurant in the north of Lincheng Base City. The name of the restaurant is: Xiaodangjia

The store does not look very luxurious. It looks like it has been around for a while. It has more than ten floors and you can see some customers coming and going from time to time.

Generally speaking, the training institutions for spiritual chefs are these stores with exotic meat dishes. The chefs in the store will teach you in their spare time and earn more money.

Gu Bai entered the front desk of the store. There was a young lady at the front desk.

"Hello! I'm here for training!" Gu Bai opened the interface of the Xiaodangjia luxury package on the communicator and expressed his purpose.

"The 10th to 16th floors are the training places. You just need to go to the 10th floor to find the staff there!"

"Okay!" After understanding the information, Gu Bai took the elevator and arrived at the 10th floor in a short while.

There is no place to receive guests above the 10th floor. A large amount of exotic meat is stored here. As soon as Gu Bai walked out of the elevator, he smelled a faint smell of blood.

This is still blocked by the special glass door.

A middle-aged man sat behind the glass door, who seemed to be the security guard on the 10th floor.

However, Gu Bai found his figure familiar.

"Captain Wang?" Gu Bai called out tentatively.

The middle-aged man who was watching the video raised his head, looked at Gu Bai's face and thought for a while, "Gu Bai? Why are you here!"

"Shouldn't I ask this? Captain Wang, why are you here?"

The middle-aged man sitting behind the glass door was Wang Baolin, the former captain of Gu Bai's medical team.

Wang Baolin opened the glass door and let Gu Bai walk in.

"This store is owned by my family! I came here to be a security guard after I retired!"

Gu Bai smiled when he heard this, worthy of being the end of his career, a security guard.

"I also have nothing to do after retirement, and I want to learn spiritual cooking!" Gu Bai said the purpose of his visit.

"No way, I remember you are not very old, why did you retire so early!" Wang Baolin was a little confused.

"What's not old, Captain Wang, I'm over 80 now!"

"Only over 80, I was over 110 when I retired!"

After the two exchanged a few words, Wang Baolin also understood Gu Bai's purpose.

He took Gu Bai up the stairs to the eleventh floor.

The elevator can only go up to the tenth floor, and the eleventh floor and above are all training areas.

The eleventh floor is a room, and the room is a classroom. There are some people in the classroom who seem to be studying.

Gu Bai looked at it with interest, and it felt a bit like the feeling of going to school in the past.

Wang Baolin took him to an office.

"Brother, an old friend of mine is coming for training, you watch it!" Wang Baolin shouted inside.

"Okay!" A familiar voice came from inside.

"Wang Baojia?" Gu Bai looked at the figure sitting in the office.

"Gu Bai! Long time no see!" The figure turned around, and it was Wang Baojia, who had met at the high-level meeting before, that is, Wang Baolin's brother.

"Do you know each other?" Wang Baolin was puzzled.

"I met him at the high-level meeting before, and I often talked about him in front of me, didn't I?" Wang Baojia stood up and came to the two of them.

"You come for training? What package do you want to buy?" Wang Baojia got straight to the point.

"Luxury package, the kind that includes the training!"


"Go scan the code to pay!"

Wang Baojia pointed to the QR code next to him.

After the payment was completed, Gu Bai asked with a little curiosity: "Brother Wang, are you retired?"

"Yes, I retired last year!"

"Oh oh!"

"Don't tell me you've retired too?"

"Yes, I retired after the alien beast tide. I'm free to learn spiritual cooking! See if I'm good at it!"

"I remember you're not that old! Your cell strength is close to 190 now, you should be able to live to 200 or 300 years old, why do you retire so early!"

Wang Baojia grabbed Gu Bai's shoulders.

Gu Bai shrugged, "What reason can I have? I just don't want to do it anymore!"


Wang Baolin has gone back to the tenth floor to be his security guard, and Wang Baojia took Gu Bai to the twelfth floor, which is a well-equipped kitchen with some alien beast meat and ordinary ingredients.

"Now you are a student here, just call me Teacher Wang!"

"Hello, Teacher Wang!"

"A spiritual chef is essentially a chef with superb cooking skills. Let me see how good your cooking skills are first!" Wang Baojia took him to a kitchen.

Wang Baojia motioned Gu Bai to come forward to operate.

Gu Bai was also straightforward. He took some common ingredients from the side, started the equipment, and fried a stir-fried pork with green pepper for Wang Baojia.

The meat is ordinary meat, and the green pepper is a new variety of green pepper cultivated with the blood of alien beasts.

Gu Bai usually cooks for himself at home. Although his cooking skills are not good, it is easy for him to cook a few home-cooked dishes.

Wang Baojia tasted a few bites of stir-fried meat with green peppers and said:

"It's okay, average level! I roughly know what your strength is!"

Wang Baojia gestured to Gu Bai to sit in front of him and said: "In simple terms, a spiritual chef is to fully stimulate the taste and energy in ingredients such as alien beast meat, and at the same time allow the human body's cells to perfectly accept the energy in the alien beast meat!"

"Some spiritual chefs can even make the energy in the alien beast meat greater than 1, that is, the energy in the alien beast meat is originally only 1, but he can use special techniques to make it become 2 or 3! Of course, this is something that only advanced spiritual chefs can do!"

'There are not many intermediate spiritual chefs in the entire Lincheng Base City, let alone advanced ones! "

"The handsome guy in front of you is an intermediate spiritual chef!" Wang Baojia said with a little pride.

"Where?" Gu Bai stood up and looked behind Wang Baojia and asked in confusion.

"I'm talking about me! "

"Oh! ~"

"That's it? Can you have some reaction?" Wang Baojia expressed dissatisfaction with Gu Bai's inability to give him spiritual feedback.

"Aren't you the chief of the sharp blade cooking team? So it's normal that you are an intermediate spiritual chef!" Gu Bai chuckled.

"That's right!"

"Let's talk business!" Wang Baojia didn't talk nonsense with Gu Bai, and continued: "You bought a deluxe package, you can come here when you have time next time!"

"You have to learn a total of four parts!"

"The first part is to improve your cooking skills!"

"The second part is to be able to use simple touch to distinguish the approximate cell strength of the alien meat!"

"The third part is to use the various techniques you can master to handle the alien meat and some cooking and frying skills!"

"The fourth part is to practice some theoretical questions and practical exercises for the primary spiritual chef certificate. The final goal is to get the primary spiritual chef certificate!"

"We are 1 to 1 guidance, so you should I hope you can get the certificate within a year! Don't feel stressed. Beginner Spirit Chef is just the entry level of Spirit Chef. It's all basic content. Try to come and practice when you have time!"

"Okay!" Gu Bai nodded heavily.

In the following time, Gu Bai practiced, read books, and went fishing with Zheng Pinggui. If he didn't go fishing, he would come here to find Teacher Wang.

Life was fun.

The base city was also booming, but it didn't affect the life of Gu Bai, a commoner.

Five years passed...

In the eleventh floor of the Little Chef, there were curses from time to time.



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