The new situation is not good.

With the advantage of information, Li Weiyi's side finally gained a foothold in the offensive of the cultists, and even had the upper hand recently.

The officials and the envoys were very excited. If this situation continues, they finally see the hope of victory.

However, Li Weiyi was not too excited. Now the people who were cursed did not have a deep enough belief in the cursed god. After a while, those people would become their biggest resistance.

Li Weiyi convened a meeting of his own senior officials again.

"I know everyone is very tired recently, but we must seize the time and fight day and night. Now those people who have been cursed have already gone to the Curse Temple to worship, and their faith in the God of Curse has begun to take root. Perhaps there will be little time left for us." Li Weiyi said seriously.

The relaxed look on everyone's face began to fade, and they knew that Li Weiyi would not do anything without a purpose.

"Then let's fight day and night, and we can still fight now." The state president took the lead in expressing his position.

"Then kill, kill hard!" Chen Xuan, the son of God, was full of murderous intent, and all the pagans deserved to die.

"Go, I will provide you with information." Li Weiyi waved his hand, and everyone began to strangle the cultists again according to Li Weiyi's arrangement, and destroyed the Curse Temple.

The cultists sometimes organized forces to destroy the Dawn Temple, but were stopped by Guangxuan. Guangxuan, the Elf King, used his magical power to destroy the cultists directly.

"Where did the guardian Lian and Huang Can hide?" Li Weiyi frowned. He had been looking for the two people, but he couldn't find them.

The guardian Lian was holding the cursed mirror in his hand. He was an extremely dangerous person. If the other party played a trick on him, it was unknown how much harm would be caused.

But there was nothing he could do if the other party kept hiding from him. This was a state with more than 20 cities of all sizes. The area was vast. It was not so easy to find the two martial kings who wanted to hide.

The flames of war were burning everywhere, and separations of life and death were happening every moment. In this turbulent era, the disappearance of life was as easy as the scattering of dandelions.

The outside world was also very anxious at this time. Every day, people spontaneously went to the law barrier to pray for the more than 100 million people inside.

Chu Piaoxue and Qin Yiman also came to the outside of the barrier. They were very haggard at this time. After coming here, they looked forward to the law barrier every day, and dared not blink for a moment.

Coupled with the anxiety in their hearts, the two radiant goddesses have already revealed a tired and haggard appearance, which makes people feel pity.

Deng Zixiao, Ye Xing, Zhang Meng and other friends of Li Weiyi have all been here, but after waiting for a week and seeing no changes in the barrier, they were asked by their teachers to go back to continue their studies.

Even if they wait to die here, they can't change anything. Everything depends on the people inside.

As night falls, the night in Yicheng is still very restless. Standing on the rooftop, Li Weiyi can clearly see that there are no less than ten places in the battle.

Li Weiyi took a look and retracted his gaze. With his information, his people have the upper hand.

He looked at a dark temple in the distance, which was a branch of the Curse Temple.

At this time, the branch temple was brightly lit, and the square outside the branch temple was now crowded with people kneeling. They walked towards the Curse Temple step by step.

And on the road connecting the square, a long dragon stretched all the way to the distance, more than two kilometers long.

The faces of the people in line were filled with reverence, and their eyes looking at the temple were more eager than seeing money.

Only ten days had passed, and these people who were only at the martial arts stage had already fallen. They went from being curious about the God of Curse at first, to having a good impression, to liking, to loving, in just ten days, they had walked a path that normal believers might need to take ten years to walk.

They did not feel anything unusual, and they loved the evil doctrine of the God of Curse from the bottom of their hearts.

Therefore, even at night, they still had to queue up to enter the temple to worship the God of Curse.

"Ah..." Li Weiyi sighed, these people have now begun to affect the Temple of Dawn.

Today, people attacked a branch temple of Dawn under the instigation of the cultists, and the temple staff were in a dilemma, killing them or not killing them.

If they all voluntarily believed in the God of Curse, it would be fine, because the battle of faith is a life-and-death struggle, but these people were not voluntary, they were just cursed by the gods and had no choice.

In the end, it was Li Weiyi who

Decided to knock them all unconscious and take them into the Blood Palace.

But this is not a long-term solution. Not to mention that the daily food intake of so many people is a problem, more and more people will go to the opposite side of them in the future. How can Li Weiyi take them all?

Now the development of the Dawn believers has also fallen into a bottleneck. The people who are easy to believe in have already believed in the God of Curse and will not easily change their beliefs.

As for the people with stronger strength, they are firm in their spirits and generally do not believe in gods. Even if they worship the Dawn Goddess every day, it will not have any effect. If they do not believe, they will not generate the power of faith for the Dawn Goddess.

According to statistics from Li Ai and others, Yizhou is still about 4 million away from 30 million believers, and then it will be completely stuck here. There is even a trend of a decrease in believers, and the cultists are attacking the Dawn believers.

"Is it still too late?" Li Weiyi was impatient. He had tried his best to promote it, but it was still not enough.

"Where can I find people to believe in the Dawn Goddess?" Li Weiyi looked down at the entire Yicheng and could no longer find a clue.

Every Curse Temple was crowded with people at this time. In comparison, the Dawn Temple was much worse, at least the queue was much shorter.

Li Weiyi stood on the rooftop all night, with a lot of things in mind, and spent the whole night in confusion.

The first ray of sunlight pierced the starry sky, and the Zhenwu Star pierced Gu Lai. A ray of sunlight hit his eyes, and even the law barrier could not block the sunlight.

"It's dawn, there is hope with light, light is hope, the hope of all living beings." Li Weiyi's eyes became brighter and brighter. He might have found a way to make people believe in the goddess of dawn.

People believe in gods, nothing more than asking for something. As long as they can fulfill the wishes of others, they don't need all the people, only a few people, and then spread it as a miracle, there will definitely be many people coming to worship.

Li Weiyi thought of the temple in the town in his previous life. At first, no one cared, but later someone said that it was very effective there, and praying for a son and wealth was successful. There was a long queue there during the New Year.

"Damn it, I'll be a charlatan this time!" Li Weiyi's eyes lit up.

He looked at the statue of the goddess of dawn behind him and told it his idea. The goddess of dawn responded with agreement.

Then Li Weiyi activated the Dawn Divine Scripture, radiating to all the statues in Yizhou with this statue as the center.

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