The more you look at the picture, the more you will see.

This is a very strange feeling. Li Weiyi felt many of himself, as if he had many clones.

"Goddess of Dawn, please bless my wife to get pregnant smoothly. It doesn't matter if she has a son or a daughter."

"Goddess of Dawn, bless me to make a fortune this year."

"Goddess of Dawn, I hope my wife can be discharged smoothly."

"Goddess of Dawn, bless my child to be admitted to the Martial Arts University."

"Goddess of Dawn, bless my family to survive this disaster."

Many voices came into Li Weiyi's ears. Li Weiyi knew that this was the wish of the believers.

"Good health can solve 80% of infertility problems. Tonight, let someone give the couple a pill to strengthen their bodies."

"Seeking wealth, right? Nothing is too much, just a lot of money. I will give you money tonight."

"Treatment is not difficult."

Li Weiyi separated a trace of divine consciousness and followed those who made wishes back, and then asked the Zerg to bring what they needed.

A down-and-out middle-aged man walked home with a lack of interest. He had been wandering for half a lifetime and had not earned a penny. Thinking of the poverty at home, he felt bitter.

"Goddess of Dawn, it would be great if I could pick up some money." The middle-aged man couldn't help but fantasize.

But soon he shook his head. How could there be so much money to pick up?

The thought just died, and suddenly a bag hit him on the head.

"Who is your uncle throwing things around? Throwing things from high places is illegal, don't you know?" The middle-aged man cursed.

But soon he was no longer afraid. The bag that fell in front of him opened, and brand new banknotes scattered out.

"Damn it, is it fake?" The middle-aged man was shocked. With shaking hands and excited heart, he quickly picked up the bag and ran back home.

After returning home and locking the door, the first thing he did was to take out the banknotes in the bag. After a closer look, they were all real.

"This is fucking, Goddess of Dawn, accept my worship!" He knelt directly in the direction of the temple, and this time he was really convinced.

"Old man, what are you crazy about?" His wife came out of the room and saw her husband kneeling and thought he was crazy.

"Wife, take a look at what this is first." The middle-aged man pointed to the brand new banknotes on the table.

"With so much money, you went to rob? Impossible, with your dog guts!"

"This is what the Goddess of Dawn gave me, so many new banknotes, at least one million!"

"One million!" The wife's eyes widened. For their poor family, one million is a huge sum of money.

In a hospital ward, a young man held a pale little hand, his eyes reddened.

"Wife, I went to pray for you today. Major General Li is our common idol. I believe the temple he built must be very effective. You will definitely get better." The young man rubbed his wife's hand with his face, wanting her to feel a little warmth.

He was in grief and did not notice that a bug fed a pill into his wife's mouth. The pill was quickly digested, and the woman's complexion also improved rapidly.

Suddenly he felt as if his wife's finger scratched his face, but because the force was too weak, it was not very real. He raised his head and observed carefully.

It moved, it really moved, his wife's finger moved.

"Doctor! Doctor! Doctor! My wife moved!"

He shouted excitedly. Fortunately, this was an independent ward, otherwise he didn't know how many patients would be woken up.

He rushed out excitedly and found a doctor. The doctor carefully examined her with an incredible look in his eyes.

"Miracle, it's really a miracle. Her current indicators are healthier than normal people. How is this possible?" The doctor has been practicing medicine for so many years, but this is the first time he has seen such a situation.

"Doctor, what do you mean..." The young man looked at the doctor with hope.

"You can rest assured this time. She will wake up soon." The doctor's tone was still unbelievable.


At this moment, a light hum came from the bedside. With the witness of the young man and the doctor, the woman who had been bedridden for two years finally woke up.

"Wife, you're awake!" The young man's face flushed with excitement.

"Well...husband, why am I here?" The woman had been sleeping for too long and could no longer remember her injury.

The wishes of believers were fulfilled by Li Weiyi one by one. Tonight was a sleepless night for many people. After being excited, they brought their families to the nearby temple to worship the goddess of dawn.

And he

They also spread the news that their wishes came true.

Many people expressed doubts, but the neighbors of these people were willing to believe it. The young man's wife had been in a coma for two years, and now she has miraculously woken up. Isn't this a miracle?

There are also some bedridden elderly people. After their children prayed, the elderly also woke up.

Under the promotion of Li Weiyi, these things were widely spread on the Internet. Although the Internet cannot connect to the outside world, it can still be spread in this area within the barrier.

The more the story spread, the more miraculous it became. More and more people came to the Temple of the Goddess of Dawn to pray, and Li Weiyi also helped more and more believers fulfill their wishes.

The more the news of wishes coming true spread, people couldn't help but believe it. The number of people coming to the Temple of the Goddess of Dawn to pray increased at a very fast rate.

Those whose wishes were not fulfilled would only think that they were not sincere enough, so they worshiped the Temple of the Goddess of Dawn more devoutly.

As for those whose wishes came true, they have become loyal believers of the Goddess of Dawn, and even their families have become loyal believers.

"You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing your child. I should have thought of it earlier. I was too stubborn before. Who can refuse the real benefits?" Li Weiyi slapped his head and hated himself for realizing it too late. After just one night, the number of believers increased by one million.

And the rate of increase is still rising. There is hope that the number will increase by two million during the day.

Although Li Weiyi is constantly paying, everything is worth it. There is finally hope for 3,500 believers.

At this time, the most talked about topic on the street, in restaurants, and in milk tea shops is "Have you heard?" The goddess of dawn is very spiritual.

Long queues began to form in the temples of the goddess of dawn everywhere. Many people spontaneously knocked one step at a time to express their admiration for the goddess of dawn.

The goddess of dawn felt the increasingly strong power of faith, and a smile appeared on her face. It seems that this son of god is still capable and has lived up to her expectations.

The temple of the goddess of dawn is so hot and furious that it certainly alarmed the ancient gods. They can't just watch such things continue to develop.

Therefore, they chose to throw dirty water, and all kinds of bad news about the Temple of the Goddess of Dawn came out.

However, Li Weiyi stood up. With his reputation among the people, most people were willing to believe him.

Li Weiyi also announced a lot of bad incidents of the cultists of the Ancient God Society, which severely hit the other party's reputation.

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