The players took a short break of ten minutes to let them recover.

Then the second level started. One hundred players entered the virtual cabin. The screen changed and each player appeared in a long corridor.

The big screen was divided into one hundred shots, broadcasting the pictures of the one hundred players.

On the Internet, each player had his own live broadcast room. In just a moment, the number of viewers entering Li Weiyi's live broadcast room exceeded one billion, and it was still increasing. Almost 80% of the people followed Li Weiyi. This is Li Weiyi's current influence.

It's just that the reward function was not opened this time, otherwise Li Weiyi could make a lot of money, but at his current speed of making money, money is nothing.

"The game starts." A voice came from each player, and then their first level appeared in front of them.

Question 1: In the battle to defend the city, a monster escapes your control and kills five people. At this time, your ultimate martial arts skills are ready. You can kill the monster immediately by using them. However, there is another person below the monster. After firing the martial arts skills, the person will be killed by the aftermath of the martial arts skills. What will you choose?

A: Fire the martial arts skills.

B: Do not fire the martial arts skills.

Seeing such a question, all the contestants were dumbfounded. What the hell is this? Whoever came up with this question should be caught and shot a hundred times.

Li Weiyi was also speechless. This was indeed a difficult choice. If you don't fire the martial arts skills, the five people will die. If you fire the martial arts skills, another person will die in your hands.

Although exchanging one for five is definitely a good deal in mathematics, human life and morality are not the same. If you fire the martial arts skills, you are suspected of intentional homicide. If you don't fire the martial arts skills, you are suspected of not saving people from death. Whatever you do is wrong.

At the beginning, all the contestants were given a difficult question. No one made a choice at the first time. They were all hesitant.

Some contestants were even pulling their hair and their heads hurt.

The audience who saw the question were also collectively speechless. How could they choose this? Then the barrage began to discuss the two choices fiercely, but no one was convinced by the other, and no choice won the support of the majority.

"Who the hell came up with this question?" Dean Ding, who was sitting on the rostrum, gritted his teeth.

"Old man Zhang, this is a martial arts competition. Why do you come up with such a question to disgust people?" Dean Ding stared at the president of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University with anger.

"Old man Ding, this is not my question. What's the point of being anxious with me? Besides, this mainly tests the mentality and will of the contestants. These two qualities are crucial for martial artists." Principal Zhang said indifferently.

"You are talking nonsense." Dean Ding's face was full of dissatisfaction. If it weren't for the wrong occasion, he would have taken action.

The contestants wanted to hesitate, but the screen in front of them had a ten-second countdown, and they had to make a choice in the last ten seconds.

"Smart bug, how do you choose?" Li Weiyi used his mental power to ask Smart Bug. This kind of question was difficult for even the God of War to answer, and he couldn't figure it out.

"Replying to the Second Lord, this is just a question to test the mentality and will of the warrior. No matter which one you choose, it can be said that both are right, and it can also be said that both are wrong. It matters the time of choice. The faster you choose, the higher the score." Smart Bug replied.

"I understand." Li Weiyi nodded, and then clicked B casually.

Then came the second question. Today is an important day for the guard battle. You and your teammates are on patrol. You received a call. Your girlfriend asked you to come to her immediately, otherwise they would break up. How should you choose?

A: Go.

B: Don't go.

"Smart bug, what about this?" Li Weiyi continued to ask.

"Same." Smart Bug said briefly.

Li Weiyi casually clicked B and didn't care.

As Li Weiyi made his choice, a war of words was set off on the Internet. Under the guidance of some people, many public opinions accused Li Weiyi of abandoning five people to save one person and having no overall view.

Then the second question accused Li Weiyi of not loving his girlfriend at all and not going overboard even though they were about to break up.

As for Li Weiyi's loyal fans, they thought that Li Weiyi's choice was fine and had a war of words with those people on the Internet.

Questions appeared one after another. The first ten were all such inexplicable multiple-choice questions. No matter what you chose, it would be wrong. Li Weiyi simply didn't ask the smart bug. As soon as the question appeared, he randomly chose one, and all chose B.

As for why not all choose A, men like B far more than A.

Starting from the eleventh question, it is a test of personal tactical intelligence.

Wisdom is a sky question.

"In the battle to defend the city, the power in your hands is only enough to guard three city gates, but the monsters attack from four city gates at the same time. How do you plan this defense battle?"

Below the question, there is even a picture of monsters attacking the city. At this time, he swore that as the supreme commander, he could command all the forces in the city to fight.

Li Weiyi didn't know much about tactics. He had always been pushing horizontally, so he threw the question directly to the wise insect. The wise insect quickly deduced the tactics with the highest score. Li Weiyi arranged it according to the wise insect's instructions.

There were twenty tactical questions. Under the guidance of the wise insect, Li Weiyi completed them quickly, and each time he achieved significant results. Such a strong tactical quality made those veteran soldiers admire him very much. If they knew that Li Weiyi was cheating, they didn't know what they would think.

Until the 80th question, they were all liberal arts questions. At the 81st level, the battle officially began.

A third-grade monster appeared in front of Li Weiyi, and was killed by Li Weiyi with a breath. For him, this monster was too weak.

From level 81 to level 100, they are all levels related to fighting, either fighting with monsters or fighting with warriors. There are single duels, group fights, and assassinations. There are all kinds of scenes, which test the comprehensive ability of the players.

Especially the 92nd level, you are thrown into a battlefield without being told what to do. You think you are leading your compatriots to fight against monsters, but you didn't expect that your compatriots around you would stab you at the critical moment.

Li Weiyi was wary of people who were close to him because of Si Mengruo's assassination, so when the other party took action, he killed the other party immediately.

There is also a level of finding the inner ghost. While fighting the monster, you have to find the inner ghost of your own side to complete it.

There was no hint at all. Li Weiyi found that no matter what arrangement he made, he would fall into the trap of the monster. Then he suspected that there was a traitor in his side. After a series of secret investigations, he found out the traitor and passed the level.

These levels are very difficult and test comprehensive strength. Both force and wisdom are indispensable. Fortunately, Li Weiyi has the intelligent insect, the tactical arrangement is perfect, and his own force is strong enough, so he came to the 100th level.

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