The first level was a battle with a demon king. This level was not meant for the examinees to pass, but Li Weiyi showed up. This was a first-level demon king from the demon ape clan. His iron rod made the earth vibrate with the wind. Every time the iron rod fell, it was like a star falling. Li Weiyi showed the realm of a first-grade martial king. Even a demon ape with SSS-level blood was not his opponent. The nuclear explosion fist fell, like a hydrogen bomb explosion, and the desolate planet below was shaking. Xiao Li's flying knife never missed a target. One by one, the blood-qi flying knives cut through the void and pierced the demon ape's body with deep wounds. This was an unequal battle, a one-sided battle. As a ray of sword energy that destroyed everything fell on the neck of the demon ape, it chopped off its entire neck, announcing Li Weiyi's victory. Li Weiyi also successfully passed all the levels.

The whole audience outside was shouting Li Weiyi's name. The results of other people had not yet come out, but Li Weiyi was already a well-deserved champion in their hearts.

A number was displayed on the screen in front: 96, which represented the total score obtained by Li Weiyi. The full score was 100 points, and he was only four points away from a full score. The four points lost were because of the ten speechless questions in front.

Li Weiyi came out of the virtual cabin and enjoyed the cheers of the crowd. All the cameras focused on his face. At this moment, he was radiant.

As for the others, Ruan Lanlan had passed the most levels, but she was only at the 48th level, not even halfway through, and was still struggling in the tactical test, unable to find a way out.

Li Weiyi glanced at the other big screens, with a gloating smile on his face. Changing the rules didn't stump him, but stumped other players. This college league is destined to be very interesting.

Li Weiyi returned to his seat and waited for the end of time. There was only one day for the players to pass the level. Once the time was up, it would be over whether they completed it or not.

The major live broadcast platforms shook their heads at the sudden drop in traffic. After Li Weiyi finished the game, many viewers directly exited the live broadcast room.

This time, the college league did not have the previous hundred flowers blooming, but only one flower.

Li Weiyi closed his eyes and practiced. The progress of actively practicing the secrets was faster.

The sun sets and the moon rises, the moon hides and the morning comes. A day passed quickly. Looking at the many players lying flat on the screen, the leaders of the major colleges and universities shook their heads helplessly. Their players were hit hard by this game. It is estimated that they will have a psychological shadow. It is too difficult. Even if they enter, they will only have a headache.

Before, they were very supportive of the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University changing the rules, but now it seems that they are shooting themselves in the foot.

All the virtual cabins were opened, and the remaining contestants came out, all of them were dejected, not as high-spirited as before.

"Damn it, with so little power, I can't defend it with my life!"

"Which bastard came up with this question? A good defense battle turned out to be a test of the ability to prevent assassination?"

"Damn, who would have thought that the key to a battle is to find out the traitor, damn it."

Some contestants were still immersed in the test at this time, and they wanted to curse when they thought of the various unimaginable situations they encountered in it.

As for the ten speechless questions at the beginning, they were no longer able to complain, and their mental strength was severely depleted. Now they just wanted to sleep.

Everyone's score has been presented to everyone. The second place is Ruan Lanlan with 71 points, followed by Li Ai with 70 points, Gao Chengjin with 69 points, Xiao Yi with 69 points, Xu Hu with 68 points...

If 60 points is considered a pass, there are only 13 people who pass. You have to know that this is a gathering of almost the best 100 young people in the Federation, and only 13 pass. It's embarrassing to say it out.

The contestants hung their heads, especially after seeing Li Weiyi's score, they didn't even have the last bit of comfort. It's not that Guan Nantong is difficult to pass, but that they can't do it. This is the fucking truth.

Principal Zhang announced the list of the top ten, and then Li Weiyi and the other ten walked onto the podium, and Principal Zhang personally presented the certificates.

"Li Wu Wang, congratulations, you deserve it..." Principal Zhang praised Li Weiyi.

"Principal Zhang, thank you."

"You are already Wu Wang, you can choose a title, I wonder if you have any favorites." Principal Zhang asked.

"I haven't decided yet." Li Weiyi shook his head. He didn't care much about titles. It was just a name.

"Titles are still useful. Choose one when you have time." Principal Zhang presented the certificate to Li Weiyi

, and then walked towards the second person.

The individual battle ended, and the next step was the team battle. The team battle was the highlight, because it involved various tasks, and all of them were dangerous, and it was common for players to be killed or injured.

Li Weiyi and his team all returned to the resort to rest, waiting for the start of the team competition.

The next morning, Li Weiyi and his team gathered at the Imperial Capital Martial Arts University again. This time there were no spectators, and all the tasks were kept secret. After completing the tasks, Principal Zhang and the leaders of the various universities would jointly score them.

Principal Zhang was still in charge, and the various universities had already discussed the tasks last night.

"The tasks are divided into three levels of difficulty, namely A, B, and C. Among them, the A-level tasks are the most difficult and have the highest scores, and the C-level tasks are the lowest. The A-level tasks involve the power of the King of Martial Arts, the B-level tasks involve the power of the Martial Master, and the C-level tasks involve the power of the Great Martial Master. Each team should do what they can." Principal Zhang gave a speech and reminded everyone.

"Understood!" A neat and loud response.

"There are three rooms. The A, B, and C above represent the corresponding task receiving locations. Each team should line up to enter after selecting the difficulty of the task. Do not inquire or disclose the task information." The principal reminded again.

"Class A?" Li Weiyi looked at the others.

"With you here, it would be unreasonable not to choose Class A." Fan Shengxia was the first to express his support.

"Class A." Li Ai also agreed, and the others nodded, indicating that they had no objection.

"Okay, I'll go to receive it." Li Weiyi took the lead and walked into Room A. The door closed automatically, blocking all prying eyes.

There was a soldier in military uniform waiting inside. This task was jointly issued by the college and the military.

"Hello, sir!" The soldier saluted Li Weiyi.

Li Weiyi saluted back and signaled the other party to start the introduction.

"Major General Li, there are a total of ten Class A tasks, from one to ten. The comprehensive evaluation of the number one task is the most difficult, and the number ten is the lowest. Which number do you choose?" The soldier asked.

"Number one." Li Weiyi said without hesitation, and he would definitely choose the most difficult one.

The soldier handed folder No. 1 to Li Weiyi, who took it and walked out.

After Li Weiyi came out, he gave his teammates a look, and everyone followed him out and returned to the villa in the resort.

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