The mission was a big success, but the truth was revealed.

Li Weiyi opened the file bag in public. He didn't know what the mission was. He only knew that such a confidential mission must be of great importance.

"In Donglin City, Donglin District, there are Guardians in the official system. Their positions are above the middle level. The mission is to find the Guardians and successfully capture them - Anbu."

If it is news from the Anbu, then the accuracy of this news is 90%.

Everyone looked at this mission with difficulty on their faces. They would rather fight than do this kind of mission. Even the professionals in the Anbu can't find them, and it is extremely difficult for them to find them.

"God Guard..."

Li Weiyi murmured. The God Guard is the guard of the gods. They are one of the most trusted subordinates of the gods. Their purpose is to protect the gods. Each of them is a fanatic and can die for the gods without hesitation.

They are also one of the strongest sharp knives in the hands of the gods, helping the gods to complete various difficult tasks.

The selection of the God Guard is very strict. Each of them is a genius. In addition, they are at least a third-grade martial master with the resources tilted by the gods.

And this Class A mission involves the power of the Martial King, which proves that this God Guard is a Martial King, a Martial King hidden in the official system. The harm can be imagined. If he is not caught, he will be unable to sleep or eat.

Li Weiyi took out several documents from the envelope again. These are their identity documents. They need to change their identities to investigate.

And Li Weiyi received the identity of a police officer, and he was a novice police officer who had just been admitted to the military department.

Others were either in the Warrior Association, the Pharmacy Association, or the Technology Association, and they were all official, either assistants or front desk staff.

There were also profiles of each identity in it. Li Weiyi distributed the information to everyone, and then led everyone directly to Donglin City.

After getting on the transport bug, he turned on the hidden mode of the transport bug and went all the way.

"This is a communication bug. Each of you takes one, so that we can contact each other at special times. You only need to use your mental power to connect with it, and you can send the message to us." Li Weiyi took out four communication bugs and distributed them to everyone.

The transport bug landed in a remote corner of Donglin City, and then Li Weiyi and his group all disguised themselves and dispersed to their destinations.

Li Weiyi performed the method of turning reality into virtuality, and the whole person disappeared on the spot, and then quickly went to the North Wusi of Donglin City.

He appeared in a dark alley, and then took a car to the North Wusi.

Entering inside, many military officers were busy inside. In troubled times, the police were particularly busy, and working overtime all night was common.

After explaining the purpose of the visit, a female police officer led Li Weiyi to go through the entry procedures. The process was not complicated, but it needed to be submitted to the director for approval.

Li Weiyi went back to wait for news, and received a message the next morning saying that he had passed the approval and officially became a glorious police officer.

When he came to the military department, the female police officer who helped him with the procedures yesterday told him that he had been assigned to Captain Yunyu, and told him that Captain Yun was waiting for him in the office.

Li Weiyi found Captain Yun's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." A majestic and domineering female voice came from inside. Although he didn't see the person, Li Weiyi felt that the other party should be a straightforward and opinionated person.

When he opened the door, he saw a heroic female police officer sitting there checking the documents.

When Li Weiyi came in, the other party looked up at him and put down the documents in his hand.

"Li Ming, sit down."


Li Weiyi sat on a chair beside him, and Captain Yun also came over and sat in the main seat.

"Li Ming, actually I don't want to bring in newcomers, because newcomers mean risks and troubles, but the director strongly recommended you to me, saying that you are very good, so I decided to let you in, but I have to make it clear in advance that if you can't meet my requirements, I will apply to transfer you out." Captain Yun said straight to the point.

"I understand, I will definitely work hard to do this job well." Li Weiyi sat upright, acting like a newcomer who had just entered the workplace.

"I don't need your promise, everything depends on your performance." Captain Yun said simply.

"Yes." What else can Li Weiyi say? Such a strict captain seems to have a hard time. He is a person who doesn't like to be restrained.

"Okay, this small case will be handed over to you first. Arrest the criminal within three days." Captain Yun handed a document to Li Weiyi.

Li Weiyi said goodbye and went to the workstation assigned to him and began to open the document


"Brother, what's your name?" A young colleague next to him greeted Li Weiyi.

"My name is Li Ming, what's your name, brother?"

"My name is Zhou Xiong, which group are you assigned to?"

"Captain Yunyu's group."

"Uh..." Zhou Xiong was stunned, and then his eyes were filled with sympathy.

"Brother, take care." Zhou Xiong sighed.

Li Weiyi smiled and didn't reply. It seems that Captain Yun is not very popular in the military department, but serious people in the workplace have always been unpopular, and Li Weiyi can understand it.

The case in his hand is just a small case. A mobile phone store was robbed. The file bag contains the basic information of the store owner and a surveillance video.

Li Weiyi inserted the hard drive into the computer and checked the surveillance video. The thief was wrapped tightly and his face could not be seen at all. He disappeared into the alley. It is estimated that he hid nearby that night and changed his clothes and left during the day.

Although this case is small, it is not so easy to solve it, but it is not difficult for Li Weiyi.

Now the Zerg has set up control over the entire Donglin District. Donglin City, as the district government, is the top priority for the Zerg to set up control. The 130,000 criminals were kidnapped in the Donglin District before, so Li Weiyi began to focus on these coastal areas.

"Intelligent insect, ask the Zerg here to see if any of them were at the scene that night." Li Weiyi sent a message to the intelligent insect on his wrist.

"I'll ask." The intelligent insect downloaded the surveillance video and then transmitted it in its own way.

Not long after, the intelligent insect told Li Weiyi that a Zerg saw the thief's theft process that night and had memorized the smell, so he could track him based on the smell.

"Find him out." Li Weiyi ordered, and then took the case and left the military department directly. He couldn't just sit here and catch the criminal back, right? That was too fake.

Li Weiyi went outside and drove the car assigned to him by the military department to the stolen gold shop.

After confirming some information with the store owner, Li Weiyi left. He didn't need these actions to investigate the case, but if he didn't do it, how could he report to his superiors after catching the criminal? Relying on the Zerg? Wouldn't this expose his identity? He was the only one who could command the Zerg.

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