On the way to the store, Zhichong told Li Weiyi that the thief had been found and was now in a hotel.

Li Weiyi did not immediately arrest the thief. Since Captain Yun gave him three days, he would need at least two days to arrest the criminal to avoid suspicion too quickly.

Li Weiyi then rented a house and practiced in it. The next morning, he went to Wusi to punch in and then went back to the house to practice.

During this period, he also communicated with the other four teammates. Everyone joined the company smoothly, but no one had a clue how to investigate the inner ghost.

Li Weiyi had already asked the Zerg to closely monitor the middle and high-level officials in the official system, but there was little hope. A martial king who was proficient in concealment was not something that ordinary Zerg could detect at will. At least the opponent's mental power could easily detect the Zerg hiding around him.

That night, Li Weiyi went out, and the wise insect told him that the thief was going to do another job tonight. He had already chosen the location and was now heading to the destination.

Li Weiyi touched the space ring, which contained a laser gun. This was the weapon assigned to him by the military commander, and it would be his main means of attack during this period.

Li Weiyi was wearing plain clothes and took a taxi to ambush near a gold shop in advance. The thief's target tonight was this gold shop, and he had great ambitions.

Li Weiyi hid in an alley, and his mental power locked onto the door of the gold shop. Not long after, a man wearing a hat and a mask got out of a taxi, looked around, and touched the door of the gold shop.

A card appeared in his hand, and he put the card on the door lock of the door, and the door opened with a click.

"Tsk, he even got the universal card. This guy is quite capable." Li Weiyi thought to himself.

The thief walked into the gold shop and came to the window. He smiled with satisfaction at the dense metal ornaments inside. This job was enough for him to be free and easy for a long time.

He stretched out his hand and pressed on the glass, and the glass shattered directly. He was still a first-class martial artist, and the bulletproof glass could not stop him.

He stretched out his hand and quickly put the ornaments into the space ring, and was already imagining the free and easy life after selling them.

"Pa pa pa..."

But the sudden sound of applause at the door startled him. Looking back, a young man was looking at him with interest.

"Who are you?" The thief said with a wary face.

"The one who caught you." Li Weiyi took out a laser electric gun from the space ring and pointed it at the other party.

"Haha, have you ever heard a saying, seven steps away, the gun is fast, and within seven steps, the fist is fast." The thief was not nervous. As a first-class martial artist, he still had the ability to protect himself.

"Oh? I haven't heard of it, but I want to see it." Li Weiyi said jokingly.

"Haha, it's only a few thousand yuan a month, why are you risking your life?" The thief moved. He was only about three meters away from Li Weiyi at this time. With the speed of a martial artist, he could hit Li Weiyi almost instantly.


A bright light illuminated the entire store, and the sound of electricity sounded, followed by the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.


The thief fell to the ground and trembled continuously. This electric current was so comfortable that he didn't want to taste it again in his life.

"Within seven steps, the gun is accurate and fast." Li Weiyi put away the laser gun, and a pair of alloy handcuffs appeared in his hand, directly handcuffing the thief.

Li Weiyi reported the news here to the military department. Soon a police car arrived, and Zhou Xiong got out of the car with surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect that Li Weiyi, a newcomer, solved the case after only two days.

"Li Ming, it's good. You have made merit so quickly. It will be much easier for Captain Yun." Zhou Xiong said with a smile.

"It was all luck, and there was only one thief, how can it be considered a meritorious service? Leave the things here to you, I will take him back for questioning." Li Weiyi said.

"Okay, drive the car back directly." Zhou Xiong nodded.

Li Weiyi took the thief into the police car and drove all the way back to the military department.

In the courtroom, Li Weiyi took out his notebook and motioned the thief sitting opposite to him to confess his crime honestly.

"Police officer, this is my first crime. I just lost my job and my elderly family needed money for medical treatment, so I took this road of no return. I know I was wrong. Can you give me a lighter punishment?" The thief squeezed out a few tears. If an ordinary person was really deceived by him.

"Don't pretend to be pitiful here. Let me remind you, where were you at three o'clock in the morning the day before yesterday?" Li Weiyi questioned.

"I..." The thief was speechless for a moment,

That was the time when he stole from the mobile phone store. Since the other party knew it so clearly, he was probably already locked in.

He lowered his head, it seemed that he had failed this time, and then he confessed the two crimes honestly.

Li Weiyi asked the other party to sign and seal the confession, and then kept the other party in the interrogation room. A special colleague would arrange for the other party next.

Early the next morning, after Li Weiyi came to the military department, he came to Captain Yun's office with the confession recorded last night.

"Captain, the case has been investigated, please take a look." Li Weiyi handed the sorted information to Yunyu.

Yunyu opened it to check, and there was no anger on his face. After reading it, he put the information on the table.

"Just barely passed, this is the second case, you will be given five days to arrest the murderer." Captain Yun threw another folder to Li Weiyi.

"Yes, Captain." Li Weiyi took the folder and left.

"This Li Ming, he solved the case very quickly." Yun Yu muttered. He originally wanted to make things difficult for Li Weiyi, but he didn't expect Li Weiyi to solve it easily.

"This time it's a robber, it's a higher level." Li Weiyi smiled, and he once again ordered the wise insects to let the Zerg check the whereabouts of the three robbers.

Although the three robbers also covered their faces tightly, the body shapes of the three people would not change, and the Zergs everywhere could find them quickly.

Li Weiyi left the Wusi again, and then returned to his house to practice. After being promoted to Wu Wang, he dared not relax for a moment. The two gods were recovering quickly, and he was racing against time.

The wise insects sent news again, and found the whereabouts of the three robbers. The three were hiding in a rental house, with weapons in their hands. Their strength was at the level of warriors, and they were not as good as the previous thief.

Li Weiyi asked the Zerg to monitor the other party. If the other party wanted to commit a crime again, they would be knocked out directly. Li Weiyi planned to catch them back in two days.

Three days later, Li Weiyi put on his uniform, drove a police car, and came to the hideout of the three robbers with a laser electric gun. He kicked the door open, and then three electric currents shot out with a sizzle, knocking down the three robbers. It was simple and comfortable.

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