The new case was solved in a short time.

In a short period of time, Li Weiyi solved two cases in a row. The police officers of the North City Military Department all knew that a very powerful newcomer had come. In addition to clocking in at the Military Department every day, he spent the rest of his time solving cases outside, and he could solve cases quickly.

Captain Yun finally smiled this time, although Li Weiyi would not have noticed this smile if he had not paid attention.

"I'll leave this case to you. You should complete it within five days. After that, you will follow me to solve the big case." Captain Yun said.

"Yes, Captain." Li Weiyi went out again with the documents.

The criminals this time were more vicious. They were a gang of fierce bandits. They were active in Donglin City and specialized in robbing the transport vehicles of pharmaceutical companies. They would kill people every time. There were five people in total, one great martial artist and four martial artists. They were very strong.

The last time they committed a crime was a week ago. They have not shown up during this period, and no one knows where they are hiding.

Li Weiyi still told the Zerg to find the traces of the five bandits, and he went back to practice.

This time, the five bandits hid very deeply, and the Zerg did not find their traces. After all, there was a great martial artist with good mental power, and the Zerg would be eliminated after approaching.

Li Weiyi was not in a hurry. According to the information, this group of bandits would attack at most ten days apart. At this time, they had not attacked for a week, and five days were enough for the time being.

Li Weiyi asked the Zerg to pay attention to the drug transport vehicles in the city. Waiting for the rabbit is a good way.

After waiting for four days, Li Weiyi was a little impatient and wanted to use mental power to cover the whole city to investigate.

But thinking of the inner ghost, he still forced himself to hold back. He couldn't lose the big picture because of the small. Compared with the divine guards, the five bandits were just small characters.

It was late at night and Li Weiyi was immersed in cultivation. Suddenly, the wise insect conveyed to him the news that five bandits had taken action and robbed a medicine transport truck again in the suburbs.

The driver and bodyguards in the car were all killed. The bandits packed all the medicines and were evacuating.

Li Weiyi opened his eyes and drove to the destination.

The wise insect told him that the five bandits had already hidden in an abandoned house on the mountain in the suburbs, where they were repairing and discussing the sale of this batch of medicines.

Li Weiyi turned off the lights at a distance and walked all the way to the destination. With his eyesight, there was no difference between day and night.

When he arrived at the foot of the mountain, he parked the car under a big tree and went to the abandoned house.

He did not plan to go up and kill the bandits himself. There was no reason. It did not fit his character. He was just a third-grade martial artist. How could he be the opponent of the bandits? He just had to pass the exact news back to the martial arts department.

Li Weiyi climbed to the opposite side of the abandoned house, hid on a big tree, took out his mobile phone, pushed aside the leaves and took pictures of the opposite side.

His mobile phone has super night vision, and it can take pictures far away at night. In addition, the moon is big tonight, so it is still very clear.

I saw a bandit walking around on the balcony, probably on guard.

Li Weiyi sent the photo to Captain Yun, attached the location, and Captain Yun replied instantly, asking him to wait for her there.

Li Weiyi thought that Captain Yun would come with a large force, but when he saw Captain Yun coming alone, he was a little dumbfounded. This woman is too bold. She is only a first-grade great martial artist. The opposite side has a first-grade great martial artist and four martial artists. With the apparent strength of the two of them, this matter is very dangerous.

"Captain, where are the others?" Li Weiyi said in a voice transmission.

"Others, who?" Captain Yun said in surprise.

"Just the two of us? To eliminate the bandits?" Li Weiyi pointed at himself and Captain Yun, with a doubtful tone.

"The military department is short of manpower now. I am enough to deal with this kind of fierce bandits. You sweep the formation. If you see anyone trying to escape, use the laser electric gun to stop them. Don't go forward." Captain Yun warned.

"Okay." What else can Li Weiyi say? He is here, and he will never let Captain Yun's life be in danger.

"I'm going to do it." Captain Yun touched the abandoned house. When she got close, the martial arts in her hand were ready. She walked the way of gravity. She stretched out her hand and made a fist. The whole abandoned house was twisted quickly, like a can being held tightly by someone.

"Should I be so impulsive?" Li Weiyi muttered in his heart.

"Enemy attack!" The fierce bandit who was on the alert roared and reminded his teammates.

His teammates didn't need him to remind them. They noticed the big noise instantly.


With a bang, the whole abandoned house exploded instantly. The leader's fist burst into dazzling lightning.

The leader was a warrior who walked the path of thunder.

He had no injuries at all, and Captain Yun's sneak attack did not hurt him.

But the other four people were not so lucky. The strong gravity came instantly. When they reacted, they were already injured by gravity. Their internal organs and bones were damaged. They were taking healing potions at this time.

"You dare to come to my door alone. You are really not afraid of death." The leader showed a ferocious smile on his face. What he hated most in his life was the police, who always blocked his way.

"Killing you is enough!" Captain Yun stretched out his hand to the side and made a fist. He saw that the hill was shaking violently. The upper part of the hill flew up directly and smashed towards the bandit under Captain Yun's control.

"Die for me, brothers, kill her!" The leader's fist burst into lightning again, and a bucket-thick thunder burst out from his fist, hitting the hill with violent power.

The sky was reflected in silver, and the thunder exploded, destroying the hill.

The other four bandits also attacked, firing their martial arts to kill Captain Yun.

The laser gun in Li Weiyi's hand glowed, and laser beams shot at the four bandits, interfering with them.

The power of the laser gun has been turned to the maximum, enough to hurt a sixth-grade martial artist, but the energy consumption is very fast, and it can only fire a hundred rounds at most.

"Go and kill that kid first." The leader ordered.

"Yes." The four bandits either blocked or avoided the shooting of the laser beams and rushed towards Li Weiyi.

Li Weiyi performed the Wind Step, and his body moved quickly with the wind, pulling away. The laser gun in his hand continued to spray light to block the four bandits.

Captain Yun collided with the leader again. At this time, Captain Yun had already flown up and bombarded the opponent from a high position in the air. She opened the Gravity God Treasure and did not need to be promoted to a martial arts master to fly.

Everything below became her weapon of attack. Under her control, the ground below continued to raise huge pieces of soil, and then bombarded the enemy with the help of gravity.

The leader was very annoyed at this time, but Fei Tianran was at a disadvantage, and he could only passively resist Captain Yun's attack.

"Thunder, listen to my call!" The leader held up the sky with one hand, his whole body was covered with thunder, and a thunder shot out from his hand and connected to the air.

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