The sky suddenly lit up by thunder was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and lightning covered the entire layer of dark clouds, and then thunders fell from the sky one after another, chasing Captain Yun.

Captain Yun changed the direction of gravity, and the whole person moved quickly, while manipulating the huge mountain to blast the leader.

Li Weiyi was still relying on the wind step to sneak around four bandits. He turned his eyes and had an idea in his eyes.

"Look at me bomb you to death!" Li Weiyi fired a shot at a bandit again, and the laser beam shot at the other party.

The bandit showed disdain in his eyes, and his body movement and martial arts were running to avoid the attack of the laser beam.

But suddenly, his foot seemed to kick a hard alloy stone, and he was tripped and his evasive action was interrupted.

Then he could only watch the laser beam fall on his protective shield and tear it apart.

It didn't matter much. After tearing the protective shield, the energy of the laser beam was almost exhausted, but Li Weiyi fired a few more shots at this moment, and the bandit was electrocuted and numb all over, and fell to the ground with foam at the mouth.

"Damn, what are you doing, Lao Si?" The other three bandits were dissatisfied. They were actually tripped in such a place, which was simply funny.

"You also take a few shots from me." Li Weiyi pointed his gun at the bandit who spoke, and shot several shots in succession, shooting straight at him.

"I'm not that fool that Lao Si." The bandit had been paying attention to Li Weiyi's movements, and his blood and qi were running fast, and he was about to move out in the next moment.

But at this moment, there was a problem with his blood and qi circulation, and it suddenly stagnated for a moment, which made him extremely painful. His meridians were torn into multiple cracks, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The man was forced to stand still, and then four laser beams fell on him. He was completely numb, and all the muscles in his body were no longer under control, even his brain was numb.

"Old Five, what's wrong with you?"

"What are you doing?"

The other two bandits were shocked. How could the two brothers make such a low-level mistake at this critical moment? They didn't understand.

But when Li Weiyi pointed the gun at them, they understood. Either their heads suddenly became confused, or their internal organs suddenly hurt. At the critical moment of dodging, several laser beams fell on them and subdued them.

For safety, Li Weiyi also shot each person twice. Anyway, martial artists are tough and will not be electrocuted to death.

Li Weiyi has already dealt with this side, and Captain Yun has also gained the upper hand on the other side. No wonder he dared to deal with the bandits alone. He has two brushes in his hands.

The leader was brought to the sky by her changing gravity, and then changed gravity to make him fall quickly. A big hole was smashed on the ground, and he was already seriously injured.

"Captain, I'll help you!" Li Weiyi raised his laser gun and aimed all the remaining energy at the deep pit.

The thunder was violent, destroying all the laser beams, but at this time, Captain Yun had already prepared his martial arts.

"Earth Burial!"

Under Captain Yun's control, the earth around the deep pit was rapidly compressed into the deep pit, and the leader was buried in it.


Captain Yun burst out all his strength, the earth was still constantly compressed, and the density was rapidly increasing. At first, many thunders pierced out of the soil, but in the end, the light of thunder was completely buried.

Li Weiyi saw that the leader in the soil had been crushed by the soil and had completely lost the power to resist.

Captain Yun loosened his hand, and the soil spread, revealing a muddy leader.

"Captain, great." Li Weiyi gave a thumbs up.

"You are not bad either. You actually took care of four people." It was the first time that Captain Yun praised Li Weiyi.

"It's all my luck. These bandits are so weak that they can't even dodge laser guns." Li Weiyi smiled faintly.

"Luck is also part of strength." Captain Yun smiled, she never believed in luck.

"Hehe..." Li Weiyi scratched his head and didn't dare to answer. The more he said, the more mistakes he made. These bandits were just children to him and he could kill them with a flick of his hand.

The two took the bandits back to report. Li Weiyi went out again. He had only been here for about ten days, but he had solved three cases. Moreover, the bandit case was considered a medium-difficulty case, but he solved it. Zhou Xiong had already called him a great policeman.

Li Weiyi smiled and said nothing. He was just cheating. If there was no Zerg to help him, he would not be able to investigate the case. At most, he would rely on his mental power to cover the whole city and rely on his strength to crush the case.

The next day, Yun

The captain took the initiative to call Li Weiyi to the office.

"You have passed the test here. Next, you will work with me to handle the case. The cases given to you before are all the latest cases. They are difficult, but that's it. The most difficult ones are old cases, which are more than ten, twenty or even thirty years old. I am in the military department, specializing in old cases." Captain Yun said.

"I understand." Li Weiyi nodded.

"Take a look at this case." Captain Yun threw an old file bag to Li Weiyi, who took it and began to check the case.

This case is an extremely bad case, a family annihilation case. Four generations of a family were all killed, including an old man who was nearly a hundred years old and a child who had just turned one month old. Their heads were cut off.

Looking at the shocking photos in the file, even though Li Weiyi was used to seeing life and death, he still couldn't help being angry. There were many children in it. They had just come to this world not long ago, and their lives were forced to end at the beginning.

The incident happened in a village in the suburbs of the north of the city. Because some villagers found that those families did not open their doors at noon, they felt very strange, so a woman went to those families to check.

When she opened the door, the woman was so scared that she collapsed on the spot. She saw several heads placed on the table, and several headless bodies lying on the ground. The ground was stained with blood. How could a woman bear that hellish scene?

The woman also fell seriously ill because of this, and this incident also alarmed the military department. The police who went to handle the case at the beginning showed an extremely angry look every time they talked about the incident.

However, no matter how the police investigated, they could not find any clues. The surveillance at various intersections in the village did not find any suspicious people or vehicles. The man seemed to appear out of thin air, and then disappeared out of thin air after killing people, and no trace could be found.

There has been no progress in this case until now. It has been kept in the archives until Captain Yun, who specializes in solving old cases, appeared and was taken out.

"How is it, what do you think?" Captain Yun asked.

"I prefer a spiritual master or a warrior who has opened the gravity or wind divine storage to take action. Only this kind of person can perfectly avoid surveillance." Li Weiyi responded.

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