The village was in chaos, but the truth was revealed.

"I have the same guess. As ordinary villagers, they can't provoke people above the level of Wu Zong." Captain Yun agreed.

"Has that village ever produced a powerful warrior?" Li Weiyi asked.

"The strongest person in that village is a martial artist, and they didn't open the corresponding divine treasure. They also have evidence of their absence." Captain Yun explained.

"Looking at the wound, the murderer should be a left-handed swordsman." Li Weiyi looked at the wound carefully and said that the wounds cut by the left hand and the right hand were different.

"Yes, the military department also investigated the left-handed swordsman in Donglin City at that time, but they all had alibis and no motive for committing the crime."

"If it was done by an outsider, it would be difficult." Li Weiyi shook his head. It would be hellish to find the murderer.

"If it was so easy to find, this file would not have been here for so long."

"I want to go to the crime scene first to see if there are any changes there now?" Li Weiyi asked.

"It has been cleaned up three months after the crime, and it is difficult to see anything now." Captain Yun has been there to see, but there is no gain, after all, it has been too long.

"I'll go and take a look." Li Weiyi still decided to go and take a look, and there might be only a clue there.

Li Weiyi drove the police car all the way to the village.

When he arrived in front of the houses, the houses were dilapidated, the cement at the door was covered with moss, and even the walls of the houses were growing weeds.

After such a thing happened, no one wanted to get close to this place, and even the neighbors nearby had almost moved away. Li Weiyi only saw an old lady sitting at the door not far away to bask in the sun.

Seeing Li Weiyi in a police uniform, she turned her head and took a look. Li Weiyi could see a flash of sadness in her eyes, or maybe Li Weiyi's arrival reminded her of some past events.

The doors of the three houses were closed, but not locked. Li Weiyi pushed the door open, and a rotten smell came to his face.

The tiles on the ground were covered with a layer of dust, and the white lime on the wall was covered with moss. There was no human presence for too long, and the house was flooded everywhere.

"Wise insect, are there any insects that can find something from here?" Li Weiyi asked.

"Reply to the second master, the insects are not strong enough now, it is difficult, the smell has dissipated for too long, and it has been cleaned, which makes it even more difficult." The wise insect replied.

"I understand." Li Weiyi nodded, and his mental power spread out, covering the entire village. His mental power is the best among the martial kings, and it is easy to cover a village.

And because the area covered is small, he can also scan every inch of the place in detail.

Li Weiyi's soul processed all the information, and suddenly he raised his eyebrows and made a new discovery.

It was not in these three houses, but in a small hill in this village. The hill was the village's cemetery, with tombstones on it. After the death of the people in the village, they would be buried there.

Li Weiyi came to a tombstone, which was the oldest of the victims who were killed at the time. Li Weiyi saw a subtle mark on it, which was a knife mark.

"Even after death, he had to chop a knife on his tombstone. How much hatred is this?" Li Weiyi said to himself.

Li Weiyi's mental power penetrated into the knife mark and felt a strong resentment.

This is the swordsman's resentment towards this person, and it is also the swordsman's martial arts. Entering the Tao with resentment is very rare in the entire martial arts world. Li Weiyi has only seen a battalion commander in the military who entered the Tao with resentment.

The battalion commander resented the monsters. When he was a company commander, he led his subordinates to perform tasks. All of them except him died. He was full of resentment in his heart and entered the Tao directly with resentment.

On the battlefield, the battalion commander always led the troops, only attacking but not defending. His eyes showed a completely dark color, and the blood in his body turned gray. At first glance, he looked more devilish than a devil.

"There must be a great grudge between the two of them. It is definitely not a casual act by a passing warrior. There must be omissions in the previous investigation." Li Weiyi said secretly.

Li Weiyi returned to the village and found the old man who had observed him before.

"Hello, old lady, I am a police officer. I want to ask you about what happened to the family next door." Li Weiyi said bluntly.

"I've said it many times over the years. What's the point of saying it?" The old family member shook her head. She had no hope that the police would get to the bottom of the case.


"Old man, everything is up to us. We have been trying to give them justice." Li Weiyi persuaded.

"Ask whatever you want to ask. I have said it many times anyway." The old man thought for a while and said, perhaps he did not want to have a conflict with the police.

"Did this family have any enemies with the people in the village?" Li Weiyi asked.

"In a village, there must be conflicts, but they are all small conflicts, not to the point of destroying the whole family, and the whole village has been investigated layer by layer, and everyone has an alibi." The old man said.

"Did this family bully any family that was more powerful?" Li Weiyi asked.

"No." The old man turned his head and looked into the distance and said.

"Why is her eyes evasive?" Li Weiyi said secretly. Although the old man turned his head, his mental power found that the old man's eyes were evasive, and there was a hint of resentment and a hint of pleasure in the depths of his eyes.

"Are you alone at home, old man? Where are your children?" Li Weiyi changed the subject.

"I am alone. My son died a long time ago. My daughter-in-law ran away and took my only grandson away." The old man couldn't help feeling sad when he talked about this.

"Please accept my condolences." Li Weiyi comforted.

"I have let it go a long time ago. Decades have passed." The old man smiled with a sigh.

Li Weiyi left and returned to the military police to take out the files of all the people in that village that year. He kept searching and finally found the file of the old lady.

Pulling out the file attached to the old lady's file, Li Weiyi looked at it carefully.

The old lady's name was Li Ying. Her husband died of drowning in his early years. She raised her son alone, and then her son successfully married and gave birth to a grandson.

Everything was going well, but one day her son also drowned in the village reservoir, and then his daughter-in-law ran away soon after, taking her grandson away. The old woman was very desperate, and her hair turned all white overnight.

There was a sentence in it that caught Li Weiyi's attention. The deceased's family relied on their large numbers and bullied the old woman's family.

Li Weiyi checked the family list of the old lady and found that her daughter-in-law was called Liu Mei and her grandson was called Xie Xin.

The information about these two people was very simple, only the citizen number and a photo of Liu Mei holding Xie Xin, who was still a baby.

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