The two sides of the battle are still in a dilemma.

Qin He knocked on the table with his right hand. He was in an unfavorable situation in all aspects. The best result now was to let all this fall into a quibble.

As for bringing down Mu Bai, it was a very difficult thing. After all, the other party had been seriously injured by Li Weiyi and could pretend to be a victim.

"Why don't we free our minds? We are already at a disadvantage just for this matter. We can expand our thinking and expand the matter." Li Weiyi pondered.

"Oh? What do you think?" Qin He glanced at Li Weiyi. How comprehensive can a young man's thinking be?

"With the bastard Mu Bai's style of doing things, he must have harmed many people in Yuncheng. We can dig out this part of the story and ruin his reputation first. It's not called ruining, because that is the fact itself. We can even limit him to the continuous lawsuits and buy us time." Li Weiyi put forward his own opinion.

"You kid is really full of bad water." Qin He looked surprised. He didn't expect that Li Weiyi, a senior high school student, also knew the usual business tactics.

"I think it's okay. The victims didn't dare to speak before because they had no one to back them up and were afraid of retaliation. I will be their backer and promise them that they can settle in Ningcheng. Someone should be willing to stand up." Qin He pondered.

"We can mobilize the power of the media to put the incidents of these victims on the Internet to cause a sensation and distract the attention of the Mu family." Li Weiyi continued to add.

"Okay, I will transfer the Qin family's guard team to protect the lawyers, reporters and anchors to find these victims to collect evidence." Qin He made the decision.

"Think about how to tell the story tomorrow, and how to deal with the other party's attack. They will definitely bite you back. You can't fall into the other party's language trap. Communicate well with the lawyer tonight." Qin He reminded again.

With similar backgrounds on both sides, everything returned to the normal process, talking about evidence, talking about the law, and doing things according to the law.

Two and a half hours later, a large team of lawyers, guards, and the media and anchors of the Qin Group all arrived.

The media began to dig deep into the traces left by the Yuncheng network and find out all the black history about Mu Bai. The Qin family can suppress the matter, but it cannot completely eliminate it.

Mu Bai's black history is really a lot. He is used to being domineering in Yuncheng. He has even violated many young girls, and even caused some girls to commit suicide.

There are also many people who have been ruined by him. There is a genius from Yuncheng No. 1 Middle School. Because he offended him, his cultivation was destroyed. His family was persecuted, leaving only the genius to become a disabled person and wandering on the streets.

Shocking cases happened one after another. This world is never fair. Facing the wealthy Mu family, many people have no place to complain. Mu Qing, the deputy governor, can suppress many cases.

"Power is everything. If I were the King of Martial Arts, the Mu family would only clean my shoes." Li Weiyi said secretly, and felt the importance of power even more. The urgency of becoming stronger in his heart became stronger.

Li Weiyi and his three companions were guided by three lawyers to teach them how to avoid language traps. Tomorrow's trial will be broadcast live to the whole nation, and it is almost impossible to recover from saying the wrong thing.

Li Weiyi and his companions remembered carefully. Although they also knew a little bit of law, they were far behind lawyers. Don't challenge other people's professions.

At night, many people in Yuncheng were sleeping, but Yuncheng tonight was undercurrent.

The media of the Qin Group found many people who had been persecuted by the Qin family. Many of them did not dare to be interviewed, but some who had deep hatred gave up everything to tell the story.

They also kept a lot of evidence, which was put on the Internet by the media.

The next morning, many people habitually opened the short video platform, and then found that the style of today had changed, especially the people of Yunzhou, who saw many videos about the Qin family harming the people.

Shocking and infuriating, looking at the miserable appearance of the abandoned Tianjiao, the violated girls, and the family members of the girls who committed suicide, the flames of anger in the hearts of many people burned fiercely.

They denounced online and tagged the account of Yunzhou Wufu.

Even under the organization of some people, many people took to the streets to march, holding high the banner of overthrowing the Mu family.

Some victims knelt at the gate of Wufu, holding evidence in their hands, and many people stood beside them. There were also various media and anchors, broadcasting all this live on the Internet, waiting for the incident.

Follow-up of the incident.

At this time, all the leaders in the Wu Mansion were in a meeting. This matter was very big and had caused a serious public opinion storm.

The mayor Chen Chao sat in the main seat, silent and did not speak. Others did not speak either, thinking about what to say later.

"Tell me what you think. Now more than 100,000 people have gathered at the door. The regional martial arts association and the regional martial arts department are paying attention. Minister Zhang has just called me and asked us to handle this matter well and give the people an explanation. There can't be any mistakes. Deputy Mayor Mu, you speak first."

Chen Chao's eyes were fixed on Mu Qing, with a stern look. So many things happened, and Mu Qing "made great contributions."

"Mayor Chen, colleagues, what is happening outside now is a bad incident in which someone is deliberately inciting the public's emotions. What they said, the mansion has case records. Now they are talking nonsense. We must show the Wu Mansion's vigorous and resoluteness and arrest all the relevant rumor makers." Mu Qing said in a deep voice.

"Catch him? Mu Qing, go out and ask the 100,000 people outside if they agree, ask the 200 million people in Yunzhou if they agree, and ask Minister Zhang if they agree! Are you used to being domineering and don't take the people seriously?"

Chen Chao's tone was stern, and anyone could see his strong dissatisfaction with Mu Qing.

"My subordinates have not considered it properly. Everything depends on the orders of the governor." Mu Qing had already cursed Chen Chao in his heart, but he didn't dare to get angry. The chief and the deputy are never the same concept, and it can be said that they are far apart.

The others looked at each other. In this case, it seems that some things can be done.

Another deputy governor gave Director Yuncheng a look.

Director Yuncheng understood. He knew that if he wanted to climb up, he would have to start to stand on the platform, so he raised his hand.

"Director Xu, you say it." Chen Chao gestured.

"Director Chen, leaders, hello everyone. It is my fault that Yuncheng is experiencing such a thing now. I will reflect on myself here. The victims outside had come to Yuncheng Wusi to report the case."

"When our Wusi was tracking the case, Director Mu said that these matters would be handled directly by Wufu, and took away the evidence we collected. Fortunately, everyone in our department has the habit of keeping records. If there are missing or unclear parts in Wufu's case files, you can go to our Yuncheng Wusi archives for comparison and inspection. I have finished my speech."

Director Xu looked calm, completely ignoring Mu Qing's murderous gaze. He was waiting for an opportunity, and this opportunity came.

As the director of Fucheng Wusi, he was originally a member of the Wufu leadership team. If Mu Qing went down, coupled with the operation of another deputy director, he would have a good chance.

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