The two sides have been discussing the matter.

"Oh, in that case, arrange for someone to bring over the relevant files of the Wufu and Yuncheng Wusi immediately, and then have all the police officers involved in the investigation of the relevant cases come here. Before they arrive in this meeting room, no one is allowed to leave or make phone calls." Chen Chao ordered.

"Yes." Everyone could only say yes. This was not a discussion with them.

At this time, Mu Qing was very anxious. He never thought that Yuncheng Wusi would keep a record of the case. After he took over the case, he directly added some charges to the victims and closed the case. There was no evidence to support it. If the two files were compared, his side would definitely be wrong.

The people of Mu Qing's lineage were very anxious. They knew that the matter was serious. Whether it was seeking truth from facts or eliminating dissidents, Chen Chao was now clearly going to take action against Mu Qing, and they didn't want to be buried with him.

"Director Chen, I want to report Deputy Director Mu!" The Director of the Intelligence Department said loudly.

"Speak!" Chen Chao said.

The Wu Mansion was in turmoil because of this incident. After today, no one knew how many people would step down because of this.

And on the Internet, it was even more boiling. At this time, many people had gathered outside the Mu family manor, throwing eggs, stones, and even throwing feces inside.

Of course, ordinary people were not so bold. This was all arranged by Qin He. He was also paying attention to it secretly. If the Mu family dared to suppress it by force, he would take action.

Although he was not Mu Quan's opponent, he had no problem dealing with it for a period of time.

Mu Quan didn't dare to kill him either. He was acting for the people and taking the righteousness.

"Asshole, asshole!" Mu Quan smashed a bunch of his favorite vases in the study.

I never thought that after just one night, Qin He and his men would cause so many troubles.

He forced himself to calm down his anger, picked up the phone, and started to dial a number.

"Director Lu, where are you now?" Mu Quan said flatteringly.

The person in charge sent by the Ministry of War to deal with this matter this time was Director Lu, who was also one of the most important contacts of the Mu family.

"Brother Mu Quan, Yuncheng is now in an uproar, and things are not easy to handle." An old voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Director Lu, all the evidence is conclusive. Li Weiyi deliberately hurt my son. Please Director Lu must handle it impartially."

"There are too many things, and it is difficult to deal with them quickly."

"Therefore, I have to trouble Director Lu a lot. As for the land in Nanling City, I need to trouble Director Lu to plan it well. I don't have a planning mind, and it's a waste to take that piece of land."

"Well, this matter is very bad, I will definitely deal with it quickly." The old voice was satisfied.

"Thank you for your trouble." Mu Quan said with gratitude and smile.

After the call was hung up, the smile on Mu Quan's face faded.

"It's really a hungry wolf that can't be fed." Mu Quan clenched his fists. The land in the capital was very valuable. He spent a lot of effort to get it, and now he gave it away.

It was ten o'clock. The turmoil in Yuncheng was getting more and more intense, and the investigation team of the Ministry of War finally arrived.

Li Weiyi and the other three came directly to the Warrior Association with a lawyer and Qin He. The investigation meeting was held in the Warrior Association.

As soon as I entered the Warrior Association, I saw Mu Quan, Mu Bai and Mu Kuan also arrived. At this time, Mu Bai was bandaged all over his body and looked very miserable.

Entering the courtroom, five people were already sitting on the upper part. Three of them were wearing police uniforms. They were members of the investigation team of the Ministry of War.

The other two, one was the president of the Yunzhou Warrior Association, and the other was the president of the Yunzhou Intermediate Court.

And in the back, there were various media, and they were going to broadcast the whole incident live.

At this time, many people put down their work, clicked into the live broadcast room, and followed the development of the whole thing.

Li Weiyi and Mu Quan sat face to face on both sides, with the taste of going to court.

"This trial meeting is for the case of Li Weiyi, Qin Yiman, and Chu Piaoxue's intentional injury to Mu Bai and Mu Kuan. The process is open, fair, and just. Now both parties begin to state the course of the case, starting with Mu Bai."

Director Lu, who was sitting in the middle, spoke, and Li Weiyi and others frowned as soon as he opened his mouth.

Mu Bai glanced at Li Weiyi with a smug look in his eyes. No matter what means you use, he will definitely win in the end.

"Dear leaders, media, and thousands of people, I am Mu Bai, and I will now state the incident of Li Weiyi and others intentionally injuring me." After Mu Bai finished speaking, he pretended to look at the rostrum and

The reporter seat bowed in the direction.

"On May 19, at 10 o'clock in the evening, Mu Kuan and I came to our hotel to check the work. According to the staff, a guest complained that Room 3008 made noise every day, which affected his rest."

"After hearing the news, I followed my duty as the general manager of Muyun Hotel and came to Room 3008 and knocked on the door, trying to persuade the guest of this room not to make noise. The door opened, and it was Li Weiyi who opened the door, and Qin Yiman and Chu Piaoxue were inside."

"I told Li Weiyi about the guest's complaint, but I didn't expect to arouse Li Weiyi's anger. He directly attacked and injured me, and wanted to kill me. If Mu Kuan hadn't been here, I might not have a chance to speak here."

"They behaved badly, suspected of intentional injury, attempted murder, and intentional destruction of other people's property. The relevant complaint records and relevant witnesses have come to the door. You can ask, and please give me justice." Mu Bai finished speaking and bowed in both directions again.

"Haha, you are really good at confusing right and wrong." Li Weiyi sneered in his heart.

"Please bring in witnesses!" the judge said loudly.

Three people were brought in, one hotel staff member and two hotel guests who lived next to Li Weiyi.

They took out the complaint records and confessed that they had heard the conversation at Li Weiyi's door with their own ears. They did hear Mu Bai looking for Li Weiyi to deal with the noise issue.

They spoke with conviction, as if they had seen it with their own eyes.

"Li Weiyi, there are witnesses and evidences. What else do you three have to say?" Director Lu asked Li Weiyi.

"I have a lot to say. First of all, I don't agree with your initial statement, Director Lu." Li Weiyi stood up and said calmly, completely ignoring the look Qin He gave him.

As for the people who were paying attention to this matter, they were also surprised at Li Weiyi's boldness. He questioned the chief judge of this incident as soon as he opened his mouth.

They also felt that Director Lu's statement was problematic, but how could they refute a big shot from the military department?

"Hehe... You know, I'm here on behalf of the Nanling Military Department. Are you questioning the Nanling Military Department?" Director Lu said with a fake smile and put a hat on him directly.

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