Gaowu invasion, I can see the future

Chapter 1 Future information? Death notice

July 2037.

Blue Star Federation, Ninth Administrative District.

Tianhai City, Jiangnan Apartment.

Outside the window, the sound of raindrops.

Inside the house.



Holding the ground with both hands, he used all his strength every time, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

Bai Yu clenched his teeth, his muscles seemed to be burning, and sweat flowed down his spine and dripped onto the floor.

"Hu~cough cough~I can't hold on anymore"

Having lost the last bit of strength, his body fell heavily to the ground, his face against the cold floor.

He slowly turned over, lying on his back on the floor, his arms spread out, letting the sweat spread under him.

He closed his eyes, feeling the fatigue and soreness all over his body, and his breathing gradually stabilized.

At this moment, a voice sounded in his ears: [Task 4: Push-ups 100/100, completed, intelligence value +5]

[First day's mission completed, intelligence loading]

"One hundred squats, push-ups, sit-ups, and ten kilometers." He muttered to himself, with a hint of fatigue and confusion in his voice.

"The mission is set up like One Punch Man. Could it be that if I shave my head tomorrow, I will be invincible?"

He said it half-jokingly, but he had a little expectation for the function of the golden finger.

His eyes also fell on the virtual interface that was loading in front of him.

The interface always kept a fixed distance from him, as if there was an invisible barrier.

Coming from the mysterious Eastern country, Bai Yu had experienced such an outrageous thing as crossing, so he naturally accepted this sudden thing easily.

At this time, the picture changed slightly.

[Loading completed.]

[Intelligence value: 40]

[Intelligence 1 (gray)

Keywords: soybean market

Intelligence value required: 1]

[Intelligence 2 (gray)

Keywords: flood

Intelligence value required: 1]

[Intelligence 3 (white)

Keywords: city-destroying disaster

Intelligence value required: 5]

[Intelligence 4 (white)

Keywords: car accident

Intelligence value required: 5]

Looking at the four intelligence boxes in front of him, Bai Yu touched his chin and thought with a strange expression.

"Just looking at the keywords, it seems like the ability to predict the future. This is in line with my expectations."

"But what the hell is this city-destroying disaster? The world I traveled through is at least a modern rule of law society. Could it be that someone can be so crazy?"

He couldn't help but frowned.

"Unless it's the First Administrative District, the territory of the old eagle, someone smuggled a few Patriot missiles and carried out terrorist attacks directly in the city."

Thinking carefully, this world is really possible! He stayed for a month, read all kinds of news, and realized that the public security was much worse than in his previous life.

Without thinking too much, Bai Yu looked at the 20 intelligence points obtained today and directly clicked on Intelligence 1.

Confirm the purchase.

Intend to find out.

The next moment, a string of text appeared in front of him.

[On July 14, 2037, a large-scale flood disaster occurred in Rio de Janeiro, the fourth administrative district, and the main soybean producing areas suffered serious damage.

Under the propaganda of international grain traders and the manipulation of the futures market, in the next half month, the price of soybeans will start from the low of 2.23 federal coins/jin and continue to soar, and on July 25, it reached a high of 3.61 federal coins/jin. 】

Bai Yu still knows something about futures. The original owner also joined several groups that taught fund stock trading, and there were also people in the group who engaged in futures.

Most people have only heard of the word "futures" on short video platforms.

When I first heard about it, I am afraid that it is generally believed that today's market price is 2 federal coins/jin, and it has risen to 3 federal coins/jin in half a month.

According to elementary school mathematics, it is natural to think that if you invest 100,000 yuan, you can only make 50,000 yuan, but it is not the case! The real profit may be 500,000!

However, Bai Yu dared not play with such a high risk, and usually only dared to buy low-risk funds.

"Today is July 11, and the flood disaster mentioned in the intelligence is only three days later."

"If this news is true, the 200,000 or 300,000 yuan pension in the bank card can become a seven-digit figure!" He was a little excited.

But when it comes to money, Bai Yu is still a lot more cautious.

He is not sure whether the information given by the golden finger is true.

"Then let's take a look at the next information."

[August 22, 2038

East 8 District Time -19:22

Title: The 21st Administrative District Jeep City Flood, Giant Creatures Appeared!

Brothers, today I bring you a shocking news.

The 21st Administrative District Jeep City Flood, the average water depth of the entire city is as high as 15 meters, and the number of people affected is as high as two million.

The above is not the key, the following is the key! ! !

Now there are witnesses who say that they saw a giant creature underwater, suspected to be the legendary dragon! That's right, it's the kind of giant dragon that only appears in myths!

There are also intelligent creatures such as fishmen, snakemen, and lizardmen.

It is said that there is also the legendary Cthulhu sea monster!

This is definitely not nonsense. The video on the Internet has gone viral. The authorities must be unable to cover up the fire.

Suspected dragon.JPG, fishmen.JPG]

Seeing this information, Bai Yu's brows are about to wrinkle into an embarrassing word.

"What the hell is this?"

Looking at the time carefully, it actually happened a year later! However, it cannot be confirmed in the short term.

But the last few pictures look incredibly real.

The submerged city, the giant shadow in the water, the strange huge damage on the buildings.

"Isn't this world an ordinary technological world?"

Bai Yu's emotions at the moment are a bit complicated. He is looking forward to becoming a supreme strong man in the high-level martial arts world like the protagonist in the novel, and being admired by thousands of people.

But he is a bit timid, always feeling that he doesn't have the ability to face this situation.

Without too much nonsense, he looked at the remaining two intelligence.

Requires 5 intelligence points, the value seems higher.

Purchase intelligence three!

[November 5, 2057

East 8 District Time -8:22

Title: Grief! Tianhai Base City fell, tens of millions of people died! Where is the future of mankind?

Last night, Tianhai Base City was shrouded by an unknown barrier.

There are seven alien gods involved in this city destruction disaster, the God of Fishmen-Lastel Bode, and the Blood Ancestor-Dracula It.

City ruins.jpg]

"Tianhai Base City! Tianhai City"

Bai Yu flipped through the pictures, the destroyed walls, the collapsed high-rise buildings, and the smoking armored vehicles.

From many traces, it can be seen that it is Tianhai City! Especially the Qingyun River in the center of the city.

Seeing this, Bai Yu believed it vaguely.

In short, if the flood disaster and the soybean price increase in three days are true, it is almost certain that these seemingly outrageous extraordinary intelligence are also true!

"2057, that is, twenty years later, it is not long or short."

"Seven alien gods, involving things like gods, it seems difficult to deal with. How can mortals grow to the level of fighting against gods in twenty years!?"


Take a deep breath, without nonsense, Bai Yu bought the last intelligence.

[2037, July 15

East 8 time -12:33

Title: A man was cheated of 300,000 yuan, and drove away after hitting a female anchor, resulting in 7 deaths and 5 injuries

Three days ago, at 11 pm on July 12, near Yongcheng Street, Jiangnan District, a man drove his car into a crowd, resulting in 7 deaths and 5 injuries, and then drove away.

The deceased were Jiang Moumou, Lei Mou and Bai Mou.

Currently, Jiangnan District Law Enforcement Bureau]

Looked carefully at the time and location.

Bai Yu stood up, walked to the balcony, looked at the building outside the window, and the street below.

"Isn't Yongcheng Street, Jiangnan District, this?"

"And there is a female anchor!"

His identity in this world is a senior student majoring in computer science at Tianhai University.

It is summer vacation now, and he is interning at Lei Ting Media Company.

The office building opposite is where he works, and hundreds of anchors go crazy there every day.

He is an editor, responsible for cutting short videos, with a monthly salary of 6,000.

"The deceased is Bai. Damn it, I think I'm the only one in the entire company with the last name Bai!"

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