Gaowu invasion, I can see the future

Chapter 2: Fate changes, file: Green Lake fish monster

Chapter 2 Destiny changes, File - Qinghu Fish Monster

"The deceased is Bai."

Seeing this text, Bai Yu's cold sweat slid down his forehead.

He was so bold that he accepted the first two extraordinary messages in a short time.

Flood disaster, two million people were affected.

The disaster of destroying the city, even more tens of millions of people died!

Seeing these cold numbers, he did feel something in his heart, but not much.

After all, the time is still far away, and even if it is a disaster in Tianhai City, even if he can't change it, he can slip away in advance.

But he never thought that he would die tomorrow.

When "death" is approaching, he will definitely not be able to remain calm.

"From the news headline, this guy is not coming for me, but wants to kill a female anchor. It looks like a normal revenge, but he just killed me by the way."

Bai Yu muttered to himself, trying to sort out his thoughts.

"It's not some extraordinary creature that's killing people. It looks like fate can be completely reversed."

"Then I'll take a leave and stay at home tomorrow. I want to see who can kill me!"

Although he said so, Bai Yu was still a little worried.

After learning that there might be extraordinary powers in this world, he felt very insecure.

"My golden finger seems to be related to intelligence. I hope I can get some information that can make me extraordinary later."

Praying silently in his heart, with complicated thoughts, Bai Yu went to the bathroom and took a hot bath.

After taking a bath, it was time to go to bed, but he couldn't fall asleep repeatedly, so he turned on the computer and started searching for major news to see if there was anything abnormal in this world now.

With a different idea, when he looked at those "weird" news again.

He suddenly found that in recent years, there have been a lot more legends about water monsters, sea monsters, icebergs encountering wild people, sewer lizards, etc.!

Of course, there are also outrageous ones, such as the Ultraman fossils dug out in the East China Sea, which is just deceiving elementary school students.

Just looking at these news, Bai Yu couldn't help but feel that the world is much more complicated than he imagined!

The next morning, seven o'clock.

Bai Yu rarely woke up early.


As soon as he sat up, he felt sore all over.

However, this did not prevent him from looking at the golden finger as soon as possible.

Sure enough, four new intelligence appeared.

[Intelligence 1 (gray)

Keywords: Special Investigation Bureau

Required intelligence value: 1]

[Intelligence 2 (gray)

Keywords: Fish Monster

Required intelligence value: 1]

[Intelligence 3 (white)

Keywords: Life experience

Required intelligence value: 5]

[Intelligence 4 (green)

Keywords: Sequence promotion

Required intelligence value: 20]

"I only have eight intelligence points left now, only enough to buy the first three."

When saying this, Bai Yu did not forget to check whether the daily task was refreshed.

A closer look showed that it was indeed refreshed.

And the content was the same as yesterday, one hundred squats, push-ups, sit-ups, and ten-kilometer run.

"Gray, white and green, it looks like the quality classification of intelligence. There should be higher quality later, and the price will probably be higher, right? The points earned in one day are not enough to buy it."

"If you look at it this way, the intelligence value cannot be spent carelessly."

However, now is the early stage of establishing cognition of this world, Bai Yu still decisively took the first three intelligence.

[On January 9, 2021, representatives of extraordinary people from major administrative regions of Blue Star held a meeting and announced the establishment of a special investigation bureau worldwide to deal with extraordinary events in the state of spiritual energy recovery. ]

"2021!? Isn't this sixteen years ago!?"

"Isn't that the time when the extraordinary in this world began?"

Bai Yu was quite excited when he saw this news. At least from this point of view, this world has already dealt with extraordinary creatures, and he is not the only one carrying the burden.

The disaster of destroying the city that he saw may be avoided!

Continue to look at the second intelligence.

[File - Qinghu Fish Monster

File number: SIB-2037-072

File entry time: 2037.08.07

File status: Captured

Death scene.jpg

Basic information:

Name - Wang Yongjian

First crime: Jiangnan District Yongcheng Street - Car accident, causing 3 deaths and 5 injuries.]

This is the only information given, which is obviously only a very small part of the file.

Bai Yu looked at the photo carefully. It looks like the legendary fish man. There are many wounds on the body, and some parts are charred. It should be caused by the attack of extraordinary power.

As for the face, it is not completely distorted. You can see the appearance of this person, especially the obvious black mole on the nose.

If you see it, I don’t know if you can recognize it.

"I didn’t expect that the offender was a fish monster. This is troublesome."

"However, 3 deaths and 5 injuries have changed greatly compared with yesterday’s 7 deaths and 5 injuries. It’s a pity that I don’t know the name of the deceased now."

Then look at the third information.

[Bai Yu - Death File

Position: Level 1 General Investigator

Date of Death: 2037.12.28

Introduction: During the investigation of the blood pool incident, he entered the blood pool area with other team members to assist the elite team in investigating and collecting evidence.

During the investigation, the blood pool suddenly erupted with strong energy fluctuations, causing Bai Yu to die on the spot. The initial judgment was that the energy fluctuations caused internal organ rupture and severe bleeding. 】


"I died again! But fortunately it was half a year later. And it is certain that I probably won't die tonight."

"It's just that the information I gave you doesn't seem to have taken into account the subsequent role of Gold Finger. Otherwise, with Gold Finger, it would be too embarrassing for the time travelers for me to be such a waste."

After seeing this information, Bai Yu looked at the fish monster in front of him.

Recall the seven supernatural gods mentioned in yesterday’s information about the city’s destruction.

The god of fishmen, the ancestor god of blood.

Qinghu fish monster, blood pool!

It seems that during this period, the power of this alien god was already entrenched in Tianhai City.

The reason why that information is worth five intelligence points is probably because it mentioned seven powers.

"By the way, it seems that yesterday's information cannot be viewed anymore."

Seeing this, Bai Yu quickly took out a thick notebook and carefully recalled the information about the seven supernatural gods. He remembered all the prefixes such as the fish-man god, but the names were a bit vague.

Fortunately, I remembered everything, and after writing it down in my notebook, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Later, Bai Yu relied on his memory to completely write down all the intelligence information from yesterday and today.

After finishing his work, Bai Yu took a look at the remaining information value, as well as the fourth information that was not redeemed today.

Sequence promotion!

"Is it similar to a mysterious sequence-based training system?"

"This may be information related to the extraordinary cultivation system. You must exchange it as soon as possible and understand it first."

After reading the information, Bai Yu thought for a moment, took out his mobile phone, and opened WeChat first.

I sent a message to my manager and asked for two days off.

Then I sent a message to my intern colleague and friend Zhang Youpeng, who was also my roommate at the university, asking him to take a leave of absence as well. The reason was that he was addicted to football and wanted to play football in the afternoon.

Even if he is not on the death list, now that the fate line has changed, he must be taken precautions.

There was no immediate reply from the other party.

In this job, I go to work at two o'clock in the afternoon every day, and I am busy until eleven o'clock in the evening. I am used to going to bed late and getting up late.

"This guy must still be sleeping, so I'll go and work on futures first."

After saying that, Bai Yu started searching for futures exchanges and found the Tianhai Futures Trading Market six kilometers away.

"The exchange always opens at nine o'clock, and it's only half past seven now. I can complete the three tasks of push-ups first, and then walk over. Complete the four tasks together and get the fourth piece of information."

As for ordering takeout for breakfast, play it safe.

After the night rain, there is a fresh earthy smell in the air.

Bai Yu walked along the wet street and passed a small park.

In the park, the elderly are doing morning exercises, doing Tai Chi and taking a walk. Pet dogs grinned at each other, but they were extremely well-behaved in front of children.

Bai Yu walked these six kilometers with fear, but looking at this scene, he felt a sense of peace.

Unfortunately, this tranquility is just an appearance. The world is much more complicated than what meets the eye.


After walking for a few more minutes, we arrived at the gate of the futures exchange.

This is where wealth and risk coexist.

In the futures market, dramatic changes in wealth are taking place every day.

This is a place where dreams and nightmares intersect. Everyone who enters here is betting on a game of fate.

Bai Yu took a deep breath, still feeling a little uneasy, but he knew that he had to take the risk.

Before order collapses, making money is still an important means of survival!

With this thought in mind, Bai Yu walked into the door of the futures exchange.

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