Gaowu invasion, I can see the future

Chapter 3 Futures Margin, Millions of Profits!

Inside the exchange.

The large screen occupied the entire wall, showing the futures market conditions around the world. The red and green numbers kept flashing, representing the rise and fall of prices.

The news items scrolling at the bottom of the screen updated the latest market trends and important news in real time.

The traders all looked extremely busy, and there was a tense atmosphere in the air.

There was a consultation desk on one side of the hall, and someone was currently asking questions.

Bai Yu had only played futures twice in his previous life, and was not particularly familiar with it, so he walked over and waited for a while.

"Sir, what do you want to ask?"

"I want to open an account."

"Please go to window No. 5 to open an account."


After saying that, Bai Yu walked to window No. 5.

"Excuse me, how much margin do you plan to deposit this time?"

Bai Yu had already considered it before coming. There was still 250,000 left in the card, so he would just put 200,000 in!


"Please wait."


While waiting, Bai Yu also looked up the basic knowledge of futures.

Futures can be seen as a contract. For example, three months later, Party A buys one ton of pork from Party B at 15 yuan per catty.

This contract ensures that farmers' products have a market and allows buyers to lock in future purchase prices.

But why have futures become a high-risk financial product?

The core lies in the margin system! The margin system allows futures trading to have a huge leverage effect.

The account opening process is very fast.

Bai Yu did not delay after opening an account. He immediately found a trader and asked about the current market situation of soybeans.

The trader was a man wearing glasses and looked handsome and gentle.

He chatted with Bai Yu briefly, and then said: "You are still in school at this age? You dare to make 200,000 for the first time in futures? You have a mine at home!"

Bai Yu smiled and did not deny it. The main reason was that if the trader in front of him knew that he was an orphan and all in the pension, he would definitely persuade him crazily.

Seeing this, the trader did not say much, thinking that he should just do his job well.

Good words can hardly persuade the damned ghost.

Many people who come here will not listen to advice.

"Currently, the current market price of soybeans is 2.25 federal coins per jin. The market expects a price reduction for soybeans, and the contract price in half a month is 2.18 federal coins per jin."

"One contract is 1,000 jin of soybeans, which is 2,180 federal coins."

"The margin ratio for soybeans is 10.5%. You hold a margin of 200,000 and can buy 873 lots."

"Excluding the handling fee and the investor protection fund, I suggest you buy 800 lots. How about it?"

Bai Yu nodded.


"Then I will buy it for you?"

"Buy it. I will admit the loss. I don't mind this little money."

The trader smiled and shook his head when he heard this.

To be honest, as a trader, he is still very clear about the news from all parties.

This year, the fourth administrative district, that is, South America, the soybeans in this area are harvested from March to July, which has the greatest impact on the current market.

Recently, the local climate in the fourth administrative district is quite good, and the soybean producing areas are all harvested.

Soybean prices are expected to fall.

There is no possibility of making money by doing this now, so newcomers don't know anything and just mess around.

However, he is not familiar with Bai Yu, so it is impossible for him to provide information actively. Otherwise, if the soybean price soars, he will be in trouble!

The trader quickly completed the operation, and Bai Yu also got the transaction confirmation form, transaction records and other forms.

The trader also added Bai Yu's WeChat, and Bai Yu glanced at the other party's WeChat.

Trader-Xiao Chen.

"It looks like a work number."

Bai Yu looked at the 800 contracts he got, and his heart was hot.

What does 800 lots mean? It means a transaction contract involving nearly 1.8 million. It is nine times the principal!

According to the information given by the gold finger.

On July 25, the soybean price reached a high of 3.61 federal coins/jin.

By then, will his profit only be 1.43/2.18=65.6%?


The actual money he earned would be: 800 lots × (3610-2180) federal coins/lot = 114 4000 federal coins

After deducting the handling fee and other additional expenses, he also earned more than one million.

This is futures! Using a principal of 200,000 to earn more than one million is also the charm of leverage.

Of course, this is the money-making side of futures.

But if soybeans fall to 1.93 federal coins/jin during this period.

It will become another calculation: loss = 800 lots × (2180-1930) federal coins/lot = 200,000 federal coins

In this case, the margin is not enough. If you do not continue to pay the margin, you will be forced to close the position.

It means that 200,000 will be wasted! In serious cases, you will be in debt.

Just as I walked out of the door, my cell phone rang.

"Love you at 250°C

Drops of pure distilled water~"

[Big adopted son]

"Hey~Brother Yu."

"Did you see the message?"

"Yes. Why are you suddenly planning to take a leave? Don't you want the full attendance award?"

"Didn't I tell you that I want to play football?"

"Ah, I don't believe you! Every time I play football, I force you to go. Tell me, is it because of the incident of slicing piglet baby?"

Hearing this, Bai Yu was stunned for a moment.

Yesterday, Wednesday, was his weekly rest day.

And with the golden finger, his mind was all on the golden finger, and he almost forgot that he had a little conflict with a female anchor named Xinxin Baby in the company the night before.

The cause of the matter is very simple. The female anchor had one of the few funny clips. Bai Yu cut it out and posted it to the Slice account. But during the process, there was a moment when the beauty was missing and the fat face was exposed. Sharp-eyed netizens caught it and took screenshots.

Since Bai Yu was in charge of editing, this problem was not discovered.

After this bitch got up yesterday and saw some ugly photos in the comment section, she was so angry that when she went to work in the afternoon, she went directly to the editing department and cursed.

It turned out that Bai Yu happened to be on Wednesday!

It is said that the scene was very exciting at that time.

Later, the female anchor just quarreled with Bai Yu in the editing department group.

Bai Yu was confused at the time, but the manager of the editing department had a private chat with Bai Yu, told him what had happened, and asked Bai Yu not to argue with this lunatic.

There happened to be a discussion about female anchors, and Bai Yu was about to ask, has any female anchor recently accepted hundreds of thousands of rewards?

But I feel like if I ask this question, it won’t be clear when there is a car accident.

"Brother Yu, why don't you speak? Isn't it because the piggy baby scolded him so harshly and emo?"

"That's not true. I had already blocked her before she went on a tirade."

"That's how it should be. You're a top student at Tianhai University. You're here just to have fun as an intern. You don't need to spoil her. What's more, why isn't there a little black guy who is an anchor? She has too many ugly photos offline, and she doesn't It's preventing her from finding her big brother."

Zhang Youpeng changed the topic and said: "By the way, we have agreed on playing football. I will contact other students now."

"Okay, bye bye."

Just when Bai Yu was about to hang up the phone, Zhang Youpeng said hurriedly: "Wait a minute, there is one more thing I almost forgot."

"What's up?"

"When I was shopping in the supermarket last night, I saw your ex-girlfriend from the Normal University."

Bai Yu put his hand on the hang-up button, but the person on the other side seemed to be able to see Bai Yu's movements and said anxiously: "Wait a minute, don't hang up the phone yet. Your ex-girlfriend has found a boyfriend, guess who it is?"

That damn curiosity still made Bai Yu couldn't help but ask.


"The alumnus who is interning with us in a company is the guy who likes to have long hair. His name is Wu Hao, from the art department. I heard that this guy is quite rich and has good character. Your ex-girlfriend is very capable."

"I know, see you in the afternoon, bye."


Bai Yu hung up the phone decisively.

His ex-girlfriend is quite pretty.

Especially the photo taken in a light pink skirt under the cherry blossom tree is still fresh in his memory.

At that moment, it was Bai Yueguang in his heart!

However, the emotions between men and women in this world are also mixed with too much material.

This ex-girlfriend’s spending power is so strong that she spent more than 100,000 yuan in less than half a year.

It’s still consumption when I was a student!

He is not a rich man, so he naturally stopped it out of rationality.

"Before I had Goldfinger, I was definitely still a little sentimental."

"If we analyze the root cause of sentimentality, we are actually afraid that we may find something even worse than this in the future."

"But now. Then there's no need to worry."

"With just 1 intelligence value, you can easily earn a lot of wealth. The future is promising!"

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