Gaowu invasion, I can see the future

Chapter 57 Sinful Blood Potion, Fallen Blood Clan

After talking about Zhou Wen being a traitor and the information about the blood demon monster, the car became quiet.

Seeing this, Bai Yu seized every minute and every second and started to circulate the Great Circulation.

Strive to obtain today's intelligence fragments!

Blue lightning can be vaguely seen wandering and flashing in the meridians and blood vessels.

This energy will not harm his body, but can strengthen the body, belonging to extraordinary bioelectricity. This seems to be the peculiarity of his ancient god Zhang Jiao's spiritual power.

Zhao Bin, who was observing from the side, frowned more and more when he saw Bai Yu circulating the Circulation.

After a Circulation, he couldn't help asking: "Why are you so fast?"

"The residual effect of the potion."


"Yes, didn't I send it to you last night? Didn't you drink it?"

Zhao Bin was a little embarrassed when he heard this.

Liu Feifei proudly raised her hand and said, "I drank it!"

"Not bad! Not bad! Worthy of praise."

After praising, Bai Yu looked at the expressions of others and couldn't help but criticize, "Where is the trust between brothers?"

Around nine o'clock in the morning.

Yunhu Antique Street.

"Ancestral blue and white porcelain, is there anyone who knows the goods to come and take a look?"

Bai Yu: This blue and white is crooked. If it was in ancient times, you dared to hand it over, wouldn't you be beheaded and exterminated? How can it be inherited from ancestors?

Everyone walked into the antique street quickly until the target: Hongyue Antique Shop.

Just the body bag was really eye-catching!

Bai Yu unconsciously distanced himself from Jiang Chen and the other two guys.

Really unfamiliar!

Hongyue Antique Shop.

The shop is filled with various wooden furniture, and the overall dark.

Walking into the shop, I felt a sense of coolness.

As if hearing someone coming in, a young man walked out quickly and greeted, "Several customers."

But after seeing Bai Yu and others, his smile froze.

Bai Yu also glanced at the young man.

Isn't this a vampire who plans to discuss life and teach foreign languages ​​with his cousin?

Why did he come to work here?

But he was relieved when he thought that the owner was a big boss.

It should be to solve the re-employment problem of alien creatures who are not sentenced to death.

After a while, the man froze and said, "Excuse me, what do you want to buy?"

Li Yunbin did not answer, but looked at the stairs.

I saw a middle-aged man who had quietly walked to the middle of the stairs.

This person is Zheng Guoyi!

His skin has a special kind of sick white, with few wrinkles.

He glanced at the black plastic bag that was brought over and said, "Come up."

"Xiaochen, close the door."


Everyone walked towards the stairs.

When Bai Yu passed by the man, he stopped and patted his shoulder. The man's legs were a little weak and his body could not support it.

"Xiao Chen, work hard. Maybe one day my cousin's old illness will come back, and you will need her to help treat and educate her."

"I understand, I understand, big brother, come in upstairs."

He still remembers the numbness of thunder and lightning that night!

On the second floor.

Jiang Chen and the others also quickly opened the body bag.

After seeing the body of the vampire, Zheng Guoyi bent down, picked up the arm, and looked at it carefully.

The monster has a thin skin, and the muscle tissue under the skin can be clearly seen.

After studying it for a while, Zheng Guoyi gently scratched the skin with his fingers, and a cut was made, and scarlet blood flowed out.

Who knew that Zheng Guoyi wiped it with his palm, put it to his mouth, licked it, and almost licked it clean!

When Bai Yu saw this scene, he got goose bumps.

‘Oh my god, he is indeed a ruthless man who has obtained the blood of the vampire count’

After savoring it for a while, Zheng Guoyi said: “Compared with the previous version, this modification is indeed a big improvement. When you kill him, you should find that his regeneration ability is very strong, right?”

Li Yunbin nodded: “Indeed! Their combat power may be around level 10, but ordinary spiritual realm attacks cannot cause too much damage to them.”

Bai Yu also agreed.

It is really hard to kill! He can take my three electric cannons without falling.

Li Yunbin continued: "Before, a case of spiritual material theft occurred in the spiritual garden of Qingyuan Villa. There is also a suspected vampire transformer in the surveillance. That one looks more advanced, but unfortunately he has not been caught yet."

"Well, I know."

"Has Mr. Zheng seen it?"

"That's not the case. I just know that this kind of monster must have a stronger improved version."

"Mr. Zheng, what have you researched?"

Hearing this question, Mr. Zheng did not answer, but looked at the others and said, "You guys, go outside for a walk first."

This was obviously a way to drive people away.

This made Bai Yu, who was aroused by interest, a little depressed.

'Small problem, I get the information from the intelligence myself! '

After Bai Yu and others left, Zheng Guoyi took out something from the cabinet beside him: a blood bottle!

To be honest, Li Yunbin and others have captured so many blood slaves, but they have never seen what the blood bottle potion that these guys drink looks like.

But when Li Yunbin saw this for the first time, he felt that this was a blood bottle!

"Mr. Zheng, this is..."

"This is why these people were transformed into blood slaves."

"Where did you get it from?"

"The night before yesterday, when I went out, I happened to meet her. A girl wanted to drink something, and I snatched it away. After I snatched it away, I sensed a crisis, as if someone was watching me. And he wanted to kill me, but in the end, that guy didn’t choose to do it.”

"Then Mr. Zheng, have you discovered anything through research? Or obtained any important information?"

Zheng Guoyi did not speak, but walked to the chair, sat down, and said, "This is what I want to tell you today."

As he spoke, he raised the blood bottle in his hand and said, "This thing is actually more appropriately called the Sin Blood Potion."

"Guilty blood?"

"Yes. Sinful blood is extracted from the bodies of the fallen vampires. Their blood has a certain curse. This is a piece of news I got from the Earl's blood inheritance."

"And this kind of blood seems to have been modified by the vampires. The blood bottle in my hand is only of the lowest concentration and can be given to ordinary people to drink. After drinking it, the sins in people's hearts will be aroused."

"People who drink this kind of medicine will be roughly divided into three categories."

"The first category is those with less sinful hearts and weak constitutions. These people are ordinary blood slaves. Most of their power depends on the accumulation of sinful blood in the body, and they cannot mobilize the power of sinful blood."

"The second category is the one you sent. This group of people are extremely sinful in their hearts but not physically strong enough. Even though they have obtained the power of sinful blood, they have turned into irrational monsters. However, judging from the specific situation, The vampires should have made a lot of improvements and research on this monster. I even suspect that our human research institute has helped.”

Li Yunbin wasn't too excited when he heard the words "There is help from the Humanoid Research Institute."

Zheng Guoyi also looked at Li Yunbin calmly and said, "It seems that you have noticed it too."

"Yes. I heard some news from the clan. Director Yang also told me a few words. However, this matter may involve too much, and I am not strong enough to get in touch with it, so I don't know much."

"Then let me talk about the third category. This third category is the most troublesome. They may have mastered the power of sin blood and possess the power of the master of sin blood. You know, those who can be called fallen vampires can They are all strong. The third type of monster has gained the power of sinful blood, which is even equivalent to half of the awakened ancient gods, and has strong growth potential."

After hearing this, Li Yunbin slowly digested the information.

Director Yang actually told him that the vampire baron case he was investigating was very involved!

He just needs to follow the path and check it, without expecting to achieve great results.

But at least on the surface, it can confuse the vampires who think they haven't been touched by the deep secrets.

But Bai Yu's arrival gave him an idea and ambition, that is, to find out this case! ! !

Taking a deep breath, Li Yunbin also felt heavy, and then asked: "Mr. Zheng, do you have any more information?"

Zheng Guoyi tapped his fingers on the table and did not answer for a while.

After about half a minute, he said: "Yes, yes. But I have to say one thing, your strength is indeed not enough to touch this case. Sometimes, if people want to live a better life, the less they know, the better. "

"But I want to know!"

He met Li Yunbin's eyes for about half a minute.

"Oh~ ok"

Zheng Guoyi sighed, and then talked about his knowledge of this enemy.

"First of all, it is not the vampire baron who is responsible for distributing the sin blood potion, but the night devil in the vampire clan."

"As for the vampire baron you are tracking, he should have been brewing a big conspiracy. I don't know what it is specifically."

Later, Zheng Guoyi talked about several key enemies he knew, which at least prevented Li Yunbin from being unable to find a direction.

After finishing speaking, Zheng Guoyi opened another hidden compartment and took out a special dark black blood bottle.

"This is the blood of sin."

"It is the purified and complete sin blood extracted from the blood slaves and other monsters that I have killed in recent months."

"This is a good research sample. You can bring it back to the Li family and let Professor Li Maoshan of your clan study it to see if we can come up with a way to deal with it. If successful, we can get more information."

Li Yunbin naturally agreed directly without hesitation.

"As for whether you want to tell your team members or not, that's up to you."

"I understand! I'm sorry, Mr. Zheng!"

The data from two days ago that I can see in the background is more than 1,800 fake chases, which is already quite impressive for the same period. I killed eight old LV5 authors along the way. It’s just that the ratio of true pursuits is a little low, about 2/3, which is about 400 to 500 less than Sanjiang’s true pursuits (it currently collects thousands per day, and the follow-up readings are still growing, so there are opportunities). The requirements for really pursuing users are actually not very high. Spending one yuan within a month or two and subscribing to a chapter can be considered as payment. I hope brothers can top up a dollar to help Zhenzhui.

The most important thing is to catch up on next Monday and next Tuesday. Some authors start from the first chapter and write all the chapter names for follow-up reading. I feel that writing all the time is very ineffective. Only asking for follow-up reading once during the critical period can be effective.

I will mark next Monday’s chapter as a follow-up. I also ask readers who have been supporting me for a few days to give it a try when the time comes! The child has never been to Sanjiang and wants to go up and see the scenery. I am so envious (and hateful) of those people who cut books with their backhand in Sanjiang, they are such a waste of position. (_)

As for the performance and the book listing, I talked to the editor. I took a steady development route. I didn't deliberately arrange a special climax plot in the early stage to consume the life of the book, so I couldn't lead to too high a growth in follow-up reading. If it doesn't get listed in Sanjiang, it will be directly listed on the next Friday, and the daily sales will change. I'll see if I can get a strong recommendation. Of course, if it really doesn't get listed in Sanjiang, it won't be considered a failure for my book. For me, the tentacle monster, smart promotion is fierce. My last book had 1,000 subscriptions, and I reached an average of 2,500 in a month (that book was a Chinese sentiment book, and it jumped quickly, but this book is different)

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