Gaowu invasion, I can see the future

Chapter 58 The Millennium Dragon and Tiger List, you must participate!

On the other side, Bai Yu, who walked out of Hongyue Antique Shop, was not idle either.

He looked around, wondering if he should buy anything.

In this case, it can be more reasonable to explain that it was just a coincidence that I bought the Wordless Bible in the first place!

Just as he was walking around with this thought, he suddenly spotted an acquaintance.

That is, the old stall owner who bought the Wordless Heavenly Book.

I saw that the old stall owner seemed to have reached a deal, took out the old plastic bag, and was giving change.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yu couldn't help but feel a little sad.

He is a kind-hearted person, but he just can't bear to put money in plastic bags.

‘Speaking of which, this wordless heavenly book is of great use, and nine hundred is not enough to express my feelings. ’

Or maybe he wanted to add some stories to his life, so Bai Yu walked over.

"Old man, how do you sell these books?"

"Hey~ These all have stories! Each value is different, it's up to you."

While speaking, the white-haired old man wearing reading glasses also raised his head.

He couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw it was Bai Yu!

After all, it was an injustice that cost 900 yuan. Big boss! Of course he remembered.

The old man reacted very quickly and said: "It turns out we are a regular customer! All prices are 25, large quantity discounts."

When Bai Yu saw the old man's reaction, he felt the sympathy that had just surged back and instantly withdrew it.

Very meowy! This old guy makes a lot of money, maybe more than 10,000 yuan a month.

For the elderly, this is a huge amount of income.

‘It’s too early to be self-motivated. ’

However, Bai Yu did not leave. Instead, he looked at an old-looking brush, picked it up, and asked, "Come on, let's make up a story."

The old man rolled his eyes, feeling that Bai Yu wanted to amuse him. However, after thinking about the 900 federal coins he had earned, he felt that it was a bit unkind and detrimental to merit, so he might as well make up a story to compensate.

"Have you ever heard of the Millennium Dragon and Tiger List in Jiayou's second year?"

"I've heard of it. Su Shi, Su Che, Wang Shao, Zeng Gong, Zeng Bu, Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi, Lu Huiqing, Zhang Heng, Zhang Dun, Zhang Zai and other famous people all participated in the imperial examination. Su Shi only got the top prize, And Zhang Heng is the number one scholar."

"Ouch~! The young man has read quite a few books."

"What does that have to do with this deal?"

"In the second year of Jiayou, luck was at its peak. This piece of money was transformed by the luck of the dragon and tiger, and it was obtained by Zhang Heng, so he won the first prize! There is also an erotic story in it, that is, this piece of money, transformed into a human form, is She was a beautiful woman who tested Zhang Heng in a ruined temple in the mountains. She was finally captured by him. "

After hearing this, Bai Yu rolled his eyes.

Shouldn’t the luck of dragon and tiger turn into a big muscle tyrant? How did you become a beauty? Old man, you must have seen too much Nie Xiaoqian.

And how could this old guy tell a lie without blushing and his heart skipping a beat?

"How many?"

"Two thousand is enough. This is indeed an old thing that is dozens or thousands of years old. It is not expensive to sell."

"Okay, I bought it."

With that said, Bai Yu took out his mobile phone.

A voice came from the side: "I'll give 1001!"

This sounds provocative at first sight.

But Bai Yu rolled his eyes and looked at Liu Feifei, who was bidding beside him.

Wuyu said: "This thing is not valuable, I bought it just for fun."

"Hmph! The one with the highest price gets it~"

"Okay, okay, you take it."

This actually puts the old man in a difficult position. He is honest, reaches an agreement verbally, and then regrets it.

But seeing the tone of Bai Yu and Liu Feifei chatting, he felt that he should just make money honestly. Maybe the couple just spent money for fun, and he was just a part of their play.

It's better not to get involved.

Bai Yu only buys things for his mood. If Liu Feifei wants to buy it, then he is also happy.

[All I want in life is peace of mind, money can’t buy it. I’m happy! 】

After Liu Feifei finished paying, she handed the pen to Bai Yu with a smile and said, "No, it's the gift you asked for this morning."


All right! Brain circuits differ from person to person.

It's also possible that Liu Feifei couldn't bear to see money in plastic bags.

‘This girl is so stupid~’

After finishing the purchase, Bai Yu glanced at Hongyue Antique Store and saw that Li Yunbin was not coming out.

Then I walked around the antique street for a while and bought some old-looking things.

These things are not useless.

Just like the writing brush, which looks to be thirty or forty years old, there is also a small copper tripod and green copper coins. It is really possible for these things to become the objects of the ancient gods!

Maybe that day, he would learn from intelligence that there was an object of ancient gods in the room.

After working for about twenty minutes, Bai Yu looked at Hongyue Antique Shop from a distance. Seeing that Li Yunbin hadn't come out yet, and considering that he had a lot of things on his hands, he planned to put them in the car first.

But suddenly someone grabbed Bai Yu's hand and shouted at the same time: "Hey, little brother, don't leave, why don't you take a look at my stall?"

Bai Yu frowned, but then felt ecstatic.

‘Haha~ Look, I’m the one being taken advantage of. Someone wants to trick me, right? Come on, come on, let me show you what it means to show off and slap in the face. ’

Looking back, he saw that he was indeed a strong man with a white short-sleeve shirt and a rather fierce face. Bai Yu couldn't help but narrow his eyes, looking like he was gearing up for action.

But the big man scratched his head and said in broken Mandarin with a northern accent: "Little brother, I'm not looking for trouble. I just see that you are interested in antiques and recommend genuine products to you."

Seeing that this person's accent was friendly and quite different from his face, he had a smile on his face and his tone was better, Bai Yu relaxed.

I feel a little regretful.

Can't you be rude and trouble me?

"Then take a look. I don't have much time."

"Okay! I guarantee you'll be satisfied!"

As he said that, the man pulled Bai Yu for a distance, passed the corner, and came to a stall.

Bai Yu looked carefully at the things on the stall, and they really felt old! There were also two or three people who were looking carefully with magnifying glasses, and they looked very professional.

Liu Feifei also squatted down curiously, picked and picked, and looked.

When the strong man saw this scene, he said very honestly: "To be honest, these things are all collected from my hometown, and they are all old items. As for the age, it depends on the customer's vision. I only quote the price."

In this world, due to the existence of ancient god promotion objects and extraordinary systems, the market for antiques is relatively peculiar. It is difficult for ordinary items to sell for tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yuan.

After all, it is an extraordinary world, and money should be spent on the right way! Who would hype things that have no practical use?

And because things of any age, including modern creations, can become ancient god promotion objects, the antique market in this world is very unique.

Bai Yu also takes time to learn about this knowledge every day.

Seeing that the stall owner was not looking for trouble and looked honest, Bai Yu was just spending money for fun, so he asked the prices of several items.

The lowest price was 500, and there were more expensive items of 2,000 or 3,000.

They really have the confidence to ask for this price. After all, they are dozens or hundreds of years old, and the possibility of becoming ancient god promotion objects is indeed higher! It is in line with the market price.

After thinking about it, Bai Yu spent 6,000 yuan to buy three slightly worn ivory dominoes.

Liu Feifei is also a big shot, and spent 5,000 to buy a cup.

"Take care, customer!"

Playing with the dominoes in his hand, he thought: Why do I feel like I can buy an ancient god promotion object today, and I have spent nearly 10,000 yuan. Arrogant!

But after conversion, it is less than 100 contribution points, not as much as his breakfast.

Walking back to the previous street corner, I also saw Li Yunbin coming out of the Red Moon Antique Shop.

Bai Yu and Liu Feifei walked over quickly, reunited, and returned to the car.

In the car.

Everyone tacitly did not ask what the team leader talked about with Zheng Lao.

But Li Yunbin thought about it and took the initiative to say: "In fact, the higher-ups asked us to investigate the vampire baron, and they didn't expect us to find out anything."

"Because... There are huge implications behind this. With our strength, we can't get in touch with deeper secrets at all."

"If we really find important information, I'm afraid our lives will be in danger."

Hearing this, Bai Yu rolled his eyes and said directly: "Captain, when did you do things in such a fussy way? Just say it if you have something to say!"

Hearing this, Li Yunbin smiled and shook his head.


This sigh seemed to agree with Bai Yu's words. He also felt that he wanted to participate in it in his heart, but he was hesitant.

After taking a deep breath, Li Yunbin stopped talking nonsense and said, "Then let me be frank. The blood clan has a deep connection behind the scenes. Even among our senior leaders, there are big fish in the Spiritual Sea Realm!"

"I want to investigate further, but it is indeed life-threatening."

When Bai Yu heard this, he said in a tone that it was no big deal, "Hey~ I thought it was nothing. It's just the Spiritual Sea Realm? It's not like the alien god has come in person."

"It's just the Spiritual Sea Realm. I want to see how you can kill me in front of my absolute ability!"

This arrogant tone really shines with confidence!

Li Yunbin half-jokingly said, "Maybe there is a possibility that the alien god will be personally involved."

Bai Yu's smile froze: "Captain, how could a small baron encounter an alien god? Are you kidding?"

Hearing this, Li Yunbin said seriously: "The blood clan is divided into different systems. Behind these vampires with titles, there is an ancestor. Even if it is not the ancestor who appears, it may be an earl, a marquis, or even a vampire duke! For us, this is no different from a god!"

"Captain, in fact, I personally think that we should be pragmatic and down-to-earth when doing things! Let the tall people take care of the alien god's affairs, which has nothing to do with us. With our insignificant strength now, we just need to honestly capture a few blood slaves, what do you think?"

Li Yunbin laughed when he heard this.

"That won't work! Others can choose not to participate, but you must participate. I'm also thinking of using your ability to turn danger into safety and catch the murderer behind the scenes."

Bai Yu cursed in his heart: Me!

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