Gaowu invasion, I can see the future

Chapter 62 Crazy Researcher, Diving Equipment

Bai Yu quickly scanned the keywords.

Wu Hao? Pass! However, according to the rules of the golden finger, will he meet him today?

Is there something wrong with this kid?

No, it's just one intelligence value, it shouldn't be a big fish, let's see when the time comes.

Han Qing! It was the non-staff member who protected Zhang Pengyu before. Bai Yu still remembered that she was quite capable, and the key point was that she was a woman.

There was no need to exchange.

"Talisman pen and sin blood research!"

"I didn't expect to get information related to sin blood. It's really God's help."

"As for this talisman pen, it looks like a talisman-making thing, which is also very good!"

He actually wanted to complain about the success rate of making blood-transforming talismans.

It's only 5%~8%!

This is too expensive.

"And today's intelligence does not involve life-threatening situations. It seems that everything should be fine!"

Think about it carefully. No matter how fast the priest reacts, it can't be faster than me, right?

Find the location in advance and wait for the birth of the dragon. Then take the dragon ball directly. At most, you will encounter enemies when you leave.

Unless the other side can also predict it in advance, it will be difficult to deal with.

In this case, it depends on whether the captain's arrangement is perfect.

After thinking, Bai Yu started to do push-ups and the like.

Because today is a special day, and he is very curious about the information behind the sin blood, he can't help but hurry up and check the intelligence.

What if it is related to today's events?

Half an hour later, the three basic tasks were completed.

Bai Yu took a deep breath and exchanged the report on the sin blood research first.

[Personal Research Report

Title: The Mystery of Sin Blood: Notes on the Research of the Blood of the Fallen Blood Clan

Author: ******

Introduction: In this era of spiritual revival, I was fortunate to receive the legendary sin blood-the blood of the fallen blood clan! As a researcher who is curious about the blood clan, I decided to study this mysterious substance in depth and record my findings and personal experiences.

1. The source of sin blood: Sin blood comes from those blood clans who have lost their minds and fallen because of indulging in unknown dark forces. They are called fallen blood clans, and their blood contains powerful and dangerous power!

I am attracted by the power contained in sin blood, eager to understand its secrets and explore whether humans can control this extraordinary power.

2. Characteristics of the fallen blood clan: In my research, I found that the fallen blood clan is not only powerful, but also has extremely corrosive and polluting blood. This makes the research extremely dangerous, but I will never give up!

3. The potential impact of sin blood on humans: Through a series of experiments, I observed that sin blood can trigger a violent reaction in the human body, and may even stimulate the evil thoughts deep in the human heart, and also lead to a strong alienation reaction.

But I found that some people with sinful hearts can control low concentrations of sin blood! So I

4. Adaptability research and personal experience: I succeeded in the experiment on myself! But it seems not perfect.

Now I plan to try a variety of methods to enhance human adaptability to sin blood, including the use of special spiritual herbs and spiritual objects for neutralization. If it can be achieved, hahaha, my research results will shock the world!

5. Development of Sin Blood Potion: After countless failures and adjustments, I successfully developed a low-concentration sin blood potion that is suitable for ordinary humans and allows them to safely contact and harness the power of sin blood!

After in-depth research and personal experience of the power of sin blood, I felt an unprecedented power surging in my body. But as time went on, I gradually realized that this power was gradually eroding my sanity.

In the dead of night, I faced the gradually crazy eyes in the mirror, and an unspeakable fear surged in my heart.

I may have gone to extremes now.

Standing on the rooftop of the villa, gazing at the surface of Yunhu Lake in the night, my heart was full of contradictions and struggles.

The power of sin blood fascinated me, and it gave me unimaginable abilities! But at the same time, I also felt the trembling in the depths of my soul.

I began to doubt whether this power really belonged to humans, or was it a fallen messenger to lure me to the brink of destruction?

I could feel my changes, every heartbeat was accompanied by a desire for blood, and every breath seemed to call for the advent of darkness.

I thought I could control this power, but now, I am afraid that I will eventually become a slave to the blood of sin, lose myself, and fall into endless madness! ! !

Mentor, will my personality really make me go to extremes?

Villa area.jpg


Date: November 22, 2034]

Bai Yu carefully read this personal research report.

After reading it, Bai Yu really wanted to curse.

"This guy is a lunatic!!! Let humans control the power of blood of sin. As a result, it has caused the current disaster!"


Bai Yu sighed deeply. This is equivalent to opening the door of taboo! It also led to the complex situation he is facing now.

Look at the date again, it is the end of 2034.

The blood bottle incident and the vampire transformer lasted for two and a half years, which is consistent in time.

Bai Yu quickly searched for key information in the entire paper.

[Standing on the rooftop of the villa, staring at the surface of Yunhu Lake in the night]

Villa, Yunhu!

The photos of the laboratory do not reveal any important information. The photos of the sewage outlet were taken right next to the outlet, and the surrounding terrain cannot be seen.

The photos of the villa area are taken from a wide angle from above. It is not difficult to find this villa area.

But the photo does not give a specific building, which is a little troublesome.

The most feared thing is that the search is too noisy and arouses the other party's vigilance.

Bai Yu began to think about how to pass this information to the captain.

"According to the captain, the deeper the investigation, the more dangerous it is."

"Taking action against the guy who developed the sin blood potion will probably anger the blood clan."

But this is what he wants to do!

The more uncomfortable the enemy is, the more he enjoys it!

"Today's main focus is still on the Jiaolong Pearl. The information says that Jiaolong is kind-hearted. If you fool it and cultivate it carefully, then with Jiaolong's protection, safety will be guaranteed."

"The matter of the research institute will be passed to the team leader at a suitable time."

After reading it, Bai Yu fell asleep.

Six o'clock in the morning.

Bai Yu got up and ran.

Afterwards, he had breakfast with Liu Feifei and others, and then set off for Yunhu Lake.

The first thing was to go to the diving equipment store that the team leader had contacted to pick up things.

The team leader said that he spent a lot of money to get a large number of submersibles, which were all equipped with high explosives and were extremely powerful! The equipment was naturally handed over to non-staff personnel to deal with underwater emergencies.

The power of explosives in water is absolutely beyond imagination!

In some movies, people jump into the water and shoot with guns. This is what rookies would do.

Anyone with some experience would throw a grenade. If one is not enough, throw two to ensure death.

One point that can prove that grenades are extremely effective is that the firecrackers we played with when we were young only had a little gunpowder, but if they were thrown into a cement water tank, it might cause the tank to crack!

Nine o'clock in the morning.

South of Yunhu Lake.

Bai Yu looked at the six sets of equipment taken down from the car.

Advanced buoyancy control system; efficient breathing regulator; integrated computer table with multiple functions such as depth, time, gas supply, etc.; diving instruments, including depth gauge, pressure gauge and compass; diving suits made of high-quality materials; diving lights, signals, and lighting devices; handheld underwater thrusters.

Zhao Bin made a simple calculation and said, "This set of equipment should start at 500,000."

Bai Yu was shocked and said, "Fuck! So expensive? The team leader is indeed a rich man with no humanity!"

And he remembered that the diving equipment in his previous life was generally several thousand or tens of thousands.

This world is technologically advanced, and unmanned submarines and other items are only 30,000 to 50,000. The price of a fully functional drone is one or two thousand. The purchasing power of the federal currency is still very strong.

But he didn't expect that the diving equipment he got would cost as much as 500,000.

Zhao Bin knew how exaggerated the assets of the Li family were. What's more, there is Qin Wanqing, the richer Miss Wanjin!

Then, he briefly introduced: "This time, our group's four combat teams and more than 50 non-staff personnel have been dispatched. At least more than 300 underwater submersibles are responsible for monitoring the situation."

"Everything is ready."

"Should we go into the water to search now? Or wait?"

Bai Yu touched his chin, thought for a while, and looked around.

The sky was overcast, and there were not many people coming to Yunhu at this time.

Almost all the people who stayed here at this moment were from their seventh group!

He naturally knew Han Qing who was sitting on the shore.

As for the others,

Damn! A full eight underwater equipment monitoring vehicles were parked on the road, and many people were busy.

It was obvious that they were all their people.

If everything was so complete, then we could start.

But when he retracted his gaze, he suddenly swept across one... No! It should be two acquaintances.

One of them happened to meet Bai Yu's eyes.

Wu Hao!

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