Gaowu invasion, I can see the future

Chapter 63 Going to the gym on a date? Hanging sweet potatoes!

He originally planned to pretend he didn't see him, but Wu Hao waved and took the initiative to say hello: "Bai Yu, good morning."

Bai Yu also nodded politely and replied: "Good morning."

There is no conflict between Wu Hao and Bai Yu.

After all, nothing happened between Bai Yu and Li Waner. They just broke up, so it doesn't really matter. If she were a perfect girl, she would definitely feel uncomfortable, but Li Waner's shortcomings are obvious.

After Wu Hao said hello, he briefly looked at the situation on the lake shore and asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

Bai Yu opened his mouth and said, "Take a walk."

Wu Hao can be seen staring at the diving equipment.

Bai Yu couldn't help but shrugged and said, "Okay, I'm here to go diving. Is there anything wrong?"

"Haha, it's nothing, I'm just curious. Then I won't bother you."

"Okay, bye."

After saying that, Wu Hao left.

Wu Hao's original plan was to stroll around Yun Lake, but he really came to take a walk with Li Waner, the young couple, enjoying the wind, taking a walk, and taking photos in the gloomy weather.

It's just that he knew that Bai Yu, even the people around Bai Yu, and the equipment monitoring vehicles, might all be from the Special Investigation Bureau!

With such a big movement, something big might happen, so he chose to leave wisely to avoid being targeted by the Investigation Bureau.

But Li Waner felt that Wu Hao was too meek in front of Bai Yu! ?

Yes even if the two are just chatting briefly. After Wu Hao finished talking, he just chose to leave, which made her feel that Wu Hao had bowed to Bai Yu!

This is the heart of a character like hers.

However, she would not show it, but she was slightly unhappy and asked angrily: "Didn't we agree to come here for a walk? Why do we have to leave so suddenly?"

Wu Hao liked Li Waner's angry expression very much. He touched her head with a smile and said, "There may be danger here, so let's not stay here."

When Li Waner heard this, she was stunned for a moment: "Danger?"

"Yes, dangerous."

After speaking, Wu Hao took a deep breath and said, "There are many things, but I feel it's not the right time to tell you now."

Li Waner didn't understand it at all, and just said dissatisfiedly: "Why can't you say it now?"

"Say now...?"

Wu Hao's tone was filled with doubts, as if he was asking himself.

The reason why he has this strange mentality now is because he found his third uncle the night after seeing Bai Yu get into the investigation bureau vehicle.

I finally understand the truth about the world!

That night, he felt that his three views had been overturned. It took him three days to slowly accept it.

After learning that the extraordinary world really existed, his mentality changed a lot.

Just like when he was in college, he had dated three or five girlfriends, and he liked to experience different feelings. He felt that life only had this little fun, and he only had this little hobby.

In this way, in the second-generation rich circle, his private life is pretty good, and he only talks about one thing at a time.

Unlike some dudes who have thirty or fifty girlfriends, bah! Can I call this my girlfriend? This is called a cannon tower!

Now that he knows about the extraordinary world, Wu Hao is naturally not that interested in this kind of life of changing girlfriends.

He is currently talking to Li Waner and doesn't want to spend time looking for a new one. If we can really continue talking, it would be good to calm down.

Seeing that Wu Hao was still silent, Li Waner said anxiously: "Huh! I'm really angry!"

"Okay, then I'll take you to a gym."

This gym, his third uncle told him, could improve his strength and become a 'superman'! It can be regarded as entering the path of cultivation.

Li Waner was shocked when she heard this.

Gym? Tmd! I’m dating you, and you take me to the gym? Is there something wrong with your brain? This kind of person must hang on the little sweet potato! A long lesson!

She was extremely speechless, but Li Waner was really curious as to why Wu Hao bowed her head in front of Bai Yu, so she chose to agree first and said, "Okay! I'll go with you, but you must tell me after you go!"



After Wu Hao left, Liu Feifei, an activist, naturally couldn't help but blinked and asked, "What's your relationship with this boy? Why do you feel that your words are weird? The relationship is not good or bad."

"Classmates, what else can we have to do with each other? Is it possible, Nantong?"

"It's not impossible~"

Liu Feifei was given a fierce look, and she immediately changed the subject and said, "Where is that girl?"



Liu Feifei immediately said excitedly: "Are you young people getting along so harmoniously now?"

"Nothing happened between me and this woman, so it doesn't matter."

Moreover, when he traveled through time, he had already broken up, which was related to the original owner.

"Okay, let's get down to business! Don't talk about this topic."

Upon hearing this, Liu Feifei immediately zipped up her zipper, which meant that her mouth was sewn shut.

Bai Yu looked at Wu Hao who was walking away, frowned, and thought to himself: This guy's tone is too bland, and he always feels that there is something wrong.

no! His information must be exchanged.

Anyway, it's only worth one intelligence value, so it won't affect anything.

He is sometimes very reckless when doing things, but when he needs to use his brain, he tries to be as stable as possible.

If there is really a problem with this Wu Hao, then kill him on the spot! As for Li Waner's emotions, it has nothing to do with him. He has his own investigation bureau to do the ideological work.

Be ruthless when doing things! Only then can great things be done.

Seeing this, he said to Liu Feifei and others: "I'm going to get something from the car. Let's start diving when we get back."


in the car.

Bai Yu exchanged Wu Hao's information without any nonsense.

【Wu Hao

Occupation: student

Date of birth: April 8, 2016

Introduction: Studied in the Art Department of Tianhai City University]

Seeing the ordinary information, Bai Yu fell silent.

"Okay, actually I know it's nothing serious, and I don't have any intention of killing him. I'm a peaceful and generous person."

Lake shore.

About to enter the water, Bai Yu's heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate.

He really has a phobia of the deep! For people with this kind of symptoms, deep diving can be a hundred times more exciting than horror movies.

Look towards Yunhu Lake again.

The water surface looks more mysterious and deep under the dark tones of dark clouds.

After putting on the equipment, there is a special communication device inside that allows communication in the lake.

Liu Feifei checked the diving instrument in her hand, while Zhao Bin was debugging special communication equipment to ensure smooth underwater communication. Jiang Chen was doing warm-up exercises on the side to prepare for the upcoming deep diving challenge.

Bai Yu twisted his neck and said, "Now that the captain is gone, I will be in charge."

Liu Feifei rolled her eyes: "What a beautiful idea!"

That being said, Zhao Bin only plays the role of military advisor, Jiang Chen does not assume the command, and Liu Feifei's temperament is not suitable for taking charge of the overall situation.

In the end, he actually listened to the newcomer Bai Yu.

When he walked to the lake, the water was up to his chest, Bai Yu said: "Get ready to dive!"

"Gulu~Guru~", the bubbles escaped from the diver's tank and became the only sound in this quiet water world.

Dive slowly along the sloping lake bed. It is now a shallow water area, with some light visible, and colorful fish schools shuttled among the aquatic plants.

But when I swam to the cliff, I looked down and saw boundless and deep darkness!

Zhao Bin looked at Bai Yu and asked, "Do you want to dive from here?"

"Go forward about four hundred meters, then dive down and follow that area to look for underwater eddies."


Afterwards, everyone looked like little people swimming on the abyss, and there seemed to be a huge mouth of the abyss below, trying to swallow people up.

According to the instrument display, when we were more than 400 meters away from the shore, we started diving. From time to time, we could see some fish within one meter, and the slightly larger ones looked a bit scary.

As the depth increased, the light became dimmer, and the team members turned on the diving flashlight, and the beam drew a bright trajectory underwater.

Zhao Bin kept reporting the data on the instrument: "The depth is 30 meters. 40 meters. 50 meters."

Normal people would have many problems if they dived so deep, but they are extraordinary! At this depth, there is no discomfort.

"60 meters."

Suddenly, a huge shadow passed over them. Bai Yu's eyes widened and his heartbeat accelerated suddenly.

"There's a monster!"

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