Gaowu invasion, I can see the future

Chapter 64 Giant catfish, Dragon Ball is born!

Bai Yu was startled by the sudden black shadow: "There is a monster!"

After hearing the news, the members on the water immediately mobilized underwater detection equipment and turned on searchlights. And the deep submersible equipped with explosives quickly approached here.

Under the search, they discovered that it was a giant catfish that was seven meters long! Its calm and wise eyes and slow swimming posture indicate that it is not hostile.

Due to the revival of spiritual energy, the biological form does change, but as long as the spiritual intelligence is not turned on, it is considered a normal creature.

The scene was a little awkward for a while.

Liu Feifei's laughter came out: "Hahaha~ It's just a big catfish, you are too timid!"

Bai Yu was also a little embarrassed and his face turned red. He really has a phobia of the deep sea, do you think it’s a joke?

And his high level of tension will accelerate oxygen consumption, which is a common problem in deep diving.

In addition, too deep water pressure can cause nitrogen narcosis and make people feel excited or disoriented, which are extremely dangerous.

Fortunately, everyone finally reached a depth of 75 meters, reached the lake bed, and began to search.

I searched for about twenty minutes.

Zhao Binhui reported: "The depth is 80 meters. My oxygen is still 63%, which can last about 58 minutes."

White Feather has the lowest oxygen, which can only last for 49 minutes. To be on the safe side, it must be raised before 25%.

In this way, everyone continued to search.

After another ten minutes or so, Liu Feifei, who was searching scatteredly, said excitedly in the channel: "I think I found it!"

After receiving the news, the personnel above immediately mobilized the submarine instruments and headed to Liu Feifei's location.

Bai Yu also rushed over and saw the picture in the intelligence picture.

The water flow was fast and formed a small whirlpool. The sound of the water was turbulent, making a low rumbling sound, and the raised ravines were all suitable.

"That's it!"

Just when everyone was excited, Liu Feifei's scream suddenly came: "Ah~!"

Bai Yu and the other three were startled. Liu Feifei didn't have a phobia of the deep sea. Could there be a monster?

He immediately looked towards Liu Feifei's location and found nothing unusual.

Bai Yu asked: "What's wrong?"

"Ghost! White shadow! I just saw a floating human-shaped white shadow!"

Hearing this, Bai Yu frowned and glanced around, but found nothing unusual.

"Are you sure? Don't scare me!"

"Really! I really saw it! I'm not kidding you!"

Since various instruments and the people on the water did not see the picture, Bai Yu could only explain: "If I guessed correctly, it should be the soul of that thing?"

Liu Feifei, who was still a little scared at first, heard this and thought about Bai Jiao, and it felt very reasonable.


I couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

But he really felt that the figure was very eerie, like a ghost.

After observing for a while and seeing that nothing happened, Zhao Bin said, "Are you going back?"

"Well! The oxygen itself is not enough to sustain us until twelve o'clock. Now that we have found a position, we just need to wait until the captain comes."

Everyone just swam away for a while, Bai Yu looked back, only to find a white shadow flashing past.

He frowned slightly and said on the communication channel: "The deep submersible will explore the area around us and escort it back to shore."


"What's wrong?"

"I just saw a white shadow, and it always felt like it had a sinister aura. It's hard to say whether it's that soul."

"Be careful!"


In the end, everyone returned to the south bank of Yun Lake safely and unloaded the equipment.

Han Qing, who seemed to have a relatively cold personality, couldn't help but walked over and asked directly: "Are you going to get something from the lake?"

"Well, it's a pretty useful bead."

"Is it related to the case of jumping into the river?"

When he said this, Han Qing's mood fluctuated obviously.

Seeing this scene, even if Bai Yu guessed in his mind that the case of jumping into the river might be related to the white dragon sacrifice, and he had just encountered a suspected ghost, maybe the sacrifice was playing a role, but he couldn't say.

He said, "It shouldn't matter. This bead is considered an auspicious thing."

After hearing this, Han Qing's face did not change, but she could feel that her mood had calmed down a lot: "Okay."

After saying that, she continued to walk to the riverside and sat quietly, waiting for follow-up arrangements.

Half past ten.

A black car stopped on the side of the road, and Li Yunbin and Qin Wanqing got out.

Seeing the arrival of the team leader, the surrounding investigators became active.

"Hello, team leader!"

"Good morning, team leader!"

It is obvious that Li Yunbin is the backbone of the seventh group. As long as he appears, everyone's momentum will surge.

Bai Yu: Meow meow meow~ When will I be able to sit on this team leader?

He was only halfway through thinking when Li Yunbin's eyes met his, walked over, patted his head, and said, "You kid, you really don't make people worry at all."

It feels like the elders are educating the younger ones.

Bai Yu blinked his big eyes innocently and said: "If I don't care about this thing, won't the fish-men get it? By then, all kinds of floods will be affected by it."

"Okay. So have you found the location?"

"Yes, if you use the propeller, you can get there in about ten minutes. The oxygen tank can probably last for more than an hour and a half."

Speaking of this, Bai Yu paused for a moment, and then expressed his worries: "It's just that when it takes shape, it's unclear whether there will be any big movement in that area."

"Okay, I understand."

After that, Li Yunbin took out four jade pendants.

Bai Yu recognized this thing!

The Purple Spirit Jade Pendant.

When he went to the Thunder Laboratory, Sister Wanqing took out this thing to save his life, but he didn't use it, so Bai Yu naturally returned it.

This kind of thing can actually be mass-produced?

But it is estimated to be very valuable. It has always been used as a life-saving thing for Qin Wanqing.

"One for each person, take it. In addition, I have prepared some talismans for you to use underwater, some for attack, some for defense, and some for increasing the speed of movement by water flow."

"Before the action begins, I have to confirm one thing with you. If a crisis occurs underwater, you must not disperse!"

"Do you understand?"


And these things in Li Yunbin's hand were naturally taken from the family. To be honest, the Li family is not the only heir.

It can even be said that this generation of the Li family has dozens of grandchildren!

Resources are also limited, and it is impossible to supply them unlimitedly.

Li Yunbin has taken so many resources, so he must perform better in the future to live up to the family's training.

Of course, with Bai Yu as a team member, Li Yunbin feels that he can be more radical!

With the revival of spiritual energy, only the strong can control their destiny! This truth is eternal.

And Li Yunbin chose to shoulder the burden and fight with the blood clan baron! In the future, he will also face more powerful enemies to hone his own strength.

After communicating with Bai Yu and others, Li Yunbin began to arrange with other investigators.

Speaking of which, the seven groups of members who came here did not know that it was a dragon bead, but only knew that it was a treasure.

With such a big commotion, anyone can see that the treasure is very important.

But it is also hard to think that it is equivalent to a level 7 treasure!

They may think that it is a treasure from a level 4 or 5 treasure house.

Around 11:40.

Over Yunhu Lake, dark clouds covered the sky, and the sun was not visible. The thick dark clouds blocked the sun.

It seemed that there was an invisible force pushing the clouds to form a huge vortex.

In the center of the vortex, a long object could be vaguely seen, but it was not particularly real.


A muffled thunder exploded, and heavy rain poured down.

Bean-sized water drops hit the lake.

Everyone put on the equipment, and Li Yunbin said in a deep voice: "Let's go!"


Bai Yu and others directly started the thrusters and quickly dived into the deep waters of Yunhu Lake.

The roar of the thrusters echoed in the water, and they moved quickly, and finally stopped steadily fifty meters away from the center of the vortex.

This area of ​​water has formed a larger vortex, as if it was echoing the strange phenomenon in the sky.

I looked at the time-11:48.

The suction at this moment is not very strong.

Everyone tried to keep a safe distance.

Time passed by minute by minute, the vortex speed became faster and faster, the suction force was strong, everyone quickly retreated, about more than 50 meters away, it was difficult to see the situation inside the vortex clearly.

At this time, the detection team of the communicator sent a message: "Report to the captain! The psychic index has increased by at least 20 times compared to before!!!"

The person reporting was obviously very excited, and this was the data at the edge of the vortex.

What would exist in the center of the vortex! ?

The subsequent data became more and more exaggerated.

Even, everyone could see with the naked eye that there was a light blue energy and a white energy stirring in the water.

Bai Yu's heart was also lifted, and he didn't know if there would be a bigger movement.

The "splashing" sound of the water became more and more obvious, and in the center of the vortex, there seemed to be a misty white light column that was about to rise into the sky.

After about 20 minutes, the movement gradually slowed down!

There were unique phenomena during the period, but no accidents occurred.

Li Yunbin: "Go."

He said this, and also tried to express that he would not fight.

Bai Yu was extremely excited at this moment: "Okay!"

He used the thruster to quickly move to the pool and swam down.

Although he had a fear of the deep sea, he was extremely excited at this moment! The fear was directly covered.

Only 20 meters away, Bai Yu came to the Jiaolong Pearl.

Looking at the Jiaolong Pearl with energy floating around on the stone plate, Bai Yu took a deep breath and reached out to touch it.

The moment his fingers gently touched the Jiaolong Pearl, the water flow in the entire cave seemed to pause.

The pearl exuded a faint light, like a bright moon under the water, illuminating the dark waters around it.

And there was a sense of warmth! This was the warmth that came directly through the diving suit

"Captain! Got it!"

Li Yunbin and others outside the cave also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, a voice came from the communicator immediately: "Report to the captain! There are three fishmen approaching quickly in the west!"

"There are five fishmen in the north! Including a senior fishman with green scales!"

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