
Li Qingshan paused, then quickly walked to the counter in the distance.

There are many Tier XNUMX top monsters placed there.

Blue pythons and red maned tigers are among them.

Coming to the counter, Li Qingshan looked at the price tag.

9 blue-striped pythons and 11 red-maned tigers.

"It's really expensive!" Li Qingshan smacked his lips.

Behind the counter, the staff didn't laugh at them, but nodded sympathetically.

"It's really expensive. A corpse here is enough for me to work for decades."

"But look, it's not worth the money."

The staff waved their hands vigorously and said with a smile:

"Little brother, just look at it!"

"Well, don't look at it."

Li Qingshan shook his head and looked at the staff.

"Give me fifty heads each!".

Chapter XNUMX Nanshi, Nanzhengyang

"Counting the success rate of pills, at least more than forty dragon and tiger pills can be refined, which is enough to complete the tempering of flesh and blood meridians."

After Li Qingshan made a secret calculation, he found that there was no reply from the opposite side.

Looking up, the staff is smiling stiffly.

"Is there a problem?"


The staff member rubbed his face and trembled:

"Brother, are you kidding me?"

"50 blue pythons and XNUMX red-maned tigers each, that's one billion!"

"Of course not." Li Qingshan shook his head gently,

Expensive is really expensive,

But compared to cultivation, money doesn't matter.

The staff looks complicated,

I thought everyone was a commoner, bragging and chatting.

I didn't expect you to put it here to pretend!

Of course Li Qingshan didn't want to pretend to be coercive, and he didn't have time to care what the staff thought.

Directly took out the card that Nan Shi sent before.

"Swipe this card!"

"Exclusive card!"

The staff screamed and immediately bowed:

"Little, sir, I'm sorry, I'll ask the manager to serve you right away."

Li Qingshan picked him up and shook his head:

"Don't be so troublesome."

"No trouble. Exclusive card customers must have a manager to receive them. This is a mall regulation."

After the staff explained a sentence, they hurriedly ran back.

Less than a minute,

"Haha, Mr. Li, I have long admired the name!"

Accompanied by hearty laughter, a figure came quickly from a distance,

After a few steps, he stood in front of Li Qingshan.

The visitor is about thirty years old, wearing a white suit, which is particularly conspicuous.

But that doesn't mean he's a businessman,

The speed just now, plus the blood on the body,

It was enough for Li Qingshan to judge his strength.

Sixth-order warrior!

"The general manager of the next shopping mall, Nan Shi, Nan Zhengyang!" The person who came smiled and stretched out his hand.

A flash of surprise flashed in Li Qingshan's eyes, and he reached out to hold it.

"Li Qingshan."

It was no surprise that the other party knew his identity.

What really surprised him was the identity of the other party.

Nanshi, Nanzhengyang.

This shows that in front of him are the children of the Nan clan, the real elites of the Dragon Kingdom.

However, Nan Zhengyang did not have the air of authority, but instead said enthusiastically:

"Mr. Li, the blue-striped python and red-maned tiger you need are all right, and the warehouse has enough stock."

"Is there anything else you need?"

"Yeah" Li Qingshan said after pondering for a while:

"Manager Nan, I also want to buy a fifth-order exercise, do you know if the mall has it?"

Originally, he planned to obtain the exercises from the association channels.

However, since it is in the mall, it is naturally better to be able to buy it directly.

Anyway, with the Dragon Tiger Pill there, his requirements for the cultivation technique are not high.

"The art of refining the flesh and blood meridians?"

Nan Zhengyang nodded and said in a serious tone:

"Of course there are exercises, but Mr. Li, I have to inform you in advance of the rules of the shopping mall."

"All the exercises purchased from our shopping malls can only be practiced and not allowed to be spread."

"It's natural."

Li Qingshan is not surprised, after all, Nan's can't cut off his own fortune.

"That's easy to do, the exercises are worth XNUMX million, and the corpses of monsters are XNUMX billion."

"I'll give you a discount and count it as one billion."

Nan Zhengyang waved his hand proudly,

The practice method is equivalent to becoming a head.

Li Qingshan naturally has no reason to refuse.

The transaction was finalized, and the staff stepped forward to receive the exclusive card.

With a swipe of the card, only half of the balance remains.

"Mr. Li, where are the corpses going to be sent?"

A hundred monster corpses, even with heavy trucks, would take several.

"The place is a bit out of the way, I'll lead the way myself!"

Li Qingshan did not give an address,

Nan Zhengyang didn't ask much, just turned around and led the way to the warehouse.

After half an hour,

Nan Zhengyang took his subordinates and stood at the door of the warehouse.

Six heavy trucks slowly drove out of the gate, and Li Qingshan sat in the leading car to guide the way.

The vehicle drove all the way to the wilderness outside the city.

At the door of the warehouse, the taillights of the fleet have disappeared at the end of the road.

At this time, the lean middle-aged man beside Nan Zhengyang wondered:

"Young Master, why did Li Qingshan buy so many monster corpses?"

"Call me the general manager!" Nan Zhengyang turned his head and glanced at him, his voice subdued.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

"Don't forget, we're in business."

"The reason for the customer to buy something, don't report it to us!"

as time flows,

The team went further and further away, and the surroundings were even darker.

The driver's heart was starting to shudder.

at last,

"It's here, let's unload it here!"

Li Qingshan looked out the window and pointed at random.

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