"Unloading here?"

The driver hit the brakes and looked out of the car with wide eyes.

The surroundings are pure wilderness, with nothing but roads.

The direction Li Qingshan pointed was just an open space on the side of the road.

"That's right!" Li Qingshan jumped out of the car without explaining much.

The driver was helpless and had to do as he did.

It took half an hour to unload the cargo.

After all the monster corpses were unloaded, the six trucks returned to the original road.

Li Qingshan stood there and watched the convoy go away.

One hundred monster corpses are too conspicuous.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to let the mall deliver to his door.

Fortunately, he still has a space ring.

The taillights of the fleet gradually disappear,

Li Qingshan turned his head and waved his hand.

The corpses of the monsters stacked like mountains are all included in the ring.

Then he tapped his left foot and soared into the air,

The figure quickly disappeared into the night sky.

Bincheng, the eastern suburbs of the city.

A dilapidated factory building stands alone on the outskirts, with no one around.


A black shadow swept through the air, directly through the broken window, and entered the interior of the factory building.


The corpses of monsters, piled up like mountains, appeared out of thin air in the center of the factory building.

Li Qingshan retracted his hand, turned to look at the huge boiler beside him, and showed a satisfied smile.

He deliberately rented this abandoned factory for this boiler that could still be used.

"It's time to start alchemy!" Chang.

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Sixth Undercurrent

The next day, afternoon.

In an office on the second floor of Shengtianwuguan.

Hua Yuan sat at the desk with a hint of irritability between his brows.

He was the disciple who reported to Yu Feibai yesterday.

After receiving instructions from the museum owner yesterday, he sent someone to look for Li Qingshan.

But until now, there is still no news.

Boom boom boom!

"Come in!"

A middle-aged man slightly younger than Hua Yuan pushed in the door.


His name is Shao You, and he is also a disciple of Yu Feibai.

"Still no news?" Hua Yuan raised his eyelids.

"No, some of my friends in the martial arts association went to inquire about it. Li Qingshan hasn't gone back since he left yesterday."

Shao You is helpless,

What a coincidence!

Just when they were looking for it, Li Qingshan disappeared.

"Master's orders can't be delayed."

Hua Yuan tapped the table with his fingers and slowly raised his head.

"It's in Bincheng, it shouldn't be difficult to find someone, right?"

"Senior brother, is it not good?"

Shao You hesitated.

Investigate the traces of a warrior without authorization,

It's a taboo to put it anywhere.

"Don't forget, we are Shengtian Wuguan!"

Hua Yuan puffed out his chest and relayed what Master said yesterday.

This sentence can always boost the confidence of martial arts disciples.

However, Shao You still had some concerns.

"Li Qingshan's strength is not low, so he would offend you"

He is only a fourth-order martial artist,

Even if you have your back against the martial arts hall sign, you don't dare to go to the door without permission.

"I didn't tell you to go alone."

"Check it out first. After finding his location, let's go together."

Hua Yuan didn't have much to worry about.

After all, he is also a fifth-order martial artist, and he went to "invite" on behalf of Shengtian Martial Arts Museum.

Li Qingshan should give him face anyway.

Shao You led the order to go out.

Soon, the energy of Shengtian Wuguan was activated.

All surveillance video in the city, let it be called.

Not long after,

A video was submitted to Shao You.

Above, it is the scene of Li Qingshan and his sister parting in the parking lot.

"Is this the video from last night?"

There was impatience in Shao You's voice.

He is looking for Li Qingshan's location, what's the use of last night's video.

"We followed the camera all the way and this is the last video."

"Li Qingshan is moving too fast in the back, it's really hard to determine the location."

The disciples on the side were also helpless.

"If you can't track it, just look for the cameras in the whole city. Can he still be invisible?"

Shao You ordered at will,

The disciple took orders with a bitter face.

Who doesn't know this way?

But the massive amount of work in this cannot be done in one or two sentences.

at the same time,

The gate of the Wushu Association, in the guard room.

The Marquis of Jingshan was leaning on the chair comfortably, sucking the butt of his cigarette one by one.

Every day he takes time to sit in the guard room,

This is his way of relaxing.


A black off-road brake stopped at the door.

Jiang Chengzhou hurriedly jumped out of the car and rushed into the guard room.

"Master Hou, I received news that Shengtian Martial Arts Museum is looking for Li Qingshan."

"Let him find it!" Jingshanhou glanced at Jiang Chengzhou,

"Shengtian Martial Arts Hall is looking for someone, why are you panicking?"

"Master Hou, I am afraid that Li Qingshan will be dragged to the martial arts hall by them!"

"Afraid of an egg!"

The Marquis of Jingshan threw the cigarette butt on the ground and said disdainfully:

"Which real dragon have you seen that likes to roll in a stinky ditch?"

"Yu Feibai, that old loach, is just a delusion!"

"Find someone to invite, whatever they want, as long as you don't break the rules."


The Marquis of Jingshan put one foot on the cigarette butt, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Ha ha!"

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