"I have seen Mentor Mengzhu!"

"Why, don't you want to see me?" Xiong Mengzhu raised his eyebrows.

"How could it be? Mentor Mengzhu was joking."

Li Qingshan tried his best to show a smile.

Xiong Mengzhu took a deep look at Li Qingshan before turning to Daniel, frowning:

"Why bring a foreigner back.々?"

"I would like to ask Han Haihou to help take care of him for a while."

Li Qingshan casually seemed to be talking about kittens and puppies, and Xiong Mengzhu was not surprised.

Daniel's chest went up and down for a while, and then quickly shriveled.

This is Mohai Wuda, and there are too many people who can crush him.

Li Qingshan glanced behind him, shook his head and laughed,

Nodding with Xiong Mengzhu, they crossed and walked towards the aisle.

"Li Qingshan!"

The voice came from behind,

Li Qingshan stopped and turned around.

The elevator doors are slowly closing,

Xiong Mengzhu looked at him with complicated eyes.

"I hope you can really walk out of the avenue to the sky!"

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment, then nodded solemnly.

"Thank you!"


The elevator doors are closed.

Li Qingshan turned his head, stepped forward, and walked deep into the aisle.

In front of the office, the two just walked to the door.

Xu Zhan's voice came from inside.

"come in!"

push the door in,

I saw Xu Zhan sitting on the sofa on one side.

Li Qingshan stepped forward and bowed his hands.

"Master Hou!"

"Did someone bring it?"

Xu Zhan glanced at Daniel,

Next second,

It was as if a substantial red light gushed out from his body, surrounding Daniel.

Daniel's expression changed greatly,


The words stopped as soon as they came out.

He couldn't move anymore.

The red light continued to press down and penetrated into Daniel's body little by little.

Li Qingshan's eyes moved slightly,

This scene reminded him of when he was in the Bincheng trials,

King Jingshan also suppressed Yu Feibai like this.

"Whether it's the prince or the Marquis of Hanhai, the red light of qi and blood seems to far surpass that of Hobbes."

"Is it because of the nine-forged golden body?"

Xu Zhan seemed to see what he was thinking and said with a smile.

"Behind the forged gold body, condense blood and red light."

"But the red light of qi and blood is not static."

"The golden body is nine-forged, and the red light of qi and blood also has nine levels."

"This is the biggest gap between the eighth-order combat power, and it is also the basis for King Jingshan to be able to injure King Shengchuan by leaps and bounds."

Li Qingshan nodded and understood.

Between the two of them talking,

The red light slowly retracted into Xu Zhan's body.

Daniel looked down, looking down at his hands.

The qi and blood that used to be filled in the body seemed to have disappeared.

At this moment, he seems to have changed back to an ordinary person.

"Sweeping the floor, it doesn't take much effort."

"Go to the General Affairs Office and report it yourself!"

Xu Zhan waved his hand and didn't care.

Daniel bowed stiffly and stepped out.

When Daniel's figure disappeared,

Li Qingshan opened his mouth and asked:

"Master Hou, I don't know what conditions are needed to participate in the World University League?"

For him, Gu Luo Continent is unknown.

It is undoubtedly the most convenient to be able to join the team and follow the school.

"You want to play in the league?"

Xu Zhan paused, his expression solemn.

"¨〃When we arrive at Guluo Continent, the rules are not set by us."

"That little sword of yours is not only unusable, but it will definitely attract the covetousness of all countries."

"I understand." Li Qingshan nodded.

Xu Zhan's eyes moved, and he said in surprise:

"Are you sure you can break through?"

Since Li Qingshan knew the importance, he also proposed to participate.

That must be the confidence to improve the strength again.

The three doors of the terrifying flesh block in front,

If Li Qingshan wants to improve his strength, there is only one way to break through!

"There should be enough time before departure."

Li Qingshan spoke softly without explaining much.

Xu Zhan's eyes suddenly became complicated.

"Our Devil Sea, we really have another 'pioneer'!"

"Master Hou is serious."

Li Qingshan shook his head, his eyes deepened.

"I still have a long way to go compared to the 'pioneer'."

He was telling the truth,

Although he found the way by himself,

But the premise is that there is an ancient boss in the Qinghui world standing at the end to guide him.

There is also the help of "Longevity True Canon".

Compared with the "pioneer" who really smeared the way forward,

He is still far from it.

However, he had no way of explaining these circumstances to Xu Zhan.

Xu Zhan only thought he was modest and shook his head with a smile.

"You go to practice first!"

"King Chen is the leader of the team, I will explain it to him."

Li Qingshan nodded, left, and walked all the way to the southeast of the island.

Today is the school day, the actual combat training ground is empty, and there are no monsters above the seventh rank in the sea.

Li Qingshan stepped on the sea, slowly paced, and walked towards the edge of the sea.

Come to the previous retreat again,

Li Qingshan sat cross-legged in the air, closed his eyes, and ran the "Longevity Canon", waiting quietly.

After a long time,

Cheers blew faintly from the shore.

The surrounding waters alternate calmly,

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