Li Qingshan opened his eyes, looked towards the endless sea, and smiled.

Mohai Wuda, set sail again.

Chapter XNUMX With Li Qingshan, that's enough!

a corner of the island,

The beach was dyed dark red with blood,

Several old students squatted on the boulder and looked out to the sea.

They all come to "restock" the canteen.

However, the sea was calm and calm, and after waiting for a long time, there was not a single monster corpse floating.

After half an hour,

A stocky old man was bored and said:

"Isn't the canteen warehouse full long ago?"

"Why does Master Cai insist on us to stock up?"

A tall and thin old man next to him glanced at him and retorted:

"Frozen and fresh, can they be the same taste?"

"But I just returned to school today, who would go to the actual combat training ground to kill monsters?" Another old student interjected,

"How about we go hunt a few sixth-order monsters and send them to Master Cai?"

The remaining few people looked at each other, and the more they thought about it, the more they thought it made sense.

If you wait for a long time, you might as well go to the training ground to hunt monsters.

Several people just got up,


On the sea in the distance, a blurry shadow floated quietly.

Several people immediately looked far into the distance, and became suspicious.

"Monster corpse? So big?"

"It won't be a seventh-order monster, will it?"

"Like a tooth shark?"


Several people ate at the same time and looked at each other.

"Li Qingshan is back?"

"He went to the actual combat training ground again?"

As soon as this word comes out,

Several people fell silent.

After a while,

"Is it really useful for him to retreat at the actual combat training ground?"

"You said, can Li Qingshan's road really go through?"

"Who knows! Haven't experienced such a terrifying three doors of the flesh"

"The three doors of the physical body cannot be opened, and he can only stop at the sixth order like Master Cai forever."

"Pathfinder? Alas! How easy is it to travel through thorns?"

"Don't be discouraged, isn't our current path pioneered by pioneers?"

"Pioneer? Five hundred years of Blue Star, how many pioneers are there?"

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. I hope Li Qingshan can succeed!"

Sporadic conversations drifted in the sea breeze.

The magic sea and Wuhan University start school, and the giant island is cruising the open sea again.

Many teachers and students returned to their places, and the school returned to normal teaching order.

It's just that in the main building, there is a blond cleaning staff, so that the students who come and go take a second look from time to time.

Three days later,

By the beach, more students went to the actual combat training ground.

But everyone was stunned when they walked to the beach.

The sea is as calm as ever,

However, there was a pungent smell of blood in the sea breeze.

This smell is familiar to them.

Because before the island returned to voyage, it had been permeating the waters around the entire island.

All the students turned their heads to the southeast and looked far into the distance.

Looking at the crimson sea water, he looked complicated and murmured.

"Li Qingshan, have you started to retreat again?"

look for a moment,

The students took their eyes off one after another and started their actual combat training.

They couldn't understand Li Qingshan's road.

But they know their own way of martial arts and how to go.


Four tall and straight figures paced onto the beach, attracting everyone's attention.

"Lu Tianhong, Shen Zhou, Cui Rong, Wu Yanbin, why did they go back to school?"

Many students couldn't help whispering,

"Shouldn't they be intern in the Wushu Association?"

"Are you stupid? Forgot about the World College League in half a year?"

"They are all the top ten talents. This time, they will definitely return to school ahead of schedule to prepare for the league."

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot! Then why didn't I see Senior Qiao Gu?"

The words drifted in the wind, and naturally they couldn't hide the four arrogances.

Shen Zhou took out a white handkerchief, covered his nose and said:

"Qiao Gu is really not coming back?"

The other two shook their heads, clearly not knowing what was going on.

Only Lu Tianhong, with an inexplicable expression, said with emotion:

"We all resigned as acting presidents and went back to school, as for Qiao Gu"

"He is now the president of the Rongping Provincial Martial Arts Association, and he has graduated."

"What!" The three of them widened their eyes in disbelief.

Want to remove the word "agent",

only one condition

"Qiao Gu broke through the eighth order?"

"That's right!"

Lu Tianhong laughed and shook his head gently.

"I talked to him on the phone, and he said that he would invite us to attend his grand ceremony when we triumphed from Gu Luo Continent!"

"Cut, stinky show off!" Shen Zhou's tone was pantothenic, and then he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Qiao Gu has made a breakthrough, why don't you go to the league?"

"This is our great opportunity!"

The other two also reacted and said worriedly:

"Yes, I heard that Oka is also approaching a breakthrough."

"If Qiaogu doesn't go, who can suppress Oka? Not to mention, the other countries are also eyeing them."

"I don't know what Qiao Gu is thinking."

"He only said one word to me."

Lu Tianhong shook his head and looked towards the sea to the southeast.

"Trust Li Qingshan!"

Several people in Shenzhou were stunned for a moment, then turned to look southeast.

The dawn is falling,

The golden yellow and the crimson add radiance and radiance to each other.

Main Building Library, sixth floor.


The little old man in a red suit, with a cigarette butt in his mouth, was enjoying himself.

Xu Zhan walked up the stairs step by step and respectfully said:

"King Chen!"

"When did you become so polite, boy?"

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