Hobbs looked at the waves, his smile even colder.

"A boy who has gone astray, dares to trample on my Yingman glory."

"Using power to oppress people? When you reach Guluo Continent, I see where you borrowed 'power'!"


The waves on the sea calmed down, smooth as a mirror.

A gust of wind blows,

Hobbs' face tightened, he turned and walked back to the cabin.

The cameraman looked at the sea, stunned.

"what happened?"

"Look over there!"

The female reporter stood on tiptoe, pointed to the east, and said excitedly:

"It's the Mohai Wuda cruise to the vicinity."

East, at the line between sea and sky,

The outline of the island vaguely emerged, surrounded by a circle of red.


On the west side of Mohai Wuda, ten kilometers away from the sea.

The waves on the sea were rolling, and the waves were rough.

From time to time, you can see the tail of the monster with a length of more than ten meters raised high, slapped fiercely, and set off a huge wave.

Four figures shuttled through the huge waves and fought with monsters.


The monster figure suddenly disappeared, and the sea was calm.

Four wet figures flew into the air and looked at each other.

"Won't he be sent to the southeast by the principal again?"

"Otherwise? It's not the first time." Shen Zhou rolled his eyes.

The other three also looked helpless.

"Is Li Qingshan killing monsters too fast?"

"The seventh-order top monsters near the channel are almost killed by him alone"

"The principal is too partial, and Li Qingshan is not the only one"


Lu Tianhong slapped Shenzhou on the back and said solemnly:

"Be careful when you speak, don't be disrespectful to the principal."

Shenzhou was stagnant, and was speechless.

southeast of the island,

The sea was crimson, and countless giant corpses floated quietly.


A hole suddenly exploded in the back of a corpse,

The blood-red figure flew out of the cave and sat cross-legged in the air.

Blood flowed from the surface of the body, dripping slowly.

Li Qingshan didn't pay any attention to it, he concentrated his mind and tried his best to promote the method of refining and transforming Qi.

A small vortex is generated above the dantian,

Massive monster qi and blood, constantly invested,

below the vortex,

A trace of True Yuan appeared and plunged into Dantian.

as time flows,

The blood was exhausted, and the vortex disappeared.


All the real essence suddenly vibrated, and all rushed into the blood in the middle.

The blood color is more intense, and the true essence flowing out of it is also purer.

After a while, the dantian calmed down again.

The true essence is completely integrated, and it is incomparably complete.

"Later Peiyuan!"

Li Qingshan slowly opened his eyes, and a bright light flashed from his eyes.

It's not just the Dantian that has changed.

At this moment, an inexplicable coldness appeared in my mind.

Spiritual consciousness seems to be undergoing some kind of change as well.

"Are you refining Qi and transforming into a god?"

Li Qingshan was not surprised.

The Book of Longevity is incomparably mysterious,

When the true essence is complete, it will naturally reach the stage of refining Qi and transforming into God.

A thought moved,

The changed spiritual consciousness protrudes out of the body.

In an instant, within three meters of his body, every tiny detail appeared, all of which appeared in his mind.

"It wasn't suppressed by the headmaster's spiritual power, it should be divine consciousness."

Li Qingshan nodded lightly, withdrawing his consciousness.

Refining Qi into God is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

His consciousness is still growing.


Under the sea, the dull beast roar came again.

"Thank you, principal, I don't need it anymore."

Li Qingshan shook his head gently,

The body continues to rise, pulling to a height of XNUMX meters.

The monster figure slowly dived and disappeared.

Li Qingshan sat cross-legged, slightly stimulating his blood.


Within XNUMX meters, the situation changed suddenly.

The portal of dozens of meters high appears in the air.

dong dong!dong dong!dong dong!

The crimson portal was beating continuously, making people palpitate.

The blood vessels on the door were pierced, dripping with blood.


The wind seems to be blowing from ancient times,

The natural yellow portal is as thick as a mountain, full of vicissitudes.


Gold and iron chirping,

The pale blue portal trembled, and the metallic luster flickered.

It is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Refining Qi into God is an opportunity to strengthen Tianmen."

Li Qingshan was not surprised, his eyes looked directly through the three portals.

The three flowers hidden behind the door came into view again.

The three flower buds have all swelled incomparably.

The petals kept vibrating, as if resisting the suppression of the portal, trying to bloom.

Li Qingshan's eyes narrowed, looking at the center of the flower bud,

There is an inexplicable aura there, which has never been seen before.

Although only a wisp,

But it made him seem to see the vastness of the whole world.

Li Qingshan's eyes shook,

He had seen this breath when King Jingshan broke through.

I have also seen it on Master Li Changsheng and Senior Sister Yin Han.

right now,

He finally saw it in himself.

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