"Dao Yun!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Li Qingshan's eyes.

Jindan Jiuzhuan, the biggest difference,

It is to be able to cultivate a trace of Taoism in advance, leveraging the power of heaven and earth.

"Now that Dao Yun appears in the Three Flowers, it is enough to prove that it is not an extravagant hope for Dan to become rank nine!"

Li Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief.

Dancheng nine turns,

Since ancient times, there has been no one in the Qinghui world.

The appearance of Dao Yun at this moment gave him more confidence.

"Three flowers bloom, there is only one chance left."

Li Qingshan thought about it and retracted the three doors.

Hanging cross-legged in the air, quietly comprehend the process of refining Qi into God in his mind.

The refining of gasification is completed,

Essence, energy and spirit are perfect,

This is the opportunity for the three flowers to bloom!factory.

Chapter XNUMX Li Qingshan, this time it's my turn!

At the end of June,

island pier,

Xu Zhan and Xiong Mengzhu stood facing the wind, looking out at the sea.

"It's been half a year, you said that Li Qingshan hasn't moved at all?" Xiong Mengzhu looked anxious.

"We won't arrive at Guluo Continent until the end of July, and there's still a month left, so don't worry."

Xu Zhan slowly shook his head and pointed to the sea in the distance.

"Besides, haven't you noticed that the sea has become clear recently?"

"Li Qingshan hasn't killed any more monsters this month."

"What kind of movement is this?"

Xiong Mengzhu rolled his eyes and said helplessly:

"It's not that I'm in a hurry. The people from Beijing Wuda University will come later."

"Li Qingshan hasn't made a breakthrough yet, he has to be beaten by them"

"Stop talking, they're already here!"

Xu Zhan interrupted, raising his hand and pointing into the distance.

A small cruise ship is floating on the sea,

Seven figures suddenly soared into the air and flew towards the pier.

A gust of wind rose,

In the blink of an eye, the seven people had already stood on the pier.

Five Jingcheng Wu University students and two leading teachers.

Xu Zhan looked at the leading old man, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Elder Quan, is the Jingcheng Wuda team your leader?"

That's right, the leading old man is King Hirayama, Quan Mao.

"Why, don't you want to see this old man?" Quan Mao frowned slightly.

"Where is it, I just heard from Teacher Chen before that Quan Lao went to guard the depths of the XNUMX-strong mountain."

Xu Zhan slowly shook his head and smiled.

"See you now, it's a bit of an accident."

Quan Mao glanced at Chen Huanwen beside him, his face slightly ugly.

Last year's martial arts conference can be said to be a stain on his life.

He was captured in public by the vice-principal and returned to Shiwanda Mountain.

Where is he going to guard?

Just to be punished!

Chen Huanwen showed an embarrassed smile, pushed her black-rimmed glasses, and quickly changed the subject.

"Marquis Hanhai, are you really sure that you Mohai will replace Qiao Gu with Li Qingshan?"

"Has Li Qingshan made a breakthrough?"


Xiong Mengzhu's expression darkened, but he did not speak.

Xu Zhan laughed nonchalantly.

"Breakthrough is only a matter of time, don't worry!"


Quan Mao said in a deep voice, dissatisfied:

"It's about the honor of the Dragon Kingdom, how can it be a child's play?"

"Qiao Gu broke through the eighth order, which was the best chance to win the championship."

"You actually replaced him with Li Qingshan?"

"It's just a freshman, even if he really pushes open the three doors, what can he do?"

"As we all know, pushing the three doors of the physical body is just to allow the warrior to completely control himself."

"Could it be that Li Qingshan can still reach the sky in one step?"

"Hahaha, Mr. Quan Mao, you are still so old-fashioned!"

Laughter sounded in the air,

Quan Mao's face suddenly darkened, and he looked towards the campus.

"King Chen!"

A thin old man in a red suit, with a pipe in his mouth, paced from the air.

After a few steps, he fell to the side of the crowd.

"Quan Mao, my devil sea's arrangement, it's not your turn to intervene in the capital Wu Da!"

King Chen tapped on his pipe, his face turned cold.

Quan Mao blushed and said angrily:

"I am for the overall situation of the Dragon Kingdom"

"Hehe, last year, you said the same thing."

King Chen sneered twice, and mercilessly opened the other's scars.

Quan Mao's face was as black as iron, he waved his sleeves and turned to leave.

The remaining Jingcheng martial arts masters and students looked at each other in dismay.

Xiong Mengzhu suddenly laughed and walked to Chen Huanwen and the others.

"Come on, I'll take you to rest."

Meanwhile, across the ocean.

The capital of the Eagle Man Empire, Sale City.

A castle built with huge boulders towers high on the outskirts of the city.

At this moment, in the ceremonial hall of the castle,

More than a dozen blond and blue-eyed Guluo people sat around the round table.

Hobbes tops the list.

"Hobbes, why did you call us here?"

A fat middle-aged man finished his glass of wine in one gulp and said impatiently:

"This 'Supreme Sequence Battle' is held in our Western Sahara Federation!"

On the Guluo Continent, there are not only Yingman, but also many small countries.

The Commonwealth of Western Sahara is an alliance of small countries.

It is also the Gulu Continent, the only force that can compete with the Eagle Man Empire.

"Ackerman, don't worry."

Hobbs shook his head and smiled.

"I called everyone here to share a message."


Everyone's eyes flashed with surprise

When did the Yingman people become so generous?

"You should know that I went to Dragon Country before."

Hobbs lifted the glass and shook it gently.

"I wonder if you have heard of Li Qingshan?"

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