
Long Guo's reporters were even more foul-mouthed.

This time, the director didn't scold them anymore.

Because the earphones are also foul.

Even in front of the screen, many viewers in Long Kingdom all reacted the same way.

The "battle" process was far less earth-shattering than they imagined.

But even more shocking!

Just a word of effort, let the Six Kingdoms Tianjiao kneel on the ground?

Too TM Niubi!

And many high-level warriors who are concerned about the live broadcast react more violently.

"Nine forged golden body!"

"The nine forgings of the golden body are extremely difficult!"

"Li Qingshan actually broke through directly from the sixth rank to the nine-forged golden body!"

this moment,

All high-level warriors are crazy.

on the pier,

King Chen and Quan Mao were also stunned.

After a while, King Chen exhaled a smoke ring, and his smile became more and more prosperous.

"Li Qingshan's road is amazing!"

His eyes fell to the high platform, and he shook his head and laughed.

"Qiao Gu didn't come, but a stronger Li Qingshan came. Oka has no hope of winning the championship."

On the high platform, another student did not kneel.

It was Oka Asa!

At this time, a faint red light was attached to his body.

Blue veins burst out on his forehead, and beads of sweat kept oozing out.

Li Qingshan looked at Oka and spoke softly.

"Oka, right?"

"Senior Qiao Gu didn't come, I can only do it for me."

"Do you still have the strength to shoot?"

Oka's eyes were bloodshot, his muscles were tense, and his knees were slightly bent, making a clicking sound.

He was resisting with all his strength, unable to speak at all.


Carl shouted angrily and waved his hand.

Massive source Dao energy flowed out, flushing the red light of qi and blood on the field.

The nine layers of red light are enough to resist the original Dao power of the "pseudo-king".

But Li Qingshan's qi and blood were too low, and the red light was extremely weak, and it was quickly washed away.

Li Qingshan retracted his body, Zhou Hongguang, and turned to look at the pier.

At this time, the teacher appeared.


with laughter,

King Chen stepped forward, stood in front of Li Qingshan, and looked at Carl.

"Karl, what else is there to say now?"

The teachers fell silent,

Li Qingshan has already forged his golden body, what more can he say?

Carl took a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice.

"¨〃You won, Li Qingshan is the champion of the strongest sequence battle this year."

The sound shook the entire pier, and all the people of the Dragon Kingdom cheered.

The rest of the foreigners had complex expressions and lowered eyebrows.

On the high platform, Carl turned his attention to Li Qingshan.

"Aren't you in a hurry? Are you satisfied now?"

Li Qingshan nodded lightly and said indifferently:

"I have to go to your Guluo Continent for a turn. Time is really tight."

All the tutors around changed their faces, including King Chen.

Li Qingshan handed out a divine sense,

King Chen's face suddenly became more "anxious".

The eyes of the instructors from the other five continents were full of confusion.

Just after being protected by the headmaster of Mohai, he will soon go deep into the Gulu Continent.

Isn't this home delivery?


Although Li Qingshan had reached the golden body of the Nine Forgings, his Qi and blood were obviously insufficient.

How dare he!

Hobbes' eyes flickered,

He remembered everything that happened at the auction, and the address given by Daniel.

Carl looked happy and smiled.

"Li Qingshan, if you think of me, Xi Sa"

"Caesar doesn't need it."

Li Qingshan shook his head slightly, and glanced at Hobbs,

Turning around and walking off the high platform, the words fell indifferently.

"My goal is the forbidden land of Shinra."

He didn't mean to hide at all.

Gu Luo and his party, how is it enough to kill monsters?

He wants to see,

How much is Gu Luo's malice towards him!

The magic weapon recognizes the master, and the edge is not exposed.

The strength of the nine-forged golden body is the bait that was deliberately released.

Feijian is nameless, but it is a fish hook.

The Eight Great Venerables have all been imprisoned by the Headmaster.

Going to this trip depends on whether Gu Luo Continent is "enthusiastic" enough.

Li Qingshan stepped down from the high platform,

Crowded people automatically separate a road, and the cameras on both sides rotate.

Everyone's eyes are following Li Qingshan's movement.

"Li Qingshan!"

Among the thousands of households in the Dragon Country, the audience murmured,

Looking at the tall and straight back on the screen,

drifting away, gradually disappearing at the end of the road

Chapter two hundred and forty fourth noise, silence

Vaasa City, western suburbs.

Li Qingshan let go of his consciousness all the way, and walked away like a phantom.

The surrounding passers-by only felt a gust of wind blowing, and they didn't notice anyone passing by.


In front of a golden shopping mall, Li Qingshan stopped.

"Moss Merchant Guild."

Li Qingshan nodded and walked directly into the mall.

Now the consciousness extends for ten kilometers, which can cover most of the city of Vaasa.

The mall in front of you is the largest mall in Vaasa City.

Moreover, in the warehouse of the shopping mall, there are the corpses of the monster he wanted.

On the corner of the second floor of the mall, in the manager's office.

The TV screen is on,

The fat manager was smoking a cigar and the table was a mess.

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