
The wine glasses smashed to pieces,

The manager's face turned red and roared:

"Oka, you bastard!"

"I overwhelmed all my net worth, and you actually lost!"

"And Li Qingshan, a person from the Dragon Kingdom actually"

"Are you looking for me?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded,

The manager was stunned for a moment and turned his head stiffly.

The tall and straight figure and the handsome face of Longguo are the back that just disappeared from the screen.


The cigar fell from the mouth,

The manager stepped back and opened his mouth with trembling lips.

"Li Li Qingshan, what are you doing?"

"What else can you do?"

"When you go to the mall, you naturally come to buy things."

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed, turned and walked out the door.

"Go to the warehouse first!"

The manager looked at the distant back, his feet trembling, but he still had to keep up.

The two walked out of the main building of the mall all the way. 637

Li Qingshan was in front, as if very familiar, and walked straight to the warehouse.

The manager followed behind, and his heart became more and more worried.

He felt that his shopping mall had been targeted by Li Qingshan for a long time.

Otherwise, how can it be so "familiar with the road"!

"Don't worry, I'll pay."

Indifferent words floated from the front, and Li Qingshan seemed to see his thoughts.

"no, I'm fine!"

"If you like it, take it!"

With sweat on his forehead, the manager nodded and bowed.

At this moment, where does he dare to think about money, save his life first.

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed, and he didn't say much, his steps were quicker.

The manager quickly trotted to follow, more sweat on his forehead.

It is obviously in the mainland of Guluo, in the site of the Moss Chamber of Commerce,

But the fat manager seems to have become a younger brother, as if Li Qingshan is the real master.


The two stopped in front of a huge warehouse.

"The Chamber of Commerce was really targeted by him!"

Despair flashed in the manager's eyes.

The warehouse in front of me is the largest warehouse of the Chamber of Commerce, and there are too many valuables in it.

"Open the door!" Li Qingshan said lightly.

"No problem."

Manager Fatty shook, did not dare to hesitate, and immediately opened the warehouse door.


Giant iron gates hundreds of meters high opened to both sides.

Rows of towering shelves come into view.

On the shelves, there are all kinds of medicines, weapons, and precious parts taken from monsters.

Li Qingshan's eyes moved slightly, and he walked straight into the warehouse.

"It's over!"

Manager Fatty raised his hand to cover his eyes, unable to bear to look any longer.

However, there was no movement for a long time, and he couldn't help but open his fingers.

"Huh? He wants the corpse of a monster?"

I saw that the shelf didn't move at all.

The figure is already standing at the end of the warehouse, where the corpses of monsters are specially stacked.

"Bone-eroding Jiuyan Tapir!"

Li Qingshan smiled at the pile of huge corpses in front of him.

Chi Lian Blood Replenishing Pill, one of the healing pills in the ancient pill recipes.

It is the most suitable for replenishing qi and blood, and it is also suitable for his current situation.

And the eighth-order monster "Bone-eroding Jiuyan Tapir" is the material needed to refine the "Red Lianning Blood Pill".

Li Qingshan raised his hand and waved,

The monster corpse mountain was all included in the space ring.

He turned around and stepped out and stood at the door of the warehouse.

Manager Fatty's eyes widened, still in a daze.

Li Qingshan frowned slightly, and threw a black card into the opponent's hand.

"Swipe your card!"

Canna Pier is connected to the open sea,

Nan's card can also be used here.

"Good good!"

The manager was in a hurry, holding the card and looking for the machine.

A few minutes later,

Li Qingshan walked out of the chamber of commerce, took off into the air, and flew straight to Mohai Wuda.

As soon as he landed, an illusory figure suddenly appeared beside him.

"Vice-principal?" Li Qingshan said in surprise.

The person who came was Lu Tianhe, the vice-principal.

"I didn't expect you to make a breakthrough, and you can actually reach the nine-forged golden body!"

Lu Tianhe shook his head gently with amazement in his eyes.

"You are so empty of qi and blood now that you can't open the door to the source."

"There are blood supplements suitable for high-level warriors in the school. Go to Xu Zhan to get it!"

"In half a year, you should be able to replenish your qi and blood, and the ninth-order king will be crowned!"

"Thank you, vice-principal, I have other plans."

Li Qingshan shook his head, declined Lu Tianhe's kindness, and walked straight to the cafeteria.

After the "Red Practice Blood Replenishing Pill" was refined,

It only takes a few days for him to replenish his qi and blood.

As for the source of Taoism, the ninth-order king?

"At this point, Lan Xing and Qinghui Realm's body refinement are divided!"

Li Qingshan sighed in his heart,

King Jingshan's words were still in his ears.

After nine forgings of the golden body, there is no way forward.

But in the ancient times of Qinghui,

Experts who practice "Golden Body of Myriad Tribulations" have the lowest level of Nine Tribulations.

Judging from the ninth and tenth orders currently in contact,

Today's Blue Star, after the ninth order, the road is more inclined to the "Origin Road".


"This road is not good enough!"

Li Qingshan shook his head gently,

If this way, good enough.

There will be no more insistence from the principal.

"Besides, the ancient powerhouses are also recognized as the strongest in the XNUMX-year history of the Qinghui Realm!"

"Looking for "Golden Body of Ten Thousand Tribulations", or other ancient exercises, and continuing the ancient road of body refinement, is the best choice!"

Li Qingshan's eyes fixed and he quickened his pace.

along the way,

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