Many students were excited when they saw him.

Li Qingshan smiled and nodded to say hello, but his pace quickened again.

The students of the magic sea are generally above the sixth rank.

If you don't hurry up, you will be watched.

After a while

Li Qingshan came to the back of the canteen,

I saw Cai Heyue holding a seven-meter-long giant spatula, stirring in front of a large pot with a diameter of five or six meters.

Li Qingshan's mouth twitched,

"Master Cai, you've worked hard."

"Why did you come here?"

Cai Heyue stopped and said happily:

"I have prepared several big dishes for the whole school to celebrate today."

"Thank you." Li Qingshan also laughed,

"Master Cai, I want to borrow a kitchen."

Cai Heyue was stunned for a moment, then waved her hand boldly.

"Which one do you want? Use whatever you want."


Li Qingshan took the key from Cai Heyue and walked towards a huge building behind the canteen.

This "kitchen", which is usually used to deal with monsters above the eighth rank, is rarely used.

into the kitchen,

Looking at the wide pots and slaughtering equipment,

Li Qingshan smiled, took out a "bone-eroding nine-flame tapir", and got busy

"Li Qingshan shattered the giant gate of terror and stepped out on a new path."

"Li Qingshan directly broke through from the sixth rank to the nine-forged golden body!"

All kinds of news with "Li Qingshan" as the protagonist,

From Canna Pier, it spread to the world at the speed of the wind.

It's getting darker and darker,

But the hustle and bustle outside shows no sign of stopping.

It's late at night,

On the pier, the lights are bright,

Crowds from all over the world gathered in the tavern to discuss various scenes during the day.

At times like this, there are always a few Dragon Country faces around, with their heads held high.

They were all filmed by reporters from Longguo, or students of the magic sea who went ashore to play.


The giant island lies dormant.

Without the hustle and bustle of the students, the campus was silent.

The kitchen in the canteen at night,

Occasionally the fire flashed, accompanied by the rise of water mist.

Miaomiao white mist, all the way to the sky.

Chapter XNUMX Reception?

Qinghui world, early morning.

Li Qingshan slowly opened his eyes,

Take out the space ring from his mouth and wear it, and a red elixir appears in the palm of his hand.

"Red Practice Tonic Blood Pill"

Li Qingshan smiled and Zhang took it.

The true essence flowed out from the dantian, and the medicinal pill was quickly digested.

The dragon on the back radiated golden light, absorbing the medicinal power to the fullest.

After a while, the medicinal power was completely absorbed.

Feeling the increase in qi and blood in the body, Li Qing~shan nodded lightly.

"Eight medicinal pills, qi and blood have reached XNUMX points-."

"The nine-forged golden body, the limit is XNUMX qi and blood, and the remaining 'Bone-eroding Jiuyan Tapir'-corpse is enough."

The eight medicinal pills were exactly what he refined yesterday.

Now that the body is empty of qi and blood, "Chi Lian Buxue Dan" is a healing medicine.

As long as the body can bear it, there is no upper limit for taking it.

The only thing that limits him is the speed of alchemy.

"Yesterday was just the first refining, and two more days should be enough."

Li Qingshan put away his thoughts, got up from the futon, and walked out the door.

If you want to find ancient cultivation methods, asking Master Li Changsheng is undoubtedly the best way.

The door just opened, and Li Qingshan was suddenly startled.

I saw a beautiful figure standing under the plum tree in the courtyard,

"Senior sister?" Li Qingshan said in surprise.

Usually, except for "drinking tea", Yin Han is rarely seen going out.

Pacing under the tree, Li Qingshan said with a smile.

"Senior sister, why are you interested in viewing flowers so early?"

"It's not about flowers."

Yin Han shook his head slightly and waved his hand.

The entire Misty Peak is rippling in the sky, and the array patterns are lit up, and the transparent giant bell wall covers the entire sky.

Li Qingshan looked at the sky and recognized the origin of the giant bell.

It was the little bell that Yin Han always carried with him.

"Originally, it was for you to cross the Thunder Tribulation."

"However, it's useless now."

Yin Han spoke softly and pinched his fingers.

The pattern suddenly faded like a tide, and the giant bell continued to shrink, returning to the white palm, becoming small and exquisite again.

Li Qingshan reacted immediately,

Jindan Jiuzhuan, Lei Jie approached,

He doesn't know, doesn't mean Yin Han doesn't know.

And during this period of time, although he has been practicing closed-door cultivation in Blue Star.

But in the Qinghui world, he would still sit and drink tea with Yin Han every afternoon.

"So Senior Sister has been paying attention to the progress of my cultivation, and have you prepared in advance?"

Li Qingshan's eyes flashed a touch of emotion, and then he smiled bitterly.

"Where do you need such a big battle?"

The previous Leizhu, I am afraid that even the fur of the giant bell can't be hurt!

However, it is difficult to explain the matter of having survived the thunder tribulation.

Unless you tell Yin Hanhe everything.

Just when Li Qingshan was embarrassed, Yin Han had turned around and walked to his room.

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment and said:


Yin Han paused, turned around, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"I have already helped you stop the thunder robbery, no thanks."

The beautiful figure disappeared,

A flash of enlightenment flashed in Li Qingshan's eyes.

Yin Hanxiu is unpredictable, how can they not notice the abnormality when they get along day and night.

However, Yin Han never asked.

"Thank you, Sister!"

Li Qingshan slightly cupped his hands towards the door,

The flying sword appeared from the sole of the foot, quickly grew larger, dragged its body up, and disappeared as a streamer.

Over the main mountain of the sect,

The Hall of Longevity is quietly suspended, majestic and vast.

Li Qingshan stopped outside the mountain and handed out a divine sense.

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