Then, immediately screamed loudly.

"Li Qingshan!"

In an instant, it was as if the mute button had been pressed in the venue.


Everyone raised their heads in unison, staring blankly at the sky.

I saw a back figure, walking away to the factory.

Chapter XNUMX Thanks to Hobbes!

After leaving Vaasa,

Li Qingshan flew all the way to the west, red light of qi and blood traversing the air.


Feijian Wuming surrounded Jindan, trembling unceasingly.

"Don't worry, it's not time yet!"

Li Qingshan chuckled softly, suppressing Feijian's restlessness.

The speed of Yu Jian's flight is, of course, much faster than the physical flight.

Especially Wuming is still the magic weapon Feijian.

But this trip is for fishing, how can the hook be exposed in advance?

"But it still seems a little conspicuous?"

Li Qingshan frowned slightly, the blood in his body suddenly moved,

In the sky, half of the red light was retracted into the body.

Immediately, the speed slowed down a lot, and the red light of qi and blood became thin.

"That's right!"

Li Qingshan showed a satisfied smile and floated to the western sky.

"I'm just a nine-forged golden body with insufficient qi and blood."


In the western part of the Western Sahara Federation, a border town was lit with few lights.

night sky,

Blood red light suddenly spread from the sky,

A tall and straight figure stepped on the red light and walked over the town.

Li Qingshan stopped and looked to the west with the best of his ability.

Under the bright moonlight,

Hundreds of kilometers away, several large rivers flowed endlessly between the mountains and rivers.

Giant mountains rolling up and down,

Outside the giant mountain, the roar of beasts occasionally sounded in the dark night, breaking the silence.

And in the depths of the mountains, there are more terrifying shadows shaking,

The shadows are as high as the mountains, and from a distance, it seems like giant mountains are moving.

"Shen Luo forbidden land."

Li Qingshan murmured,

Five hundred years ago, it was also called the Shenluo Mountains, and it was the largest Hengduan Mountains in Guluo Continent.

Guluo is different from the Dragon Kingdom,

The Dragon Kingdom is the only ruler of the mainland. After the XNUMX mountains changed,

Jingcheng Wuda resolutely chose to move into the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains to guard the people of Longguo.

And the Guluo countries are numerous, and their interests cannot be aligned at all.

After discovering the giant space passage in the depths of Shinra Forbidden Land, he naturally chose to give up and encircle it as a forbidden land.

"Where is Dipe Canyon?"

Li Qingshan frowned slightly.

The mountains stretch, the canyons are crisscrossed, and the scope is more than huge.

Moreover, there are even more than ten-order monsters in the depths.

"Divine consciousness can only explore a range of ten kilometers, and it is too dangerous to break in."

Li Qingshan slowly shook his head, his eyes fell on the town below.

Renner Town, the only town adjacent to the Shinra Forbidden Land.

It is specially designed to serve high-level warriors who go to the edge of the forbidden area.

Divine Consciousness was released and swept across the town.

In the room with the lights out, one after another figure has gone to bed to rest.

The only brightly lit building, located in the center of the town, was the tavern belonging to the mercenary guild.

In the tavern, customers exchanged cups and there was nothing unusual.

"The acting is so bad!"

Li Qingshan shook his head gently and fell slowly.

In the small town, the lowest ranks were seventh-order warriors, and he deliberately released a red light of blood and energy.

How could these people not find out?


Open the door of the tavern,

Li Qingshan went straight to the bar.

The guests sitting around continued to talk, seemingly unconcerned.

The sturdy "waiter", dressed in a white shirt, was wiping a cup.

After seeing Li Qingshan, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he smiled.

"The strongest sequence from the Dragon Kingdom, what service do you need?"

Li Qingshan paused slightly, looked around for a week, and laughed.

"This town is your best acting."

"Mr. Li is joking."

The strong man put the cup on the bar, took out a bottle of wine and poured it on.

"My name is Jim, and I'm the president of the Renner Town Mercenary Guild."

"This glass of wine, I invite you!"

"Thank you!"

Li Qingshan picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one go.

Under the scan of consciousness, no small action could deceive him.

At least, not in this town.


Put the glass down,

Li Qingshan looked at Jim and said with a half-smile, not a smile:

"For the sake of this glass of wine, let me remind you."

"With you, one pseudo-ninth-rank, ten fifth-rank and eighth-rank below."

"You, you can't leave me."

Jim's movements froze, and the entire tavern fell silent.

The figures reported by Li Qingshan not only include them,

Even the few people who have "fallen asleep" are included.

The atmosphere became more and more dignified, and it was about to explode.


The knock sounded,

Everyone trembled.

Li Qingshan retracted his fingers and shook his head with a smile.

"What are you doing, pouring wine!"

"Good good!"

Jim nodded again and again, in a hurry, no longer as calm as he had just started.

At this time, the indifferent voice sounded again.

"I don't care what you think."

"But, you should be clear about my purpose!"

"Tonight I have to get the route map and information of the Dipe Canyon!"


Li Qingshan's voice became colder,

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