"You're going to die soon!"


Drinks spilled.

Jim forcibly steadied his trembling hand and presented the glass with a reluctant smile.

"Mr. Li, you're joking."

"Our guild was originally designed to serve adventurers, besides"

"I don't want to listen to nonsense!" Li Qingshan interrupted coldly.

Jim paused, anger flashed in his eyes, and a little bit of his original Dao energy drifted away.

After all, he is also a ninth-order!

Li Qingshan smiled without saying a word, and half of the blood and red light floated from the palm of his hand.

It is exactly the same as Jim's original Dao strength.


The tables and chairs moved, and the people in the tavern suddenly stood up.

Jim took a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice.

"Sit down!"

Can fight, but not worth it!

Nine-forged golden body, even if the blood is insufficient, it is extremely terrifying when it bursts out desperately.

The outcome is unpredictable, and there is no certainty that Li Qingshan will remain.

What Gu Luo wanted was a "new road", not Li Qingshan's body.

Li Qingshan picked up the wine glass and said leisurely:

"Have you thought about it?"

"I'll give you the information you want!"

Jim took out a blueprint from under the counter.

Above is the map of the Shinra continent that has been proven.

This was originally a bargaining chip to keep Li Qingshan, but I didn't expect it to be handed over in vain.

"Thank you!"

Li Qingshan put away the map without looking at it.

The authenticity of the map still needs to be "verified".

With a flick of his fingers, a bunch of keys on the wall flew into his palm.

After getting the key,

Li Qingshan went straight to the stairs.

"Aren't you going?" Jim exclaimed in surprise.

"It's too late, let's go to bed first."

Li Qingshan chuckled and shook his head, walking up the stairs.

1.3 It's just a few small fish, you can't waste the bait.

Soon, the figure disappeared at the end of the stairs.

There was a door closing from upstairs.


One after another "guests" gathered at the bar, all with anger on their faces.

Jim frowned, and immediately put a finger in front of his mouth.

The source Dao energy drifts away, wrapping around.

Second floor, in the room.

Li Qingshan frowned.

The original Dao force package has isolated the consciousness.

He couldn't hear what they were saying at all.

However, soon his brows were stretched, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

I saw the bar downstairs,

Jim took out a pile of pen and paper and piled it on the bar.

And wrote two sentences on the paper.

"According to Hobbs, Li Qingshan was able to 'eavesdrop' on them."

"Let's be careful!"

In the darkness, a silent smile suddenly bloomed.

"Thanks Hobbs!".

Chapter XNUMX A fair fight?

in the pub,

One by one the warriors looked clear and picked up the pen and paper.

Swish swish!

The whole tavern was suddenly quiet, only the sound of writing and writing.

In the room on the second floor,

Li Qingshan shook his head and laughed, feeling as if he had returned to the former examination room.

Downstairs are diligent candidates, and he is the invigilator.

As everyone knows,

Invigilators can "mark" in the examination room.

"President, why didn't you take action just now?"

"Li Qingshan's qi and blood are not enough, and he can't open the source door. Our strength is enough."

"That's right, President. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"The new road that can go from the sixth order to the nine-forged golden body, if we get it"

Each and every eighth-order martial artist has their eyes shining, looking at the ceiling above their heads,

I can't wait to rush up immediately and capture Li Qingshan.

Jim frowned, picked up the pen, and wrote down two large characters.

"Don't worry!"

The crowd of warriors looked at each other in dismay, not reconciled.

However, there was only Jim a ninth order present,

Jim didn't do it, and they couldn't help it.

Jim shook his head and continued:

"It's not a big deal to make a move now."

"Prince Charles of Eagleman has already left, and he will be there early tomorrow, so don't be in a hurry."

Second floor, in the room.

"Sure enough, there are still preparations."

Li Qingshan nodded lightly, no surprise.

However, his brows were still slowly furrowed.

25 "How can there be only one prince?"

Prince, push open the real ninth order of the source of Taoism.

Although the Dao Yun in Jindan is the same as the original Dao of the true ninth order.

But the "Original Dao Power" that the Prince can mobilize is definitely more than a strand of Dao Accumulation in the Golden Core.

If you want to kill, you must use all the real energy to exert a power of Feijian Wuming.

"'One point of power' is in this world, just for a prince, it's not worth it."

Li Qingshan shook his head gently,

Moreover, the premise also needs to use all the real yuan.

If I don't kill the high-level warriors of Gu Luo at one time, it is difficult to guarantee that no one will continue to entangle him while his true essence is empty.

"That way, it's a bit of an adventure."

Just when Li Qingshan was thinking,

Below is another martial artist.

"President, if Li Qingshan leaves in the middle of the night, go to Dipe Canyon"

The surrounding warriors were stunned, their brows wrinkled, and they started writing.

"That's right, the ox is a ninth-order beast, what if he dies inside?"

"Could it be that we have to go in and save him?"

"Are you crazy? Except for the prince, who dares to break into the Dipe Canyon!"

"Yes, Dipe Canyon is already close to the depths of the forbidden area. Even if the prince breaks in, the danger is not small!"

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