At this moment, the host's voice rose high.

"Next, the strongest sequence please appear!"

Jiao Yun put down the microphone and let out the camera.

All the Dragon Country audience stared at the screen intently.

I saw two figures walking out of the Gu Luo team and the Dragon Kingdom team respectively.

The figure walked to the front of the high platform, and his face became clear.

Many viewers were stunned for a moment, and their eyes couldn't help but look disappointed.

"Where's Li Qingshan?"

"He hasn't come back yet?"

"Li Qingshan is the champion! If the champion is not present, what is the strongest sequence?"

Jiao Yun's voiceover also sounded at this time,

"Friends from the audience, the strongest sequence refers to the top three in the league."

"Now playing are Oka Asa from Yingman, and Lu Tianhong, our arrogant genius in the sea of ​​devils."

"As for Li Qingshan, he probably hasn't returned yet!"

There was also some disappointment in Jiao Yun's voice.

Two days ago,

She witnessed Li Qingshan's departure with all the audience, and also explained Li Qingshan's whereabouts.

But now is the end of the league,

As a champion, Li Qingshan should enjoy the attention from all over the world.

Like all the audience, she is looking forward to Li Qingshan's appearance.

on the high platform,

Carl looked at the pier and opened his mouth with a chuckle.

"King Chen, the league is over, you Mohai Wuda should also leave Hong Kong?"

"Did you confuse your brain with drinking?"

King Chen glanced at Carl and clicked the cigarette holder.

"Don't wait for Li Qingshan to come back, do you think we will go to the Magic Sea Martial Arts Conference?"


Carl looked angry, and Hobbs, who was on the side, quickly grabbed it.

Then he looked at King Chen with a smug smile.

"King Chen, we, Prince Charles, have already gone to 'please' Li Qingshan."

"He will be a guest in our Guluo Continent for a while, you don't have to wait."

"Oh, really?" King Chen exhaled a smoke ring and laughed.

"It's okay, Li Qingshan has already explained to me before leaving."

"It is estimated that the 'delay' will not be long."

"Huh?" Hobbs looked surprised.

It was Carl, who laughed out loud:

"Hahaha, confess?"

"Then has he explained that in addition to Prince Charles, I, Guro, have six other princes. I'll go and invite him together!"

"Li Qingshan, I can't come back!"

Laughter accompanied the strong wind, blowing around.

The entire Municipal Square fell silent in an instant.

Li Qingshan, can't come back?

Everyone looked at each other, pondering the meaning of this sentence.

And many people from the Dragon Kingdom suddenly became nervous.

Jiao Yun was even more anxious.

Thousands of miles away, the audience in Longguo also clenched their fists.

Or nervous and worried, or scolding the Guru people

Lin Province, Wushu Association Hall.


A crack appeared on the armrest of the blood-colored wooden chair,

All the warriors looked in amazement,

This wooden chair is a treasure that has followed the prince for more than a hundred years.

But at this moment King Jingshan didn't care about the crack at all, staring at the screen with anger in his eyes.

Rongping Province, under the cliff.

The two figures sat on the sofa, frowning.

"Father, can Li Qingshan come back?" Fang Wan asked worriedly.

"I don't know." Qiao Gu shook his head,

From previous breakthroughs,

Li Qingshan's realm has reached the nine-forged golden body.

Although it is already very strong, but facing the seven princes of Guro

Qiao Gu shook his head again, suppressed his distracting thoughts, and said firmly:

"I believe in Li Qingshan!"

Eclipse Sun Martial Arts Headquarters,

The Eclipse King looked cloudy and sunny,

From the point of view of the martial arts hall alone, it is a good thing that Li Qingshan was left behind, or even died in Gu Luo Continent.

But it's about a "new road", so we can't put our vision so low.

"Hehehe!" A charming chuckle suddenly sounded behind him.

The Eclipse King shook his head, a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

not only them,

this moment,

All the Dragon Country high-level warriors became nervous again because of Li Qingshan.

On the spot, on the high platform.

"Seven true kings!"

King Chen put away his pipe and his face became serious.

No matter how confident he is in Li Qingshan, he has to worry at this moment.

The teachers and students from the five continents next to them have different expressions.

Carl and Hobbs, on the other hand, had a winning look on their faces.

"You guys, have you forgotten?"

King Chen's voice became cold, like a cold wind blowing across the square.

"Eight venerable Gu Luo, but they are still in my Demon Sea Wuda!"

Carl and Hobston were shocked, their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe:

"You dare to kill me, Venerable Gu Luo?"

"If Li Qingshan doesn't come back, just wait and collect the corpses for them!"

King Chen's expression remained unchanged, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

But the fall of the Venerable is a big thing!

Hobbs looked anxious and hurriedly explained:

"King Chen, we just want to invite Li Qingshan to be a guest in Guluo"

"do not talk!"

Karl pulled Hobbs away and said gloomily:

"King Chen, the monster crisis has not been resolved yet, do you Dragon Kingdom want to go to war with my Guluo Continent?"

"Hehe, monster crisis?"

King Chen sneered twice, not giving in at all.

"At most, all the jade and stones will burn!"

"These four words were invented by my Dragon Kingdom!"

The place was silent,

Only Carl and King Chen's voices reverberated in everyone's mind.

Go to war!

Dragon Country, Gu Luo Continent,

All the viewers who are watching TV are excited.

martial arts era,

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