Even an ordinary person is bloody far beyond the peaceful era.

Many high-level warriors suddenly stood up.

At this moment, the sword is drawn!factory.

Chapter XNUMX The death of Gu Luo!

Vaasa city center.

The place was silent, and needles could be heard falling.

The people from Longguo and Guluo who were present looked at King Chen and Karl one after another, as if they were only waiting for an order to fight against each other.


The sound of rapid air breaking came from the sky.

Everyone was startled and turned to look away.

I saw a golden light galloping coming,

But in the blink of an eye, Jin Guang came to the sky above the high platform.

The dazzling light dissipated, and a figure stepping on a giant flying sword appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Li Qingshan!"

Jiao Yun exclaimed in surprise, and the rest of the reporters also cheered.

not only them,

Among the thousands of households in the Dragon Country, cheers exploded at the same moment.

And many aggressive high-level warriors also calmed down their restless blood.

Compared with the Dragon Kingdom,

The audience of Gu Luo Continent was not in a good mood.

The Guluo people at the scene were even more surprised.

Seven princes shot, how did Li Qingshan come back?

Looking at Li Qingshan's unscathed clothes,

Carl and Hobbs' hearts sank at the same time,

This look doesn't look like he has escaped.

Besides, how could the nine forgings of the golden body escape under the hands of the seven princes?

Is it

An unbelievable thought came to the two of them.

Carl and Hobbs widened their eyes, their pupils constricted.


Li Qingshan had a panoramic view of the two people's reactions, the corners of his mouth twitched, he lowered his body, and the flying sword was inside his body.


Karl's blood surged in an instant, and he roared wildly.

The terrifying roar directly set off a gust of wind.

Li Qingshan frowned slightly, a strand of true essence flowed into his palm, raised his hand and fanned lightly.

The restless air is smoothed by the invisible hand,

The next second, the clouds are light and the wind is light.

The audience was amazed by this miraculous scene.

And many Dragon Kingdom warriors suddenly widened their eyes, unbelievable.

live platform,

Chen Wang and the others' eyes lit up.

"Original Dao!"

Li Qingshan nodded lightly without denying it.

The fish have been caught, so naturally there is no need to hide the hook.

"The nine-forged golden body has not yet broken through, you can contact the origin!"

King Chen took out his pipe again, took a sip, and said with emotion:

"Your way is amazing!"

not only him,

In front of Longguo TV,

All high-level warriors who understand the path of martial arts also have complicated eyes.

And the Guluo warriors who have been paying attention to the scene are even more jealous.

Carl and Hobbs, with red eyes, insisted:

"Impossible! Even if you break through the crown, it can't be seven princes"

"Seven princes?"

Li Qingshan shook his head slightly, raised his hand and waved.

Seven corpses appeared on the ground, lined up one after the other.

Indifferent words, followed by falling.

"You're talking about them, right?"

Karl and Hobbs were instantly pale and lost.

on the high platform,

The rest of the teachers and students were also shocked and unbelievable.

Even if Li Qingshan can come back,

He even killed the seven princes of Guro, and brought back the corpses?

The Dragon Kingdom team was also shocked.

They watched Li Qingshan take a "new road" step by step.

But they never thought that this "new road" would be so powerful!

Strong enough to exceed everyone's expectations time and time again!

King Chen exhaled a smoke ring, and the smoke confused his vision.

And Li Qingshan was standing behind the smoke, as if he could never see through.

Many Gu Luo people in the audience, such as mourning the concubine, fell silent.

However, the Longguo reporters ignored this and directed the camera excitedly to photograph the corpses on the stage.

The corpse appeared on the screen,

The reporter introduced the identity of the corpse with a passionate tone.

With the exposure of the identity of each corpse, there will be bursts of cheers from the thousands of households in the Dragon Country.

But all the high-level warriors were strangely quiet.

They understand the identity and strength of these princes better than ordinary audiences!

So even more shocking!

Nine forged golden bodies, Origin Road, killed seven princes of Gu Luo,

Li Qingshan's strength challenged their cognition time and time again.

At this moment, they didn't even dare to guess,

Where is the end of Li Qingshan's "new road"?

Linxi City, Bincheng, Magic Sea

The eyes of all Li Qingshan's old acquaintances gleamed, and they suddenly felt like they were aware of it.

Before he knew it, Li Qingshan was no longer the new star of martial arts.

His light was enough to illuminate the entire night sky.

"This is the rising sun!"

The Eclipse King sighed softly, his expression extremely complicated.

Finally, he turned around, looked at the stunned Marquis of Yin Yin, and warned in an unprecedented stern tone:

"The conflict between you and Li Qingshan ends here!"

Eclipse Yin Hou did not answer, still staring blankly at the screen

Downtown Vaasa, scene.

Longguo reporters are still busy,

Reporter Gu Luo came back to his senses, looked at each other, and raised the camera with a heavy heart.

This news must be notified to all the people of Guluo Continent.

corpse into the shot,

In an instant, the entire Gu Luo Continent was pressed the mute button.

All the people of Gu Luo fell silent,

The emotions of anger, unwillingness, and resentment changed in his eyes.

But in the end, there was only depression in everyone's eyes.

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