Powerless depression!

With the deterrence of the Headmaster Mohai, and the imprisonment of Venerable Gu Luo, they can't do anything!

Everyone stared at the screen, their eyes focused on the corner of the screen.

There, there is a tall and straight back.

Everything starts with him!


The back on the screen turned slightly,

All the people of Guluo were startled, and they were so scared that they backed away.

At the scene, Li Qingshan turned around, glanced at the lifeless Gu Luo team, shook his head gently, and said to King Chen:

"My lord, let's go!"

"it is good!"

King Chen laughed and waved at the Dragon Kingdom team.

More than a dozen figures soared into the air and flew towards the pier.

Li Qingshan tapped lightly with his right foot, took one step at a time, walked into the air, and paced away.

"Li Qingshan is gone!"

"Go to the pier!"

Long Guo and the crowd of reporters from the other five continents flocked to the dock.

But 1.3 When the crowd arrived,

Mohai Wuda has left the port, and the outline of the island is getting farther and farther away.

On the pier, the eight Venerable Guru fell asleep on the ground.

In the city center, the turbulent crowd has dissipated.

Only the Guluo people were present.

The scene was quiet, and everyone looked at the seven corpses on the high platform like a mourning concubine.



The sound of falling to the ground rang out one after another,

Karl and Hobbs collapsed on the platform at the same time.

This time, it caused a chain reaction in an instant.

In the square, one by one Gu Luo people collapsed.

Even in front of the screen, the Guro audience slumped on the sofa.

Li Qingshan left, and so did Mohai Wuda.

Seven princes died,

Li Qingshan, the murderer, actually just left!

Everyone's eyes were only helpless and depressed.

This day is the death of Gu Luo! .

Chapter XNUMX Celebration, Group Photo

Off the sea, night.

The moonlight was obscured by clouds, and the sea was pitch black.

A giant cruise ship with lights on the waterway.

At the end of the deck, a couple from the Dragon Kingdom were leaning against the railing.

The girl grasped the railing and looked down,

I saw the sea surging up and down, as if there were giant beasts hiding.

Scared her to shrink back immediately, muttering dissatisfaction.

"What's there to see? It's better to go back to the cabin and play some games."

"This is the outer sea!"

The boy stretched his arms exaggeratedly and said with a longing:

"Don't you think it's a waste if we huddle in the stateroom where ordinary people may never see the open sea?"

"Ordinary people can't see it because the open sea is very dangerous!"

The girl gave her boyfriend a stern look, then shrank back and looked around carefully.

"Let's hurry in!"

"I always feel like there are monsters around."

"How is it possible? This is the channel!"

The boy retorted loudly, looking full of confidence.

"Besides, there are high-level warriors on board!"

The boy grabbed the railing and jumped up.

"Do you want me to go down and see?"

"Don't!" The girl was shocked.

"Hahaha, kidding you! 25"

Feet fall back to the ground,

The boy took the opportunity to put his girlfriend in his arms and pointed to the sea at the stern.

"Look, where are there so many monsters on the channel?"


The girl blushed and hummed softly.He was also bold, stuck his head out, and looked down.


Under the sea, the giant scarlet eyes suddenly opened,

Across the sea, look at her.


A piercing scream blasted the night sky.



The roar overwhelmed the scream, and the giant waves rose,

A monster over thirty meters long jumped out of the sea.

The couple on the deck suddenly became drenched in soup,

The two embraced each other, closed their eyes, and looked desperate.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past.

The two of them shivered and came back to their senses.

The severe pain I imagined has not come,

The two boldly opened their eyes.

I saw that the monster figure had disappeared, and the sea was calm.

If it weren't for the wet clothes, they would all think they were hallucinating.

at this time,

call out!


The sky suddenly lit up, and gorgeous fireworks bloomed.

"It's Mohai Wuda!"

The boy excitedly pointed to the distant sea,

There is the direction of the fireworks, and the lights can still be seen faintly.

call out!


The fireworks continued,

More and more passengers walked out of the cabin to enjoy the beautiful fireworks.

The cruise ship is traveling on the channel, and naturally there is also a TV signal.

All passengers understand that

Who are these fireworks blooming for?

"Magic Sea Wuda is celebrating Li Qingshan's victory!"

Thoughts flashed through my mind,

Another firework blooms in the sky,

Brilliant light shines,

Brighten a smile on all passengers' faces

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