"It's so beautiful!"

"It's so beautiful!"

Zhong Ningyu looked up at the sky, reluctant to look back for a long time.

Nan Zhengming joked on the side:

"Is your Zhong family still missing some fireworks?"

"Can it be the same?"

Zhong Ningyu rolled his eyes and retracted his gaze, then turned to look at the figure surrounded by the crowd not far away.

If Li Qingshan felt something, he turned his head and nodded lightly to the two of them.

Tonight, the school cafeteria was fully operational and the celebration party started.

Almost all the teachers and students of the school gathered here.

As the protagonist, Li Qingshan can't be absent.

"However, the seniors are too enthusiastic, aren't they?"

Li Qingshan was still trying to maintain a gentle smile on his face, but he smiled bitterly in his heart.

It's okay to be "besieged" in the cafeteria,

Unexpectedly, after leaving the cafeteria, Senior Sister was even more reckless and surrounded her.

Not far away, Lu Tianhong and Shenzhou were looking at Li Qingshan.

"Envy? Old Lu!"

Shen Zhou patted Lu Tianhong on the shoulder and said teasingly:

"So, what is the strongest sequence? It's all nonsense!"

"The strongest, there is only one champion!"

Lu Tianhong raised his hand, grabbed the palm on his shoulder, and lowered it heavily.

Then he looked at Li Qingshan, who was surrounded, and slowly shook his head.

"First of all, I don't envy this kind of scene."


Lu Tianhong squinted his eyes and said:

"As someone who hasn't won the ranking, is it appropriate for you to say these words in front of me?"

"You" Shen Zhou's face turned red.

Several people around suddenly burst into laughter.

At this time,

A beautiful school girl suddenly ran straight from Li Qingshan's side.

Several people looked at each other,

Is it because the competition over there is too high, so the target has changed.

Lu Tianhong frowned, thinking about how to pass the time.

However, he saw that the school girl walked directly in front of Shen Zhou.

Several people's eyes are staring,

Shen Zhou raised his chest, looked proudly, and said with a smile.

"Sister, do you need any help?"

"Senior, come and help us take a photo!"

Shen Zhou looked at the camera in his hand, and the back of "relentlessly leaving", and was stunned for a while.


"Senior Shen, go and help!"

Laughter exploded in my ears,

Shen Zhou woke up with a start, and trotted away with an embarrassed face.

restaurant door,

"Li Qingshan, let's take a photo together!" Sister Liangli suggested aloud.

Around a dozen pairs of eyes suddenly lit up.

"It's just a group photo, is it necessary to have such a big reaction?"

Li Qingshan felt strange in his heart and nodded in agreement.


The senior sisters rushed to his side at a speed that he was caught off guard, and posted them.

At this moment, Li Qingshan was shocked.

It’s okay to paste it up, but it’s too much to do it.

"Senpai, don't tear my clothes."

Embarrassed 653 reminders were drowned out by laughter,

Li Qingshan was helpless, his consciousness swept around, looking for rescue soldiers.

Soon, a tall figure appeared within the range of Divine Consciousness.

Li Qingshan's eyes lit up, and his divine sense transmitted.


"What are you talking about? Give me some restraint!"

Xiong Mengzhu stepped on high heels and walked quickly.

King Chen and Xu Zhan also followed behind with a smile.

"Thank you, Mentor Mengzhu!" Li Qingshan whispered thanks.

Xiong Mengzhu nodded slightly, then his expression became more serious.

Numerous seniors froze for a moment, and they came down honestly.

"Mengzhu mentor, we just want to take a photo together."


King Chen's eyes lit up, he straightened his collar, smoothed out the folds of his red suit, and walked in front of the crowd rather sullenly.

"Come on, let's take a photo together!" After he finished speaking, he still waved to Xu Zhan, Lu Tianhong and others.

"Come here and take pictures together!"

All the seniors were helpless and retreated to the back row.

Li Qingshan was pulled to the center by King Chen, and Zhong Ningyu, Nan Zhengming, etc. all gathered around.

The team that took the photo got bigger and bigger.

Shenzhou also found a triangle driver, fixed the camera, set the countdown, and rushed in front of the crowd.

"Three, two, one, eggplant!"


White light shines, the picture freezes.

Li Qingshan stood in the center with a gentle smile.

Surrounded by teachers and students from the sea of ​​magic, all of them grinned and beamed with joy.

Chapter XNUMX Nascent Soul!practice!

The next day, early morning.

The outer sea was violently stormy, and the beasts roared and roared.

Monsters over XNUMX meters long jumped out of the water from time to time, smashing huge waves.

Around the ocean waterway, a giant island is quietly cruising.

Wherever the island passed, the wind and waves in a radius of dozens of miles were all smoothed out.

On the island, it is even more cloudy and windy.

Dormitory courtyard, second floor.

Li Qingshan crossed his knees on the bed, slowly opened his eyes, and murmured.

"I don't know when the master will come back?"

A few days passed, and Master Li Changsheng still did not return any news.

However, as the Sect Master of Changsheng, he is the top power in the Qinghui world.

In the sect, no one was worried that Li Changsheng would have an accident.

"There will be an accident, it can only be the enemy of Changshengzong!"

Li Qingshan remembered Wu Shengwei's confident words, shook his head and laughed.

At the same time, my heart was relieved,

The trace of Master Li Changsheng is not something he can detect, so he can only wait patiently.

"According to Master's message, after Nascent Soul, Qi refining and body refining are combined into one."

Li Qingshan recalled the message in the jade slip, and his eyes were certain.

"Now, the most important thing is to break the pill into a baby!"

Breaking the pill into a baby does not mean directly breaking the golden pill.

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