"Haha, it's good to know!" The middle-aged Yin Wu laughed with confidence.

"You" Shen Zhou was furious,

"Calm down!" Lu Tianhong said in a deep voice.

Li Qingshan has not seen it yet,

With the two of them alone, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Lord of Yin Yin.

"Don't forget what we came for!"

Shen Zhou took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and looked at the other people coldly.

"Tell me where Qiao Gu and Fang Wan are, right now!"

"Otherwise, even if Marquis Eclipse comes, you will have to die in front of me first!"

The expressions of several people changed, and they did not dare to hesitate, pointing to the direction of the canyon.

"Fang Wan is on the hillside behind the cliff of the canyon, you can find it by yourself."


Lu Tianhong and Shen Zhou quickly raised their bodies and went straight to the canyon behind.

Of course, the two deliberately avoided the deep valley.


A wisp of blue smoke rose, attracting the eyes of both of them.

I saw under the blue smoke, next to a dead old tree.

The simple girl is wearing sackcloth and filial piety, kneeling on the ground and burning paper money

In front of the girl, a small earthbag stood quietly.

see the little dirt bag,

Lu Tianhong and Shen Zhou's eyes were red.

"Qiao Gu!"

The chairman of a province died in front of the space passage.

In the end, there is only one solitary grave left, accompanied by dead trees.

In the entire Rongping Province, Fang Wan was the only orphan who could remember him.


The two of them flickered, brought a gust of wind, and stood in front of the grave in an instant.

"Go away, go away!"

Fang Wan looked like a madman, and quickly opened her arms to protect the small tomb.

Lu Tianhong and Shen Zhou were both startled.

And the crazy Fang Wan was relieved after seeing the faces of the two, she slumped on the ground and cried bitterly.

Lu Tianhong and Shen Zhou looked at each other and saw the anger in each other's eyes.

Obviously, the little dirt bag in front of him was protected by the girl with all her life.

Looking at Fang Wan who was crying bitterly, both of them stretched out their hands,

But halfway through, they all stopped.

They don't know how to comfort,

They didn't even know if they were qualified to comfort Fang Wan.

On the other hand, Fang Wan forcibly stopped sobbing and said with hope:

"Uncle Lu, is Li Qingshan here?"

The first time he was called uncle, Lu Tianhong was also startled, then hesitantly nodded and said:

"He left before us and should be here."

"Li Qingshan is here!"

Fang Wan cried out in a hurry, her tears were glittering, as if she had seen a savior.

She hurriedly walked under the dead tree and digged for a while.

Soon, a dusty cell phone was found.

Fang Wan picked up the phone and said sadly:

"Uncle Lu, my adoptive father is being"

Fang Wan was speechless.

Lu Tianhong, whose expression changed drastically, covered her mouth.

Fang Wan did not struggle,

The adoptive father said that although Lu Tianhong is arrogant, he is also a good person.

Lu Tianhong and Shen Zhou looked at each other, and both could see the other's worries.

Li Qingshan hasn't found the shadow yet, but the Eclipse Yin Hou is under the cliff!

As soon as their eyes moved, they took Fang Wan and rushed down the mountain.

But just after taking two steps, a red light with rich qi and blood suddenly chased after him from behind.

In the blink of an eye, all three were suppressed by the red light and fell to their knees.


A light laughter sounded, and a charming figure slowly floated over the heads of several people.

"Marquis of Yin Yin!" Lu Tianhong and Shenzhou gritted their teeth and tried their best to stir up their qi and blood, but they still couldn't move.

"Little brat!"

Marquis Choyin glanced at the two of them, shook the glass, and his eyes fell on Fang Wan.

"You said just now, what happened to your foster father?"

"Have you been framed? 1.3" Qi Yinhou exaggeratedly covered his mouth, looked down at the phone.

"You didn't just photograph the evidence, did you?"

Qiyin Hou took a sip of red wine and smiled.

"It happens that Ben Hou is here, bring it here, I will give you justice!"

The fingers of the phone were squeezed tightly, and they were lifted and broken one by one in the red light.

Pain struck,

Fang Wan didn't care, she just stared at the floating mobile phone, her eyes splitting.

The mobile phone slowly drifted towards Marquis Eclipse, and Fang Wan, Lu Tianhong, and Shen Zhou all had red eyes.

Anger, unwillingness, despair, all kinds of emotions alternated in the eyes of the three.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really delicious to drink."

Marquis Choyin chuckled lightly, took a sip of red wine again, and slowly stretched out his left hand.

The phone is about to change hands.


A terrifying sound of breaking through the air suddenly came,

Lu Tianhong and Shen Zhou's eyes lit up instantly.

As soon as the expression of the Lord of Yin Yin changed, he was about to turn his head.

But a red light of qi and blood that was countless times thicker than hers, like red training, wrapped her in the blink of an eye.

The pressure of terror came from all over the body,

Qi Yin Hou quickly withdrew his own blood and red light, resisting with all his strength.

But he still couldn't move, so he could only open his mouth with difficulty.

"Li Qingshan!"


The golden light flashed by,

The left hand stretched out by Marquis Eclipse fell to the ground.


The wine glass was broken, the red wine was spilled, and the right hand fell to the side.

A cold voice sounded behind her,

"You guessed it right."

PS: Deputy Speaker Jing Heng appeared in Chapter 180 when Jingshan was crowned king.

Chapter XNUMX Public Trial

"I said I would come to 'visit' you."

Li Qingshan carried the long sword and walked out from behind Marquis Choyin, a drop of blood dripped from the tip of the sword.

Qi Yinhou gritted his teeth, his eyes bloodshot.

On the white neck and forehead, blue veins agitated.The red light of qi and blood on the body surface was flickering, and he tried his best to resist and struggle.

But these are all useless efforts, and the "red training" wrapped around her body does not move at all.

Ahead, lost the red light suppression of Qi and blood.

Both Lu Tianhong and Shenzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

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