"Fortunately you're here!"

The two supported Fang Wan and stood up.

Fang Wan's right fingers were weirdly curved, but she ignored it and ran directly to the phone on the ground.

Li Qingshan shook his head gently and said gently:

"Don't worry, she can't move anymore."

Turning his hands, a dark red medicinal pill appeared in his palm.

"Swallow it first, it's good for your injury."

Fang Wan looked at Marquis Choyin with frightened eyes.

After a long while, I finally felt relieved, picked up the medicine pill, and swallowed it for 25 minutes.

"Thank you!"

Li Qingshan shook his head and did not speak.

Just waved a trace of True Yuan to help Fang Wan digest it.

The medicine pill is just a leftover body congealing pill, and there is not much blood in it, but it is enough to recover from the injury.

Under the guidance of True Yuan, this qi and blood quickly rushed to Fang Wan's right hand, and the twisted fingers returned to normal one by one.

After everything was done, with a random move, the mobile phone on the ground flew into the palm of his hand.

Afterwards, Li Qingshan's eyes fell on the small tomb, and he spoke in a low voice.

"It should be us who say thank you."

Fang Wan's eyes instantly turned red, and she choked out:

"At that time, the adoptive father sent me to the cliff for the first time and let me go first."

"I'm on my way down the mountain, see"

Fang Wan abruptly turned her head and stared at Marquis Choyin, with a deep hatred in her eyes.

"She, flew into the deep valley."

"Originally, I thought that my foster father would be fine, so I ran back, but it turned out."

Fang Wan was so choked that she was speechless.

Li Qingshan nodded to Lu Tianhong and Shenzhou, and the two came over.

Open the phone album, find the video and click it.


The messy beast roared, and the screen shook slightly.

But soon the picture stabilized.

In the middle of the picture, the edge of the space channel is bright.

Qi and blood red light diffuses around the entire passage,

Countless low-level monsters burst into blood mist as soon as they rushed out of the passage.

Below the passage, there is already a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

A burly figure was standing on the mountain of corpses, fighting seven or eight giant monsters at the same time.

"They're all eighth-level intermediate monsters!" Lu Tianhong quickly recognized the monster's identity and said solemnly:

"Qiao Gu has just been promoted to the eighth rank, and he is reluctant to deal with it, not to mention"

In fact, as he expected,

Soon, many wounds appeared on Qiao Gu's body.

The injury became more and more serious, and the movement gradually slowed down.

The three of them couldn't bear to look any longer, and moved their eyes to the top of the space passage.

A charming figure stopped there from beginning to end, motionless.

until a few minutes later,

Qiao Gu was careless, his chest and abdomen were torn apart by the monster, his body froze suddenly, and he fell to his knees.


The charming laughter even suppressed the monster's roar, and the overwhelming red light of blood and energy poured out from the body of Qi Yinhou, sweeping the monster.


Shen Zhou's anger was unbearable, his right hand ignited a thick flame of blood, and he went straight to the Eclipse Yin Hou.

"and many more!"

Li Qingshan spoke softly,

A trace of qi and blood red light appeared in "Chi Lian", blocking Shenzhou.

"What are you waiting for!" Shen Zhou said angrily,

"I'm going to kill her now!"

"Without the video, she would be dead long ago."

Li Qingshan's expression remained unchanged, and he turned off the phone.

"But it's different now, she can't die here."

"Senior Qiao Gu died in battle, and the people of Rongping Province don't know anything about it. Everyone is singing praises to the Eclipse Yin Hou and the Eclipse Sun Wuguan."

"This video must be made public!"

"Senior Qiao Gu needs to have his name corrected and justice!"

Li Qingshan looked at Marquis Choyin, his eyes gradually turned cold.

"And she, I want a public trial!"

Lu Tianhong and Shen Zhou were shocked, and Fang Wan's eyes lit up even more.

Without a doubt, this is the best solution.

However, after thinking for a moment, Lu Tianhong hesitated:

"This is Rongping Province, and the headquarters of the Eclipse Martial Arts Museum is not far from Shouling City."

"We will judge Yin Hou, and the Eclipse Sun Martial Arts Hall will never sit idly by."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Li Qingshan didn't explain much, but looked at Fang Wan.

"Where were the vice presidents of the Wushu Association at that time?"

Fang Wan was stunned for a moment, then became angry again.

"The foster father can't move them at all"

"I understand."

Li Qingshan nodded and waved the long sword lightly in his hand.

The tip of the sword pointed down towards the Marquis of Yin Yin, and a trace of True Essence invaded along the tip of the sword.

In an instant, countless wounds spread all over Qi Yinhou's body.

"Red Lian" retracted,

Marquis Choyin collapsed to the ground helplessly, screaming in horror.

"Li Qingshan, how dare you abolish me!"

The long sword swept past, smashing every inch of the meridians in her body.

There is also an incomparably terrifying force, constantly destroying and destroying, making her blood and blood retreat.

"It's going to be a public trial, why are you still keeping your cultivation base?"

As soon as his mind moved, Zhen Yuan directly sealed the throat, and the Eclipse Yin Hou suddenly fell silent.

"Go and take those 'mice' away first."

Li Qingshan nodded to Lu Tianhong and Shen Zhou, grabbed Fang Wan's wrist, and flew to the Wushu Association building in front.

Lu Tianhong and Shenzhou picked up the Marquis of Yin Yin and followed him.

Chapter XNUMX Title, Changsheng!

Shouling City, the whole city is full of elements.

Looking around, there is a vast expanse of white, full of people kneeling down.

central square,

Lu Tianhong and Shen Zhou looked around, and then looked at the smiling face on the giant screen~, feeling lost.

They did it.

Now that the truth is out, Qiao Gu also gets justice.

But what's the use of this?

Qiao Gu, never come back!

Li Qingshan was also silent, his eyes flashing.

When Master Zhang Song died of illness, he could not save him.

Now that Qiao Gu died in battle, he still couldn't save him.

The art of resurrection,

Not to mention Blue Star, even in the Qinghui Realm, he has also never seen it.

"Is it really useless?"

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