Li Qingshan shook his head gently,

He doesn't believe it!

"It's just that my strength is too low, and I can't get in touch."

"Even if there is not one in Qinghui Realm, but there is still a saying in Qinghui Realm that you will become an immortal by transcending tribulation, don't you think there is no fairy realm in the legend?"

"Even above the fairy world?"

Li Qingshan has wild hope in his eyes,

It's not just the desire for strength,

More because he didn't want to leave regrets.

"All regrets are just because of insufficient strength."

"When the strength is enough, even if time goes against the flow, I will make up for these regrets one by one."

Thoughts flashed in my mind, eyes gradually calmed down,

Li Qingshan regained his indifference, and the red light of qi and blood lifted Fang Wan, who was still crying, and slowly lifted into the air.

"Let's go, it's time for us to worship the senior."

Lu Tianhong and Shenzhou also regained their senses, soaring into the air and following behind.

When approaching the Wushu Association,

Li Qingshan's eyes moved, and he fell directly into the valley.

Lu Tianhong and Shenzhou didn't know what to do, so they followed.

fall in half,

The eyes of the two changed, and they were angry.

"This group eats things inside and out!"

The Wushu Association building in front of him has completely turned into ruins, and the building is empty.

Li Qingshan hovered over the ruins, his expression remained unchanged, and he shook his head gently.

"This is just the beginning."

Three feet frozen, not a cold day.

Eclipse Sun Wuguan is deeply rooted and flourishing in Rong Binh Province.

The public trial just now was nothing more than cutting off a branch.

It's far from shaking its foundations.

Shenzhou's anger is hard to dissipate,

"I'm going to get those bastards back one by one!"

"can not go."

Lu Tianhong shook his head and raised his hand to hold it.

"Killing Yin Hou is because the evidence is solid."

"But for the others, we have no evidence. If you go to arrest them, you will only give the Eclipse Sun Martial Art an excuse to take action."

Shen Zhou's face was full of unwillingness, and he stopped.

"It doesn't matter, this big tree will be uprooted sooner or later."

Li Qingshan said indifferently, turned and flew behind the cliff.

After a while, the three of them stood beside the dead tree again.

Fang Wan knelt before the tomb and whispered something.

Li Qingshan looked at the lonely little dumpling and spoke softly.

"Senior Qiao's title, do you know?"

Lu Tianhong looked complicated and spoke in a low voice.


"An Ping, Ping An?"

Li Qingshan shifted his gaze from the tomb to Fang Wan,

He remembered that Qiao Gu once said that he was alone.

Today, Fang Wan, the righteous daughter, is Qiao Gu's only relative in the world.

"Obviously, but for peace, but you are willing to die for the safety of the whole city"

Li Qingshan shook his head and sighed, waving his hand to attract a huge boulder in the distance.

The golden light flew out of his hand, revolving around the boulder, and the stone chips flew.

Soon, a stone tablet was carved.

With a wave of his hand, the stone tablet fell in front of the tomb and plunged into the soil.

【Anping Hou Qiaogu】

Fang Wan stroked the stone tablet lightly and continued to speak in a low voice.

Li Qingshan, Lv Tianhong, Shenzhou,

The three faced the stone tablet together and bowed.

After getting up,

Li Qingshan turned to look at the two of them and said:

"I will take care of Fang Wan, you should report to the Wushu Association."

Although the two resigned from their positions, they went to Gu Luo Continent to compete.

But after returning, you still have to go back to debrief.

There are many space passages in the Dragon Kingdom,

Every high-level warrior has a mission.

Lu Tianhong and Shen Zhou looked at each other and hesitated:

"How about we stay here to help you?"

As Li Qingshan said just now, all this has just begun.

Alone, serving as president of the Rongping Provincial Martial Arts Association.

The Eclipse Sun Martial Arts Hall is deeply rooted, and the space channel has to be guarded, so Li Qingshan has no skills at all.

How could the two of them leave with confidence?

"do not worry."

Li Qingshan shook his head gently,

"You are all seventh-order peaks, it is not appropriate to stay here."

"The vice-principal will send other seniors to intern in Rongping Province."

Lu Tianhong and Shenzhou finally felt relieved and left.

On the hillside, it was quiet again.

Fang Wan stroked the stone tablet, her lips moving silently.

Li Qingshan put away the paper money that had been spilled before, ignited a flame in front of the stone tablet, and handed it out one by one.

Time passed by and the sky was getting darker.


A middle-aged man in a suit appeared in front of the flames.

The weird thing is,

The fire was shining, but there was no shadow behind the middle-aged man.

Li Qingshan stood up silently and gave up his seat.

Facing the stone tablet, the middle-aged man bowed.

Then his eyes fell on Fang Wan, and he opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything comforting.

In the end, he could only sigh and shake his head, then turned to look at Li Qingshan with approval in his eyes.

"I didn't expect you to find video evidence, and finally gave Qiao Gu justice."

"The credit is not mine." Li Qingshan shook his head gently and looked at Fang Wan.

"Senior Qiao has adopted a good righteous daughter."

"However" Li Qingshan looked up at the night sky, where the direction of the eclipse of the Sun Martial Arts Hall.

"The eclipse finally held back."

"When Eclipse is not here, of course he doesn't dare to shoot."

Jing Heng also had a trace of pity in his eyes, shook his head and said:

"But it's still a little risky for you to kill the Sun King."

"There is no incriminating evidence on him."

"I see."

Li Qingshan nodded.

Although the adventure, but had to kill!

Because he can't imagine,

The tragic death of the younger sister, how crazy can a brother be!

Jing Heng looked around. Although it was pitch black, the night could not cover his eyes.

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