"Hundreds of things are waiting to be done!" Jing Heng sighed with emotion.

"Vice Speaker, you said you believed me." Li Qingshan said calmly.

"Of course!" Jing Heng retracted his gaze and said solemnly:

"It's time for you to be crowned king, the time and title are up to you."

"Feng Wang?"

Li Qingshan's eyes fell on the tomb, and he spoke softly.

"The time is set in three months!"

"As for the title"

Li Qingshan pondered a little and said slowly:

"Just call Changsheng!"

"Changsheng?" Jing Heng was a little strange, wondering what the title meant.

"Yes, Changsheng!"

Li Qingshan didn't explain, just looked up at the night sky, his eyes widened.

One day, the entire Blue Star will understand the meaning of these two words!factory.

The XNUMXth chapter of the whole city, the trial!

Shouling City, the central square.

The square is connected to several commercial streets, surrounded by large shopping malls.

The outer walls of the mall are covered with giant advertising screens, which are dazzling.

At this moment, near noon, the square and the nearby commercial street are all decorated with lights and festive.

Pedestrians on the road are also beaming.


A red light descended from the sky and swept across the square.


The hurricane set off, and all the decorations on the square were blown to the ground.

Pedestrians fled around in panic.

In the terrified eyes of everyone, several figures fell from the sky.

The figure stood still,

Passersby hid in nearby shops and watched secretly.

I saw two men and one woman standing in front of them,

Behind them, six people are being wrapped in red light and kneeling on the ground.

"Li Qingshan!"

A piercing scream suddenly sounded,

A girl excitedly waved to the square.

The eyes of the young people around them lit up, and they looked carefully with the courage, and then quickly recognized Li Qingshan.

Suddenly everyone got excited and shouted along with the girl.

Amid the cheers, more and more passers-by walked out of the store.

Gradually, some doubts sounded quietly.

"Why did Li Qingshan come to Shouling City?"

"Who is kneeling behind him? Why do I feel familiar?"

"No, look at the woman whose arms were cut off, does she look like"

Many passersby turned to look at the side of the square, which was the screen on the outer wall of a shopping mall.

On the screen, it is the propaganda poster of the Eclipse of Yin Hou to repel the beast tide.

Everyone's heads turned back and forth, carefully comparing.

After that, everyone's expressions changed.

Anger rushed to his face, and the angry roar broke through the cheers.

"Li Qingshan, how dare you cut off Lord Hou's arms!"

"Marquis Eclipse is the hero of our Shouling!"

Eclipse Yin Hou?

Many cheering people stopped, and their eyes moved behind Li Qingshan.

After recognizing Marquis Eclipse, his expression suddenly changed and he joined the roaring team.

There are only some young people who are still insisting on cheering.

The people around looked at these young people and scolded them angrily.

"You ungrateful things!"

"No matter how powerful Li Qingshan is, what does it have to do with us?"

"Marquis 653 is our savior!"

There were more and more angry reprimands, either at the young people around, or at the center of the square.

For a time, the crowd was excited.

There were even a lot of people who rushed directly to the square to fight Li Qingshan.

However, the red light spreads and surrounds the entire square.

Everyone couldn't take a step beyond the thunderous pool, and could only stand outside and keep scolding.

central square,

Fang Wan's expression was gloomy, and Shen Zhou was trembling with anger.

"Don't be angry."

Li Qingshan shook his head lightly and spoke indifferently.

"Eclipse Sun Martial Art Museum covers the sky with one hand and plays with the hearts of the people"

"The purpose of the public trial is to interrupt this hand and wake up all the people."

"Senior Qiao Gu's achievements will no longer be covered up."

Fang Wan's face became better, and she said in a low voice:

"Thank you!"

at this time,


SMS alerts keep ringing,

At first, the excited crowd didn't care.

But when everyone's mobile phones rang, many people still took out their mobile phones.

[Qiao Gu, the president of the Martial Arts Association, died in battle because he was framed by the Marquis of Yin Yin. The video evidence will be launched on major platforms and Rongping TV station soon. 】

[The new president of the Wushu Association, Li Qingshan, will publicly try the Marquis of Choyin and a group of traitors of the Wushu Association in the city center, and everyone is welcome to come. 】

After seeing the content of the text message, everyone's expressions changed and they became suspicious.

The anger gradually subsided, and more and more people stopped roaring and looked at the center of the square with suspicious eyes.

"Lu Tianhong's movements are not slow."

Li Qingshan nodded lightly, but did not withdraw the red light of qi and blood.

It is not yet time for judgment,

Audience, not enough!

Eclipse Sun Martial Arts Headquarters,


SMS alert tone keeps ringing,

After reading the text message, everyone's expression changed drastically.

Bang bang bang!

A middle-aged man hurried into the top-floor office.

"Deputy Director! Something happened."

"I see." Eclipse put down the phone, looking gloomy.

The middle-aged man cautiously said:

"Deputy director, if there is real video evidence, it will be difficult to handle, can you?"

"The text messages have been sent, do you think they will be unprepared?"

"No matter how fast the mental projection is, it can't be faster than the network signal."

Eclipse shook her head slightly and turned on the TV.


At this moment, the video of Qiao Gu's death is playing on the screen.

Looking at the smiling face at the top of the screen, Eclipse sighed and shook her head.

"The eclipse is too careless."

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