Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1023: Internal contradiction

㈢ ろ ⺗ 裞 蛧 更 薪 最 駃 → ωωω. ろ ㈢χs. て oм 鍀

"Griuse, you did this!"

In the Senate, in the huge chamber, most of the senators looked at the seventh senator Grius with an aversion.

With a thin cheek, narrow eyes and a moustache on his lips, Grius was pale.

"This is someone who deliberately framed me!" Gryus pursed his lips, his eyes flickering at Freeman sitting in the middle.

There was a layer of sweat on his forehead, which was scary.

Glius never thought how such a secret thing would be exposed, and he was very careful every time he acted!

It can almost be said that no trace is left.

Otherwise, there will not be so many missing cases there.

In the interstellar era, comprehensive monitoring of a planet can be said to be a very simple matter.

He couldn't figure it out now, and he could avoid even the satellites of the planet. Why was this incident revealed?

Could someone betray him?

Grius was ruthless in his heart, and he decided to go back and wash the men who helped him catch the children. No matter who betrayed him, everyone would die!

As for what is on the Internet, he can completely deny it and characterize it as the slander of the Resistance!

Anyway, the two sides belong to an endless hostile relationship. Someone will believe that such things are vilified.

As long as he doesn't get kicked out of the Senate, he is still a supreme senator!

Grius looked at Freeman innocently, angrily, and a posture of being wronged.

The rest of the lawmakers looked at Grius, but each had his own thoughts.

Some sympathetic and sympathetic glances at Grius looked at Grius, and some lawmakers who did not deal with Grius sneered.

Is this Greus brain broken?

Now it is no longer a matter of whether you have done this kind of thing or not, because your scandal was exposed, causing a huge wave of resistance in the entire Crystal Empire.

Even the troops under their own control are in chaos. If they don't hand you over to quell the anger of the people, how can they continue to defend their rights?

Does it depend on you to say that you have never done such a thing?

Freeman looked at Griuse with an expressionless expression. It was natural for the senator to accept bribes privately, but it was natural for humans to kill birds for food. As long as it was not too much, he basically closed his eyes One eye.

After all, who can say that they can refuse such things as benefits?

Moreover, in order to maintain the balance in the Senate before, he didn't even ask about this kind of thing. As long as you can ensure that you can get out of the basket, how you do it is your personal matter.

However, the exposure of Grius made Freeman intolerable.

How special is this psychology to do such a crazy thing? You said that you were so greedy, would you spend it outside to find it?

Tens of billions of coins, what are you looking for?

It's the kind of adult who has grown up, but looks like a legitimate loli who looks like a child.

Need to tie a child directly?

"Grüss, you go back and rest for a while, and wait until we investigate the truth of this matter." Freeman's cold voice chilled Glüss' heart.

As a member of the Senate, he knew very well that it would be difficult for him to return to this center of power when he went back!

How could the surrounding wolves and hungry tigers keep themselves coming back?

I'm afraid that his position will be replaced as soon as he leaves!

"Sir, please believe me, this is a premeditated slander of the Resistance. Their purpose is to fight us. If you deal with me, I will not be wronged, but it is equivalent to recognizing the people in disguise What you do! "

Grius stood up excitedly and shouted, "And once you admit it, does not mean that you also endorse the materials released by the Resistance? This is a huge blow to the reputation of the Senate!"

At this time, Grusius's brain turned fast, he excitedly stated the stakes in it, hoping Freeman could change his decision.

"What you said makes sense, Grius." Freeman nodded slightly after agreeing with Grius's words.

His expression made Graus happy, and he thought Freeman was ready to change his decision.

"But have you considered if we do nothing, how to smooth out the current chaos, you have to understand that the army is the basis for our rule. Now our army is shaken. How do you change this? ? "

Freeman's words changed in an instant. He stared at Glyus and asked, "What are you going to do? If you can solve this problem, you will still be your seventh member!"

Glius paused for a while, what could he do?

As a ruler, he knew too well that the trio would become a tiger, and sometimes even things that were not done would become true because of public opinion!

What can he do now to calm the anger of the people and the restlessness of the army?

Stand up and say this is not what I did. Everything is framed by the Resistance?

He just said this in front of Freeman, standing outside and saying that he would definitely be killed by the angry people!

The information published on the information network is too detailed, so detailed that he did not even have the opportunity to argue. Freeman was able to tolerate him because he was concerned about the face of the Senate.

This kind of thing is taken for granted, and they will directly face shame in the Senate!

So Freeman just asked him to quit his job and go back to rest, instead of directly letting him catch him and try him.

As for the little girl who was ruined by him, all members of the entire conference lobby did not mention it.

Grius stood there thinking hard and couldn't think of a good way.

Seeing this, Freeman sighed in his heart, and said coldly, "Since there is no way, just solve it my way, Glyus."

With a tremor in his body, Glaus bowed his head deeply without speaking.

"Unload your post and wait for our investigation results. Now back to your residence, I will send someone to monitor your next move." Freeman said lightly.

Glius's face changed slightly, and he knew Freeman's plans.

Looking up at his colleagues around him, he found that except for giving others a sympathetic look, the rest were either gloating or disgusted.

Glius calmly retreated, then turned and left the conference lobby.

After he left, a member of the parliament only said, "It's a disgusting hobby ~ ~ How did his sample virtue become a parliamentarian, I now start to wonder why we will have the result today. Is it because of a problem with the selection system? "

The others looked at the speaker in amazement. When their eyes touched each other, they unified their gaze and a silent gesture of eyes and nose.

The third MP spoke, and his dissatisfaction was completely written on his face.

If it wasn't for their identity, they all suspected that the other party would just growl and yell.

Speaking of which, many lawmakers are also dissatisfied with this, and becoming a colleague with dregs like Grius really disgusted them.

Freeman didn't seem to hear the dissatisfaction of the third MP. He calmly said, "Let's put this one aside, and we still think about how to solve the problem at hand."

"Solution? It's easy. Turn over Gruius, and then we take the lead in admitting mistakes and self-reflection of the parliamentary selection system. People are tolerant. As long as we will admit our mistakes, we will always forgive us! He said it straight out.

м.③③χs.cóм old iron please remember for a second ㈢③ 尛 裞 network)

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