Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1024: Change of influence

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Cheng Yuan, who paid close attention to this matter, felt that his worldview had been refreshed.

This name is called Grius, which is just a talent!

He also didn't understand that there was so much money. If there was any need that could not be found, why did he take the risk to catch the children!

Is it not the original child that he cannot be satisfied with?

Cheng Yuan thinks so, it feels really possible!

Some mentally abnormal people can really do this kind of thing!

I do n’t know if it ’s because of different races. Anyway, this incident caused emotional excitement in the Crystal Empire, but he saw it without any special feeling.

It's like watching animals.


The Senate has dealt with this matter and temporarily suspended the post of the seventh member of Parliament, Grius, who will thoroughly investigate the matter and confirm the authenticity of the matter.

This statement caused another extensive discussion within the Crystal Empire.

Most ordinary people think that this still needs to be investigated, and the death penalty can be directly imposed!

There are also some people who are arranged by the Senate on the information network to instill another saying that the Resistance and the Senate are in a state of hostility, and the Senate cannot believe the information released by the Resistance.

If the rebels believed what they said, what did they do in the Senate?

As for why he temporarily suspended his position, it was also under pressure from public opinion.

Such a statement also made some of the civilians who like to question agree with it. After all, the two parties are hostile, and it is normal for them to pour water on each other.

Some people even speculate maliciously. Will the Senate announce the black spots of the rebels in the future?

There are many people who are not disappointed to see the excitement.

As for how things are going, no one knows.

In the eyes of the senior members of the Senate, the pressure on civilians is nothing at all, and the confusion in the military is the reason for their temporary dismissal of Grius!

As far as civilians are concerned, as long as they master the army, are they worried about Pingming's disobedience?

When Freeman questioned Grius before, he also directly asked him how to solve the military problems, rather than thinking about the civilian population.

No matter what the civilians say, the news on the Internet has given the rebels real benefits, especially those young people who, with a little encouragement, will join the rebels when their minds are hot.

As a result, the resistance forces expanded rapidly.

In contrast, the Senate announced that they had dealt with the matter, but such actions did not have much effect.

Now they can only try to appease the soldiers under their hands, and at the same time they can only watch as the resistance forces expand.

But compared to the two, they care more about the former.

Whatever the resistance of the resistance forces is, if they expand again, the Senate can maintain its advantage until they have no powerful starships.

But just as they set about solving the army's problems, another news made them instantly sink into the bottom of the valley.

The left border garrison joins the Resistance under the command of Cropos Commander!

The fact that the border garrison, which had remained neutral, joined the rebel forces directly caused panic among the senior members of the Senate.

If the previous rebels were just like mice in their eyes, they would just scurry around, and they would be bothered and helpless.

Then after the border garrison joined the Resistance, the Senate had to attach importance to their existence.

The border garrison has directly filled the defect that the Resistance has no core warship!

"What's going on !?" Freeman slammed his hand on the armrest. This time he was really angry. Even before the appearance of the Resistance, he had never made him so angry.

Because in Freeman's eyes, the Resistance Army without a core warship is a beam-jumping clown, which can hardly form a climate and cannot threaten their status.

The only value of their existence is to be a role model to warn those who resist after being destroyed by them one day in the future!

But now it's completely different. The border army has not a starship battleship, but a fleet of fleets!

When fighting Zerg before, although some troops were transferred, more were left!

Because the appearance of the zerg is worthy of attention, but the border can not be ignored!

If the frontier army is gone, those civilizations that have been stinging their crystal spirits may come straight!

This is why he was so angry after the border army declared neutrality.

He was very worried that this neutral border army would join the resistance or simply become a third party!

He was more frightened than the rebels!

Especially that Carmodo!

That damned Carmodo gave all frontier troops a head!

Every time he thought of this person, Freeman's anger was hard to calm down.

Or because of him, where would the border army join the rebels now?

After calming down the anger in his heart, Freeman said indignantly: "Let the Intelligence Department investigate the cause. It is impossible for the Border Army to join the Resistance for no reason! I want to know why! Immediately! Now!"

Freeman's anger made other lawmakers afraid to answer.

At the same time, Cheng Yuan was surprised for a long time after learning the news.

In his opinion, the rebels need to be technically unskilled and equipped and unequipped. How could they attract border troops to join?

Unintelligible, he quickly called for zero and asked him to find out why.

At the same time, the managers and commanders of other border forces were all equally ashamed when they got the news.

"What the **** is Kropos?"

Some commanders were puzzled, and they couldn't figure out which of the advantages of the rebels, Cropos would choose to join this force!

"Did Cropps think that the Resistance could overthrow the rule of the Senate?" A commander chuckled, feeling such a joke.

How many years has the Senate ruled the empire? How many unknown secrets are hidden, who dares to say that they are clear?

I haven't seen that after the battle with the Zerg, the entire Senate seems to have collapsed directly, but as soon as the rebels came out, the Senate sent out star-rated battleships and the new Titan Fortress.

With such a speed of response, can you say that there is nothing more powerful hidden?

They are unbelieving anyway!

So they questioned Kloppos' choice.


The headquarters of the Resistance, Doman, the commander of the Resistance, smiled all day.

The surrounding officers looked at Doman's smiling face, and were equally happy.

With the addition of Cropos, the Resistance can really be said to have the ability to fight directly against the Senate!

Although they as ordinary officers are also unclear as to why the commanders of the Border Army joined the Resistance, isn't it a good thing?

At the same time, the addition of Cropos also proved that their rebels were the righteous side!

In Doman's office, UU reads www.uukanshu. Com's burly Cropos sat there without a word, his majestic face had no expression, only his dark eyes revealed a sorrow.

But this sadness disappeared as soon as Doman came in.

"Doman, what plans do you have?" Cropos bluntly said.

Dawman smiled slightly and said, "The Resistance has recently expanded very quickly, so there are some constraints in all aspects. I am going to win the three stars of the N4-3442 galaxy on the left border."

Kloppos took a deep look at Doman and said in a deep voice: "No problem, you don't have to test me. It doesn't matter if you help me cut off Grius' head and help anyone!"

Reminding Daoman, Cropos left coldly.

Doman's attitude was not in Cropos, and for him, the addition of Cropos and the Border Army was enough to increase the reputation of the Resistance.

With proper propaganda, he can make more people join the Resistance!

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