Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 1025: Glius

㈢ ろ ⺗ 裞 蛧 更 薪 最 駃 → ωωω. ろ ㈢χs. て oм 鍀

The zero investigation is fast, and the detailed information about Cropos is just a short while before Cheng Yuan.

"Is this this?" Cheng Yuan raised an eyebrow, looking at the image of the first commander to join the Resistance.

The opponent's body is tall and tall, and his eyes are sharp. Even an immovable image gives a serious stereotype.

"He doesn't look like that kind of reckless person?" Cheng Yuan murmured again, looking at the life resume of Cropos.

With a slight smile, he opened another document: "If there is no accident, he may always stick to his post, but you can understand it by looking at this."

Cheng Yuan curiously looked at the materials presented to Zero.

He is also very familiar with the information, which is the black material of the Senate released by the Resistance. There is a lot of black material, except most of them are related evidence of corruption and bribery of members of the Senate.

But the evidence of corruption and bribery has also mixed the scandal that many lawmakers use their office to suppress competitors and hire murderers.

But this is not the place that attracts Cheng Yuan the most. What attracts Cheng Yuan most is that he put in front of him the information of one of the little girls plundered by the special hobbyist Grius.

The little girl ’s name is Ge Qiusha, but the relationship between the little girl ’s identity and Cropos is the relationship between her adoptive father and adopted daughter!

And they are not an ordinary adoptive father-daughter relationship. Gettysha is the daughter of Kropos's dead brother!

Seeing this, Cheng Yuan couldn't help but slumped!

At the same time, I was very impressed with Grius. Cropos was the commander of the border garrison, but he was a big man with real power!

To put it bluntly, Cropos is like a vassal who was sealed off in ancient times!

Not even the adopted daughter of Cropos, this Grius is simply a superb!

He did not believe that Grius would not investigate the family background of these little girls before they captured them!

If you accidentally tie the wrong person and provoke a big man of the same level, even if he is the seventh member, you can't bear it.

The problem is, he really did such a thing.

And before these black materials were exposed, Cropos had no idea that his niece's adoptive daughter was actually taken away by Glyus!

Now that he knows the culprit that made his niece disappear, it is impossible for Cropos to say nothing!

Although Cheng Yuan is more curious about how Gelius tied Ge Qiusha back, even this part of the content was not found.

"Can you find the source of these materials?" Cheng Yuan became interested in the crystal spirit who could take out the materials.

The crystals who don't know what it is, they must have very high technology on their own network. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to collect the glorious evidence.

After all, those little girls are from different planets. If you use the number of crystal planets to track on the ground by your own abilities, it looks like a nightmare.

Therefore, the other party must have a very high-level network technology, which can invade the satellite system of every planet, and record every move of Glyus through the satellite.

Not only that, he may also monitor every move of Grius to achieve better monitoring.

After Cheng Yuan checked these relevant information, the intelligence department of the Senate also found it.

When the head of the intelligence department submitted this verified information to the Senate, all members who had watched the information couldn't help swearing.

It's not a big deal that this Griuscent is too big. The children who tied the civilians were not satisfied. They even went to the children of the border garrison commander! How big is this?

Looking at the correct information in their hands, all members of Congress were silent, and they looked at Freeman.

Freeman dropped the information and closed his eyes slowly.

Now he can't wait for someone to blame Grius directly. How brave would it be for him to reach out to other high-level family members?

"Greus was ordered to be arrested, his crimes publicized, and a public trial conducted!" Freeman took a deep breath and said slowly, his face was very ugly.

Now he doesn't even have to think about how the negative impact of Grius directly on the Senate.

He is even more worried that if he does not deal with Grius, will the garrison commanders who have been close to Cropos be affected by Cropos and also stand on the opposite side of the Senate?

This really happens, and the so-called negative effects are not worth mentioning at all!

Because it will bring a bigger chain reaction!

After all, the border garrison can be said to be one. When one person stands out, there may be two.

When a second person comes out, there will be more one after another!

If the entire border garrison becomes an enemy of their Senate, then what capital will they use to turn it around?

With this in mind, Freeman didn't dare to delay, he said again: "Immediately issue a notice to try Grius! Law enforcement officers, go to Grius' house and arrest him!"

Freeman's determined attitude made everyone realize that this time he was going to move!

The third member looked at Freeman with a smile and nodded approvingly: "Freeman, your decision is extremely correct. Although this will have a great impact on our Senate, if we can properly solve this problem, then We still have hope. "

Freeman glanced at the third MP and nodded inconclusively.

If this problem is not resolved as soon as possible, when Kropos contacts his friends and colleagues, there may be several commanders leaning on the Resistance.

What worries him even more is the chain reaction that such behavior may cause.

The most important thing is that he was really afraid that the commander of other border forces would be involved in the black material of Grius. After all, if people dare to catch the first, there must be the second and the third!

Maybe more!

He just wants to deal with Grius as quickly as possible, so that the eyes of the people and the border garrison can be diverted from this matter!

He was anxious, but he couldn't stop the speed of information flow.

After Kropos publicly announced that he was joining the Resistance, other commanders would naturally look for the cause after the joke.

Although their speed is not as fast as that of the intelligence department of the Senate, they cannot keep their internal information well.

Some commanders knew the reasons why Cropos joined the rebels, and while feeling sympathy for the other side, many people also followed through the materials exposed by the rebels in detail.

Over the years, many commanders have heard of the disappearance of a little girl from her relative's house.

They also helped find it in the beginning, but after nothing was found, they left it alone.

However, as soon as the information was exposed, they began to doubt ~ ~ Now that there is almost no blind spot monitoring, children will still disappear, and no clue can be found, which is itself doubtful.

Even if they used their identity to put pressure on the managers of the planet, they still couldn't find it, which made them have to endure the idea of ​​searching.

Now, the situation in Cropos made them realize that if there is a big man behind the whole thing, they want to eliminate the evidence is easy!

Many commanders immediately contacted the relatives and asked them to take the photos of the child's year and compare them in the materials published online.


Zero and Cheng Yuan saw all this in their eyes, and the two of them suddenly felt that this time the Senate might really have to work hard to deal with it.

Otherwise, the results may be miserable.

As for this Grius, they were all pitted directly.

м.③③χs.cóм old iron please remember for a second ㈢③ 尛 裞 network)

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