Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 664:

"This body" Cheng Yuan did not know what to say for a while. network

Looking at Cheng Yuan with no doubt, some did not understand what Cheng Yuan wanted to say, "What's wrong, sir. If you have any questions, I can answer them for you."

Cheng Yuan thought for a while and asked, "Zero, can the body made like this change the appearance of the villain like the villain robot in the Terminator?"

"" Zero dumb, he naturally knows the Terminator movie, and he can only say that it is rough about the robotics inside.

Although the villain's memory liquid metal looks powerful, it can easily be destroyed.

In that movie, the only thing that made him fancy was the machine that crossed time.

However, time is more mysterious than space. It is not at all that I say that I want to make a time machine that can travel past and future, and then it can be made.

Time is just like space. It is more of a conceptual thing. If you want to actually contact it, there is no possibility!

So, this thing, that is to say, really wants to make it, there is no door!

"What's wrong? Isn't it possible?" Seeing zero silence, Cheng Yuan thought he had thought more, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. After all, although the mechanical nanoworm was amazing, it was impossible to change its structure at will.

His previous thoughts were too illusory.

"Sorry, the mechanical nanoworm will change after copying the corresponding molecular structure. It will become the same as the original and have the function of the original. Of course, as a mechanical organism, it will be slightly different. "Zero one word repeats a part of the performance of the mechanical nanoworm.

Although knowing that Cheng Yuan was affected by the movie, he had such strange ideas, but as a qualified assistant, he would still make everything clear.

Cheng Yuan naturally also knows the details of the mechanical nanoworm. He thought back carefully and then smiled bitterly: "The difference you said is in the biological structure. After all, there is definitely a difference between biological cells and mechanical biological cells. Even if they have the same function! "

"Yes." Zero nodded, confirming Cheng Yuan's words.

Cheng Yuan shrugged, then glanced at the body that was still being produced, and then said, "Okay, I know. When you're done, let me know. Your core shift is also a big deal." Turn around and leave.

When leaving, Cheng Yuan didn't look around, so he was quick.

After leaving the manufacturing room, standing in the suspended elevator, Cheng Yuan suddenly said: "Zero, where is the first place you want to go after you have a body? Himalayas?"

Lingering stopped, a look of surprise appeared on his virtual face, "Sir, how did you know?"

Cheng Yuan smiled slightly. "Because only you and Zen are different."

After returning to the laboratory, Cheng Yuan reopened the picture on the Fire Guard. At this time, the intelligent robot army had occupied the four passageways of the alien building.

In this place, Cheng Yuan can see more secretions and the bodies of many alien creatures. Some of them seem to have just been killed, but some of them have dried up and apparently died for a long time.

Without paying much attention to these corpses, Cheng Yuan's eyes were quickly attracted by the appearance at the top of the screen, and he had previously undergone a general structural scan.

He already knew that the middle of the upper layer of the four passage openings of the alien building was hollow, and the overall shape of the alien building was like a circle of four capital "h" s.

Looking down, it is a rectangle with an 'x' connecting the four corners.

The middle of the upper floor is hollowed out, and the walls are like a honeycomb hexagonal 'rooms' gathered together.

But just scanning the map, just made Cheng Yuan curious. But after really seeing it, Cheng Yuan felt shocked.

Although the walls are covered with secretions, those hexagons still have a faint green light, and these lights are slightly out of the secretions, looking like bright light.

The hexagonal haloes form a piece, which seems to shock Cheng Yuan.

"Zero, are these rays scattered by the secretions themselves, or by the building itself?" Looking back, Cheng Yuan asked curiously.

"It is the light source of the building itself. The scattered light shows that this alien building still has sufficient energy inside. It is really unthinkable. This building that does not know when it was built has so much energy!" Sigh.

Because Phobos has been flying into space, it is impossible to judge time from the existing "theoretical basis".

Cheng Yuan heard the words, his eyes brightened, he was surprised: "Zero, can you check out where is its energy room?"

After occupying the four corners, Cheng Yuan had no doubt that his intelligent robotic troops would occupy the core area in the middle.

Under the absolute power of crushing, there will be no change.

Unless he puts water on his own!

Now that the ending has been set, Cheng Yuan naturally asks in advance where the energy room is. This building, in Cheng Yuan's eyes, already belongs to his personal belongings.

"No, sir. We didn't find similar areas in the scanned structure chart, which may be fundamentally different in design." Zero replied with some regrets.

Cheng's answer like zero made Cheng Yuan feel surprised, but he also knew in his heart that there must be differences between different civilizations, so there is nothing to be disappointed now.

Anyway, as long as he has mastered the core area in the middle, the entire building will find the energy room under his control. Isn't it easy?

Thinking in this way, Cheng Yuan's sight also immediately shifted to the intelligent robot force that is still advancing ~ ~ At this time, the intelligent robot force is advancing from the four directions towards the central area at the same time, and these four oblique channels Here, the situation is the same as that of the channel mouth, completely covered by those secretions.

But these are all side branches, the presence of these secretions will not have any impact on the intelligent robot, and Cheng Yuan is still there. With the deepening, alien creatures here are very scarce, almost the same as none.

The opposite is the case before!

"Is it just a little bit inside?" Cheng Yuan secretly wondered, and then he suddenly responded, "This place is so big, how many alien creatures can it hold?"

Cheng Yuan smiled bitterly and asked Zero: "Zero, how many alien creatures are currently counted, regardless of life or death."

"Six thousand and seventy-two, of which one hundred and eighty-one were captured by us." Zero answered.

"There are so many heads!" Cheng Yuan heard the number and sighed.

"So, what's happening now? Is this kind of thing coming from outside or inside?" Cheng Yuan asked the question that was discussed at the beginning.

If this alien creature comes from the outside, then it is certain that this creature must have a very large population, regardless of their intelligence level.

But once this kind of thing is in it, there can be a lot of speculative results.

For example, the original civilization of the alien building was deliberately carried and collected, or it could be cultivated by the civilization itself, or it could be created directly by using genetic synthesis technology through scientific and technological means!

"Our explorer inspected the entire building, and the spectral scans showed no other areas of damage, that is, they were inside the building from the beginning," Zero said. (To be continued.)

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