Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 665:

The central area of ​​the alien building is not as dangerous as imagined, and the intelligent robot comes unobstructed along the way to the center sphere. Hunting Network

But there was a huge circular metal arch in all four directions.

The door is also covered with a layer of brown-yellow secretion, and under the secretion, there is a faint blue energy light shining.

But the light here is much stronger than the outside entrance.

Under Cheng Yuan's attention, the intelligent robot Xing came to the circular arch without any inspection. Raising the energy gun in his hand to aim at the secretions covering the surface was a bombardment.

After a dozen seconds, these brownish-yellow secretions turned into coke and shed light smoke from the surface of the circular arch.

At this time, the appearance of the door really came out.

On the round gate, a complex pattern like a labyrinth array is engraved. The star-shaped blue halo on the pattern is constantly flowing on the lines.

And if you look closely, you can see that there are still many faint scratches on the metal gate!

Cheng Yuan raised an eyebrow, and then his attention was attracted by the pattern in front of him. If he scratched, he immediately thought of those alien life.

"Zero, does this pattern have a special meaning?" Cheng Yuan rubbed his chin, looked at the pattern, and frowned and asked.


Zero just opened, and the countless blue energy rays on the screen rushed towards the circular arch, but Cheng Yuan hadn't reacted yet.

There were a few low bangs on the screen, and Cheng Yuan saw that the circular arch had been penetrated.

Cheng Yuan was stunned watching the behavior of the intelligent robot. After they walked into the sphere, they couldn't help but twitched, "Zero, what did you just want to say?"

Zero originally wanted to say that this pattern might be the key to open the door, but the behavior of the intelligent robot made him change his mouth immediately.

"Sir, I would like to say that this metal gate is not a stumbling block to us."

"" Cheng Yuan was silent for a long while, and it was clear that Zero had not said this.

Just as Cheng Yuan was about to say something, Zero suddenly said, "Sir, we have something new!"

Zero's tone was shocked at first glance, and he was very surprised, and at the same time he swallowed Cheng Yuan's words.

"What is it?" Cheng Yuan raised a brow.

"Perhaps it is better for you to see for yourself." Zero's tone changed from surprise to solemnity.

With zero speech falling, the picture in front of Cheng Yuan suddenly changed. In the center of the screen, there was a white smooth ball with a diameter of about 1.5 meters and no gaps on the surface.

The sphere fluttered in midair, doing disorderly movements.

Around the sphere, several explorers are constantly scanning the surface of the sphere with blue scanning light.

"This ball is" Cheng Yuan curiously looked at the sphere in front of him. The sphere gave him a feeling that was incompatible with the style of this building.

"It's unclear, the ordinary spectral sweep has no effect on it, and we need to take it back for detailed inspection." Zero return.

"Can't you check it for the time being?" Hearing that, Cheng Yuan even felt that his previous idea was right. This sphere is not something that this alien building has.

Looking at this white sphere, Cheng Yuan suddenly thought of the monsters outside and this alien building. There seems to be a connection between the three.

But Cheng Yuan couldn't think of any connection.

Neither the building nor the alien creature seems to be able to find any useful clues. Only the sphere in front of them seems to be able to let Cheng Yuan know something.

"Send the sphere to Hongnong!" Cheng Yuan immediately ordered, and the appearance of this sphere made him feel as if something special had happened.

After a pause, he then instructed: "Also, those alien creatures remain in the warship for the time being, I will go to Hongnong immediately!"

Zero didn't know why Cheng Yuan went to Hongnong, but he faithfully executed Cheng Yuan's order, "OK."

Cheng Yuan nodded and turned off the holographic screen, he did not continue to look at other facilities in the central area.

Out of the laboratory, Cheng Yuan called Shang Zhangli and Chen Yu, and gently said, "Go to the satellite base."

Zhang Li looked at Cheng Yuan in surprise, then nodded and started the car.

"Zero, do you feel that sphere is different from the building itself?" Cheng Yuan asked in a deep voice on the road.

The sound of zero ‘唰’ appeared next to Cheng Yuan, and his look was also dignified. “Yes, it seems to be something other than the two. I feel there is a special connection between the three.”

Because Zhang Li and Chen Yu existed, the two did not speak clearly.

"Do you think so, maybe we can show something special." Cheng Yuan's eyes flashed a fine light.

Nodded slightly, but he suddenly asked: "Sir, although it is special, why are you so anxious? Approaching it is already in your grasp."

Cheng Yuan froze, and he frowned, saying, "I don't know, I always feel that it is non-Ichibetsu. If I can observe it myself, there will be a special phenomenon."

"Is the so-called sixth sense of human beings?" Zero said doubtfully and surely.

Cheng Yuan shrugged and said with a smile: "Almost, wait for you to appreciate more about human life in the future, maybe it will also have this feeling."

When it comes to experiencing human life, Zero is also a bit happy, he laughs: "Hope."

The conversation between the two penetrated into the ears of Chen Yu and Zhang Li, and they listened inexplicably, and did not understand what Cheng Yuan and Zero were talking about.

The only thing they were surprised was that Zero appeared to Cheng Yuan by holographic projection this time, which was not common before.

After half a tilt, the car came to the satellite base. Cheng Yuan got out of the car and glanced back at his own car. This was the car Zheng Jia bought for him.

It is said that the appearance of the company must go out.

It was really comfortable to sit at first, but now I can't keep up with Cheng Yuan's vision. "Zero, we will transform it later. Our anti-gravity system can't be wasted."

"No problem, this backward mobility tool is not only slow, but also emits a lot of harmful substances. It is indeed eliminated. I feel we can re-establish a new mobility tool system." Zero glance at the black Rolls-Royce , Evaluation is not very good.

And the words of the two, let Zhang Li and Chen Yu face each other, but this Rolls-Royce, tens of millions of cars, so unbearable in their mouth!

Although they also know that many cars are more expensive than Rolls Royce, no matter how expensive the car is still a luxury car.

It is beyond the reach of ordinary people!

The two followed silently behind Cheng Yuan and walked into the satellite base together.

After entering, there was already a spacecraft docked there, waiting for Cheng Yuan.

Before boarding the spacecraft, Cheng Yuan glanced at Chen Yu and Zhang Li, hesitated, and asked, "Zhang Li, Chen Yu, can I trust you 100%?"

Chen Yu and Zhang Li didn't know why Cheng Yuan asked this suddenly. They stunned, Zhang Li quickly responded, and replied loudly: "Boss, your kindness Zhang Zhangyuan will not forget!"

When Zhang Li was talking, his eyes were angry and his voice was loud and powerful.

"I've been out of the army for a long time." Although Chen Yu was not like tension, his tone was beyond doubt.

Cheng Yuan glanced deeply at them, then motioned to them: "OK, then come with me." After that, Bento stepped into the spacecraft first.

Looking at the back of Cheng Yuan, the two looked at each other and saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

To be honest, the guarantee of the two is optional for Cheng Yuan. For the two who have been following him for a long time, Zhang Li and Chen Yu have long believed in his heart.

And he doesn't have too many secrets. The real secrets are not the various technologies he researched in private, but the crystallization of technology in his mind!

This is his biggest secret, and no one knows that it is zero, but just thinks that Cheng Yuan has a more ordinary brain.

Therefore, he has nothing to hide.

This time, he was suddenly whim

"Sir, why do you ask them this way, and you know that any news is under our control, and they have no chance to leak any of your news." Zero muttered in confusion in Cheng Yuan's ear.

Cheng Yuan grinned, "Isn't it an impulse, haven't you seen a movie? In those American blockbusters, when the important moment comes, the protagonist always asks the supporting role like this"

Zero mouth corner pumped ~ ~ speechless.

"Well, next time you want to do this, I will arrange a soundtrack for you in advance."

Cheng Yuan was immediately embarrassed. He coughed softly. "No, this kind of thing comes naturally. How could it be notified in advance!"

The two mumbled into the spacecraft. Behind him, although Zhang Li and Chen Yu tried hard to keep calm, their eyes still couldn't help aiming around.

After so long with Cheng Yuan, they were the first time to board such a spacecraft. They knew, however, that such a spacecraft could navigate the universe.

Could this time be two people in space?

The two looked forward to the thought of going to space.

After Chen Yu and Zhang Li, Cheng Yuan took a seat, the spacecraft started directly. The blue energy was sprayed from the tail of the spacecraft. The spacecraft pole left the satellite base and disappeared in the sky in a blink of an eye.

Cheng Yuan, who is used to it, has no special feeling about flying directly from the earth to the universe, but Chen Yu and tension are different.

The moment they were out of gravity, they felt a strong sense of weightlessness. Under the interference of weightlessness, they only felt their internal organs tumbling.

The complexion became extremely ugly in an instant. Fortunately, both of them were strengthened, so this feeling only lasted for a moment and then began to fade away.

Cheng Yuan ignored the changes of the two, and the spacecraft continued to increase during the flight, crossing the starry sky, and only came to Hongnong in a short while.

After getting off the spacecraft, Cheng Yuan motioned to the two of them and walked directly to Hongnong's science and technology zone.

Long before he got on the spacecraft, the white sphere had been sent to Hongnong, and it had been cleaned to ensure that no bacteria could threaten Cheng Yuan. (To be continued.)

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