Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 691:

Of course, Cheng Yuan's current thinking is naturally the most ideal result, but in fact this matter is not so easy as he imagined. network

As said before, how could a high-level executive easily hand such a large amount of capital to a private company such as a technology crystallization company?

Even if today's technology crystallization companies have become the world's top companies, the same owners have the ability to influence countries around the world.

But even so, the technology crystallization company is still a private enterprise; if it is a private enterprise, the senior management will never give them funds.

Cheng Yuan groaned for a moment and then said, "If you don't try it first, we don't know if the other party will cooperate with us."

"How to use it, after all, when is this? Is anyone still dare to get some nasty stuff in here?" Guo Xiaolian wrinkled her eyebrows, her face stunned.

Cheng Yuan shrugged: "Who knows."

Seeing this, Guo Xiaolian was a little depressed, and she nodded helplessly: "Well, try it first and see what the reaction is."

Cheng Yuan didn't stop, he said, "Let Zeng help you, he's the best at this kind of thing, it will take less than a few minutes."

Guo Xiaolian did not refuse Cheng Yuan's good intentions, she directly said: "Zero, help me make a new web page, the content is based on this document." She pointed to the holographic window in front of the two of them.

Appeared next to Guo Xiaolian with a smile on his face, and said respectfully, "No problem, please wait a moment."

However, Guo Xiaolian didn't wait long, and three seconds before she finished speaking, the sound of zero sounded again: "The webpage has been completed. This is a webpage preview, you can see it."

Guo Xiaolian was stunned by Zero's unparalleled degree. She went back to God and quickly looked at the webpage created by Zero. The webpage was very simple.

The background color is white, and there are only a few simple frames on it. Above the middle is a gold-lined red title with the source of funds written in it. The blank frame is placed before the title. The frame is very large and almost covers the entire web page.

Below the title, there is a string of black words: the names of the companies or individuals involved in the donation will be recorded in this blank frame. The more donations, the higher the name.

It's like a ranking mechanism.

To the right of the title in red on the gold background is a slightly smaller button with a large word for the soldier to pick it up.

Guo Xiaolian saw this and nodded secretly. However, she did not close the preview webpage in this way, and she touched the button for picking up lightly.

Then she heard a clear, synthetic female voice: "Please stand in front of the webpage for three seconds, and we will scan your personal information to check if you are eligible to receive a lack of motivation."

Guo Xiaolian heard the words, smiled slightly, then stood in front of the webpage, and soon a blue scan line lit up from the webpage and swept across Guo Xiaolian's face.

"Sorry, there is no information in the record that matches you. You are not qualified to take the lead." The synthesized voice said simply.

Upon hearing this, Guo Xiaolian immediately laughed: "Ha ha, it is, now the database is empty, as long as the database is completed, it will be perfect."

Such a very rudimentary webpage, in addition to scanning technology, is very simple, only individuals can make it.

However, this is also in line with Guo Xiaolian's idea. Some things are that the simpler and more direct, the less likely it is for people to find fish in the muddy water.

"Just use this and hang it on the official website." Guo Xiaolian made a decision as soon as she clapped her hands.

"Okay." Zero responded, then disappeared in front of Guo Xiaolian.

After the zero disappeared, Cheng Yuan asked with a smile: "The next supplementary information will require you to contact in person. Another thing is, have you ever thought that some people will let people register with them and get Is it possible to leave after rewarding? "

"You can rest assured. If it was before, maybe there are still such loopholes, but now do you think it is possible?" Guo Xiaolian looked at Cheng Yuan with a smile.

"Well, I'll just talk about it." Cheng Yuan immediately spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders to make an innocent look.

After the joke, Guo Xiaolian didn't stay too much and said, "I'll go back to Sister Zheng first to discuss the details, and don't forget the evening party."

"Relax, I won't forget." Cheng Yuan said quickly, this is just a joke. He hasn't done anything recently, how could he forget.

After Cheng Yuan said she would not forget, Guo Xiaolian left straight, and she took the elevator directly from the top to Zheng Jia's office floor.

"Sister Zheng, I showed Cheng Yuan. He can see the problem of fund delivery at the same time as you. Do we want to test it now? After all, it will start after today." Guo Xiaolian said in a hurry.

"It's not up to us to let this matter. Let's call Mayor Zhao first. If you don't agree to hand over the funds to us, start the monitoring channel you said." Zheng Jia frowned, but soon Return to normal.

For her, this matter does not matter anyway, because as long as they ensure that the interests of the soldiers are not violated, they are successful.

"Okay, sister Zheng." Guo Xiaolian nodded.

Zheng Jia didn't make nonsense either. He took out the phone and directly dialed Zhao Jun's personal phone.

The municipal government, Zhao Jun, is convening a high-level meeting.

The content of the meeting is related to the banquet tonight. After all, the banquet tonight is to ask the entrepreneurs of Anhe for money, so they need to take it seriously.

Of course, they also believe that these companies will give the city government this face. After all, in Huaxia, the overall environment is like this.

So the atmosphere of this meeting was still very relaxed.

Zhao Jun looked at everyone with a smile: "Everyone, the relevant content is almost sorted out, but I don't know what kind of rules will come out of the technology crystallization company."

One wondered: "The technology crystallization company is only responsible for supervision. What rules are needed, aren't we all set the rules?"

As soon as this person spoke, the smile on Zhao Jun's face suddenly stiffened. He looked at the person who spoke. He was almost in his fifties. There were several deep lines on his forehead, his face was a bit wide, and his eyes were slightly black. The skin looked yellowish.

Seeing the other person's appearance, Zhao Jun flashed a disappointment in his look. This man's excessively wine-like appearance almost lost the government's face!

"Director Ma, haven't your public security been too busy lately? It depends on your look." Zhao Jun said gently.

As soon as Director Ma heard it, there was a look of anger in his eyes, especially when he looked at the weird expressions of other people in the conference room.

With a cold snoring, Director Ma replied, "You don't have to worry about Mayor Zhao. There have been more immigrants recently. In addition to the recruitment, the police stations around us are really busy, but they have been resolved. ! "

Many people scoff at excuses like Director Ma, but no one will stand up at this time and say something tit-for-tat.

Although they are clear, many people have done something for that conscription. But there are many people who profit in it, they naturally open one eye and close one eye.

"That's really hard work for Director Ma!" Zhao Jun snorted heavily. "There are already documents on the question of recruiting rewards. Although the technology crystal company is said to be a name of supervision, the real purpose of the above is Ready to let the technology crystallization company take over completely! "

Zhao Jun said, raised his hand, opened a holographic window, and pushed the contents of the file to everyone.

These people did not respond at the beginning. When they saw the content of the file that Zhao Jun took out, many people were dumbfounded!

Nima, what the **** is this and when is this document released!

Looking at the uneasy look of everyone, Zhao Jun smiled coldly, how could he not know what these people did in the conscription.

One is to make a profit from the quota, and the other is to arrange relatives to enter the army, and then join a group of illegal military personnel ~ ~ to place a quota in it. In the end, I wo n’t know if I will go to war , But they will definitely get the copy they deserve!

Just as he was about to continue talking, a crisp ringtone rang, and he had just put on the momentum. Zhao Jun, who was about to soar to these people, suddenly stagnated, and his face suddenly showed an awkward look.

"How to forget to turn off the phone!" Zhao Jun took out the phone with some annoyance. When he saw the incoming call on the phone, the annoyance on his face disappeared instantly, and Say replaced with a very easy-going smile.

Zhao Jun's sudden change of face made some conscientious high-level look very strange, secretly guessing in the heart, who made the call, even Zhao Jun even laughed!

"Zhou, this time you called, did your company plan come out?" Zhao Jun opened the video and talked to Zheng Jia directly in the conference room.

When everyone in the meeting room saw Zheng Jia opposite, they suddenly showed a clear look. In Anhe City, the people who could make Zhao Jun respond with such an attitude really could count them with their hands.

Zheng Jia, a technology crystallization company, is one of them.

"Mayor Zhao, our technology crystal company's plan has been produced. This time, the plan was made by our company, Ms. Guo Xiaolian, you can see it." Zheng Jia smiled at Zhao Jun, and then focused A bit of the name Guo Xiaolian.

Gaining a hint, Zhao Jun's mind was a little surprised. As the mayor of Anhe, how could he not know who Guo Xiaolian was?

Although the position of Vice President of Technology Crystal Co., Ltd. is not Zheng Jiagao, her other status is that no one dares to abuse it.

Cheng Yuan's legal wife!

With such an identity, he did not dare to carelessly and said quickly: "Then, can the plan let us see, as long as it does not violate the principle, our city government has no opinion!"

[Remember the website three five Chinese website]

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